Chapter 52

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Ignited. That's how Colby and Rebecca both felt as they laid on the couch. Colby had ended up with his back pressed against the couch with Rebecca lying on his chest. "Do you think we should go back to the wedding?" Rebecca asked drawing circles on his bicep.

Colby chuckled. "You really want to go back right now?" He asked, moving his hand up and down her back, sending chills across her body.

Rebecca slowly sighed, and for a second, Colby thought she might actually get up. "Not really."

Colby smiled and moved his hand up to her face. He turned it towards him, making her rest her chin on his chest. "I love you, beautiful."

Rebecca smiled, and a blush spread across her cheeks. "I love you, too."

She adjusted herself, and ended up straddling him. She bent down and connected their lips again. Once, twice, then again, and before she knew it, Colby was gripping her butt with both hands, trying to press her even closer. Rebecca moaned against his lips, and Colby almost melted. "God, I could listen to you do that for hours..." He whispered out of breath.

Rebecca smiled, and pressed her lips harder against his. Desperate. "We've got all the time in the world, love."

He chuckled as he slid his tongue in her mouth. He couldn't get her off his mind, and he literally couldn't get her off of him. Not that he was complaining though, because he was far away from complaining. There was nothing to distract them. Just the two of them finally letting lose and not living off the edge for a while.

A big sound, and then...Silence. One second is all it took for them to break apart and go silent. Colby sat up with Rebecca still in his lap, and their heads were tilted towards the door. Another sound...gunshots.

Colby's breath hitched, and he felt Rebecca tense up in his arms. "Colby—" She said gripping his shoulders. "Was that gunshots?!"

Colby nodded and swallowed. "Yeah, yeah it was—."Again. More gunshots went off, and then the screams. The screams...

Our friends are out there. Rebecca thought as she scrambled off of Colby to the floor so that she could put her dress back on. Oh my god, he found us!

Rebecca zipped up her dress and turned around so quick she could've gotten whiplash. "We need to go." Colby said grabbing her hand. They left the bathroom hand in hand, and ran down the hallway.

Keeping a close eye out for someone armed, Colby found his phone in his pocket and called Joseph. "Get down!" Rebecca shouted when a window was shot through somewhere behind them.

The duo got to the floor with heavy breaths, and sat beside of each other in fear. "He's not answering..."

Meanwhile, Joseph was punching one of the shooters repeatedly in the face. When the first gunshot went off, Joseph immediately stood up and ran to the entrance to tackle the guy, and their confrontation ended up breaking out in a fight. Joseph was clearly winning though.

Jonathan and Renee had split up to go after two more guys. Jonathan grabbed a knife from the cake table and was trailing down the halls trying to find his target. He stopped in his tracks though when he saw someone lying on the floor holding their leg. James.

Jonathan swore and dropped the knife. He went over and knelt down in front of him. "You okay, man?"

James swore in pain. "I'm great." He then tried to catch his breath. "Did you see Gem anywhere? I pushed her out of the way and told her to run and hide."

Jonathan shook his head. "Nope. Come on, let's go pal."

He lifted James up and draped his shoulder across his neck. "Who are those guys?" James asked struggling for air.

"No idea. Im gonna kill 'em though." Jonathan said kicking a door down and walking through it.

James laughed a little. "Sure, you are."

Back towards the hallway connecting all the bathrooms, Rebecca squeezed Colby's hand. "I think we need to split up."

"Are you crazy?! Hell no." He said glancing over his shoulder.

Rebecca looked towards the right. "Colby, we need to not only find this guy, but we need to find our crew. And I mean all of them."

Colby turned towards her. "I get that. But there are a ton of guys in here with guns, it's best if we stick together." He then squeezed her hand. "No one is going anywhere by themselves, especially not you."

Rebecca nodded and sighed. "You think it's the stalker right?"

Colby looked back over his shoulder when another gunshot went off. "Yeah, there's no one else it could be."

Rebecca then pointed towards an open door. Colby followed her finger and the two darted through the door. They ended up in the main room where Joseph, Jonathan, Gemma, James, and Renee were all standing. "We can't find Leeds or Alice." Gemma said frantically.

"What about Marie?" Rebecca asked.

Joseph pointed towards the dressing rooms. "She went to find Alice."

"I looked for Leeds, but couldn't find him. I was also carrying James and I needed to get him back here so he wouldn't bleed out." He said pressing his lips together.

A door flew open and Marie ran out with Alice beside of her. "We're okay!"

They joined the others in the middle of the room. They were about to head out the entrance when three of the men stepped in front of them armed. "Run!" Joseph said as they pulled the triggers.

The group ran all different ways. Alice and Marie ended up going out the same way they had just came in. Jonathan and Renee were together, and ended up going behind the reception desk, while Joseph went with James and Gemma to the kitchen area, and of course, Rebecca was with Colby.

As they were moving to get behind a table though, Colby felt Rebecca's hand slip from his, and he heard a scream ripple through him. Rebecca...He thought as he turned around to see his wife on the floor holding her stomach. He started running to her, but was tackled to the ground from behind.

Rebecca laid there holding her stomach, watching as the guy pushed Colby further onto the ground. She was breathing heavily, and losing her vision slowly. She felt herself being lifted off the ground, but she wasn't in her husbands arms. She remembers being carried out of the building and hearing her husband yell her name. She remembers...remembered...but then everything went black.

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