Chapter 42

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Rebecca's heart raced as she clung to her husband. His and Joseph's voices were muffled and all she could hear was her ears ringing. She was almost pushed off a three story building. He made a deal with her, but why? Why do I need to split from my husband? Why is he forcing our family apart? Why didn't he just kill me? WHY?!

"Rebecca..." Colby said grabbing her face. "Are you alright, love?"

Rebecca swallowed and nodded. She wiped her cheeks. "I think so."

She felt someone touching her foot, and looked over to see Joseph wrapping a bandana around it. "Can you walk back to the car?"

"She doesn't have to." Colby said lifting her off her feet. "I've got her."

And the next thing she knew she was staring out the car window, with a millions things running through her mind. Joseph was driving, and of course Jonathan was in the passenger seat. Renee, Colby, and Rebecca were crammed in the back. The car ride was silent. All the group wanted to do was go home and go to bed.

What if I don't break things off tonight? He's threatened our baby...I can't let him hurt her. Where would I go? When do I do it? What do I do?!

Rebecca froze when she felt a hand grip her thigh. She looked down to see Colby's hand, and when she looked at his face she saw a worried expression. She saw him swallow. "Are you okay?" He whispered out, and it sounded like he was almost crying.

Rebecca closed her eyes and adjusted herself so she could rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm okay." She said moving her hand down on top of his. "Did you three find anything?"

He just shook his head. "Garbage, and that's it." He then blinked his tears away. "Why didn't you call me? You promised." He whispered slowly.

Rebecca swallowed. "I tried to, but then he had me in a chokehold against the wall. Renee tried to help but he knocked her out..." She said with a whisper. She kissed his arm then sighed. "I'll be okay."

Colby moved his other arm and gently rubbed her back. He rested his chin on top of her head and closed his eyes.

Joseph looked in the rear-view mirror and saw the two. He then looked towards Renee who had the side of her head against the window, holding the back of her head. Joseph chewed on his lip when he looked over at Jonathan, who was trying to get Renee's blood off his hands. Joseph swallowed and looked straight ahead, and wondered deep down if this plan was really worth the risk.

. . . . . .

Once they were home, Renee and Rebecca went to take showers, while Colby went to get Roux and bring her home. When Rebecca was out of the shower, Colby immediately came and checked on her. He examined her bruises, then grabbed ice to put on her foot. She was currently sitting on the bed with him in front of her, holding the ice pack to her foot.

Colby gently moved her hand away and placed the ice pack on there, and with the other arm, he ran his hand up and down her leg. The two just sat in silence, because to many thoughts we're going through Rebecca's mind.

Colby noticed how uneasy she felt. "Love, are you okay?"

Rebecca batted her eyelashes. "I said I was fine. You don't have to keep asking."

Colby nodded. "Im sorry."

Rebecca then shook her head and stood up, wincing when she stepped down on her foot. "Rebecca—"

"Im fine, Colby." She said when he stood up to catch her. "Im fine. Im just really tired..."

Colby turned down their sheets. "Here, lay down."

Rebecca then let her emotions get the best of her. "I don't want to." She said with tears in her eyes.

Colby froze, because he didn't know what to do. "Do you need me to grab you anything else?"

Rebecca sighed. "I'm fine." She then walked over to a pile of laundry sitting in the corner of their bedroom and started folding some clothes.

Colby came up beside her and started helping, but after he folded one towel, she grabbed one and threw it across the room. "Hey, Rebecca. What was that for?"

She then wiped her tears and stared at the ground. "If you're mad about me not coming sooner, I swear I ran as fast as I could. We had no clue until we heard the church bell and you scream. Im really sorry."

Rebecca then shook her head and cried even more. "Im not mad at you, Colby. Im just pissed."

He then walked closer to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. "Baby, everything's going to be okay. We'll find this guy and finally take him down."

Rebecca though, gave Colby a squeeze and stood back out of his grasp. " we're not." She said in a whisper, and tears streaming down her face.

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