Chapter 60

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Water slowly started filling the girls cages. The three scrambled off of the floor in attempt to not get wet, but from the looks of it, the water wasn't going to stop anytime soon. How in the freakin world did he get a pipe screwed into this thing?! I tried that YEARS ago...too bad it never worked for me.

"Rebecca!" Ashley said cutting her thoughts off. "What do we do?!"

Rebecca shook her head and placed a hand to her previous wound. I'm going to rip a stitch if I move too much...but if I don't move at all, I drown. "Just...try to stop the water!" She yelled out.

Pamela grabbed their blanket and started stuffing the hole, but to no one's surprise, it didn't hold it. "Not working, Rebecca!"

The more Rebecca scrambled to stop the water, the faster it seemed to flood. She backed up in a corner once it got right below her knees, and panic began to take over.

   .              .                .              .             .                .           .

Colby lost patience and threw the first punch at Finn, knocking him to the ground. Joseph and Jonathan took on two guys, and James went after a few more. Gemma somehow escaped between the group of men and started rushing towards the building the girls were in.

She stopped at the big door when she realized there was a keypad. "Bloody hell." She murmured. Three men caught up to her though, and cornered her. She kicked one of them, sending him back, but the other two were too much for her.

Joseph saw her getting carried by the men and came over with a hammer. Glad we brought the weapons...he thought as he smashed one of their heads in, knocking them to the ground dead.

He turned around to see Jonathan tackling one of the dudes down, and he took that chance to try and find the keycard. "Look for the card, Gemma. We'll handle them." She nodded and pushed her hair out of her face, and scurried away to try to find the card.

James had taken one guy down, but another one hit him in the leg, making him wince and crash down. He grabbed his leg and attempted to get back up, but the man kicked him in the lower back. He took a breath though, and turned over to kick his feet out from underneath him, causing the man to crash down on the ground beside of him. And to gain control, James rolled over on top of him and pressed down on his neck.

They heard screams coming from the inside, and remembered the water flooding their cages. "Guys! We need to hurry!" Jonathan said kicking another guy down.

Gemma huffed. "I'm trying! I can't find the card anywhere."

Jonathan sighed as he turned around to fight another guy, and in the corner of his eye he saw Colby punching down Finn.

Colby then rolled him over and grabbed the card from Finn's back pocket, tossing it over to Gemma. "Grab one of them hammers and try to break them out. I'll be in there to help in a second."

Gemma nodded but as she turned around to go inside, one of the men shoved a knife in her side. She screamed out in pain, and fell down to the ground holding her side.

Grabbing his pocket knife, Jonathan ran over and stabbed the man in the neck. He grinned as he watched the man fall down dead before turning his attention to Gemma. "Gemma, you okay?" He said.

She slowly nodded, and handed him the card. "Go."

Jonathan grabbed the card, and handed her his bandana in return, so she could place it on her wound.
He heard banging coming from inside, and snapped back to reality. He ran over to the door and tapped the keycard against it.

Opening it up he saw Pamela and Ashley banging against the walls trying to get it to break, and Rebeccas standing in water almost at her neck. "Jon!" Rebecca said happily. "Get them out first, then you can get me."

Jonathan hesitated. You're the reason we're here! When she gave him a look though, he sighed. "Jonathan we're running out of time, figure out how to get them out!"

He darted towards their cage with his hammer, but fiber glass was a lot harder to break than he thought.
He took another swing, but with the water nearly to the top, the glass was filled with pressure. "Jon hurry!" Rebecca yelled as the water now reached the side of her head.

She swam up to the top to give her more breathing room, and swallowed her fear. She watched as Jonathan took three more swings at the cage before it finally broke. Water spilled out everywhere, Pamela and Ashley spilled out as well, and crashed into Jonathan, knocking him to the floor.

Joseph came in a few seconds later, and helped the girls up. "Are you okay? Are you all hurt?"

Ashley shook her head. "We'll be okay."

He nodded, and motioned towards the back of the room. "Stay back there until we can get out of here."

The girls ran to the back fearfully, and watched as Joseph went up to Rebecca's filled cage. "Hang on!" He said grabbing the hammer Jonathan previously used.  Joseph took a swing, and watched as it bounced off the cage. He then took another, and this time it seemed to crack some, but not enough.

Rebecca watched him fail, but she had no room left to swim up and take a breath. She closed her eyes, and held on for as long as she could.

Colby came in dragging an unconscious Finn, and once he finally found a gun, he used it to shoot his next victim between the eyes. Blood splattered everywhere, making Ashley and Pamela cringe at the sight.

Colby threw the gun down and turned his attention towards Rebecca's cage. Oh my god. He quickly grabbed another hammer and ran towards her cage with full force. Him and Joseph each swung four more times before the cage finally broke.

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