Chapter 30

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Rebecca froze in fear as Elena pressed play to a video Rebecca never wanted to see again. She watched her younger self drag Leighla's body to the square cage that so many lives had been trapped in.

Rebecca shut her eyes as Elena pulled back the phone to pull up an article. "Colby Lopez commits suicide after being told his fiancée and baby daughter die in house fire..." Elena reads off with tears in her eyes.

She pulled back the phone and found something else while Rebecca's heart dropped. This can't be happening...not Elena too. She swallowed back a sob as Elena spoke up again. "Colby Lopez found guilty after the killing of Randal Orton."

"Elena—" Rebecca said but then stopped as a tear fell down her face.

Elena then shook her head. "Is this true...or is someone with AI playing a game with me?"

Rebecca closed her eyes again and ran a hand through her hair. "Did someone send that to you?"

Elena nodded. "All of it. He said I needed to know the truth..." Rebecca then opened her eyes and scoffed. "Tell me this isn't true...tell me I've not been babysitting the child of two psychopaths!" She said raising her voice.

Rebecca stood up and put her hands out. "Elena calm down..."

Elena then stood up. "Don't tell me to calm down!"

Rebecca then started breathing heavily trying not to lose her mind. "Elena who sent you these?"

"I don't know, some creep!" She said with a chuckle. "Is it true?!"

Rebecca put her hands up again. "Elena I need you to calm down, okay?"

Elena then let her tears fall. "Calm down?! Do you know how heartbroken I am? I've spent the last year and a half babysitting Roux...and I'm just now finding out that her parents could be psychos?"

Rebecca shook her head. "Elena—"

"Rebecca shut up! I just want to know the truth." She said with a sob.

Rebecca swallowed another cry, and blinked up at the ceiling. "Me and Colby got into a very dangerous situation, so yes we faked our deaths."

Elena's mouth dropped. "What about the murders? And why did you lock that woman up?"

Rebecca shook her head and swore. "Elena, that girl was-" Then Rebecca got lost for words. "That girl was...unimportant okay? And the murder? Randal broke into our home and tried to murder me. Colby was protecting me and Roux."

Elena just shook her head and wiped at her tears. "Unimportant?! What does that even mean? And why would he try to murder you?"

"He was an old frenemy of Colby's...he got pissed at him and tried to take me away from him." Rebecca said wiping her cheek.

Elena just stood there froze, staring at her. "So its all true...?"

Rebecca nodded ashamed. "'s true."

Elena swallowed and started backing up towards the door. "Elena you can't tell anyone—"

Elena scoffed. "And why wouldn't I? You two are psychopaths!"

Rebecca then teared up again. The stalker wasn't kidding when he said I would be the one to hurt her... "Elena don't make me—"

"Don't make you what? Kill me?!" She said through tears. "I can't believe you would hide this from me!

Rebecca stammered. "I wasn't trying to hide anything, Elena! Me and Colby are trying to move on and live a normal life where Roux can be happy."

Elena gasped. "Live a normal life?! Normal people don't take the lives of others, Rebecca!"

Rebecca's heart was beating out of her chest, and the closer Elena got to the door, the more she panicked. "Elena...please—don't—just come back in here."

Elena stared at her, and Rebecca watched as her tears fell. Before Rebecca knew it, Elena had her hand on the door and swung it open. "Theo, now—"

Rebecca closed the door and pulled Elena back with her arms. Elena twisted and squirmed and tried to get out of Rebecca's grasp. "Let go of me!" She then head butted her, knocking them both to the ground.

From downstairs, Colby and Theo both looked up towards the stairs. What is happening? Colby then turned his body towards a freaked out Theo with furrowed eyebrows. "What's going on...?"

Theo shook his head and held up his hands with a smirk. "We figured out your secret."

To Colby's surprise, Theo tackled him to the floor and tried his best to put him in a chokehold. Colby kicked and punched, then rolled over on top of Theo pressing his knee on the back of his neck. "Theo stop fighting!" Colby said balancing himself.

Theo grunted and tried to move his arms. "And if I don't?! Are you going to kill me like you did to that Randal guy?"

Colby froze in fear. "How do you know about that?"

Theo struggled for breath. "A guy dropped off a big package on Elena's porch full of newspaper articles and videos of the two of you—" He grunted out. "We've been going through it all week, looking at all the screwed up things you've done."

Colby's heart raced as he stared off into the distance. He heard a scream from upstairs and what sounded like glass. "Elena!" Theo grunted out. He then reached up and raked Colby's eyes, pulling him off his neck.
Theo scrambled up, and moved towards the stairs but Colby grabbed his leg, trying to pull him down.

Elena had pushed Rebecca into their bedroom mirror, and was now trying to crawl to the door. Rebecca held her bleeding head then started crawling towards Elena. Elena opened the door and heard Theo yell for her again. She winced as she stood up, and slowly, Rebecca moved over to tackle Elena into the hallway in front of the stairs.

Theo saw the two up in front of him, and tried to pull away from Colby, but he just held on tighter. Elena pinned Rebecca to the ground and Rebecca struggled to get free. "Elena...stop—"

Theo reached his elbow back and tried to hit Colby, but Colby punched his back. He was able to get a better grip on him, and Theo couldn't move.

Elena pressed against Rebecca's chest, but Rebecca reached up and punched her in the face, knocking her back some. Rebecca then pushed her feet up and kicked Elena in the stomach. Elena gasped, and not to her knowledge, tripped on the top stair.

Colby looked up and watched as she started to fall down. He pushed Theo into the railing and moved out of the way, watching as Elena tumbled down, hitting Theo in the process. He grunted from the impact, and a loud thud is all that was heard when the duo finally hit the floor.

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