Chapter 55

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The ride home back to Colby and Rebecca's house was the most tense car ride any of them had been in. Leeds had sent Colby the photos of the license plate he took, and Colby was determined to do anything to get Rebecca back. They needed to come up with a plan, and this time, they had extra pairs of hands.

Which actually surprised him the most. After finding out their close friends murdered people behind the scenes, Colby was sure the two would dip, but they stayed, and are willing to help him find his wife.

They stayed behind though, that way they could give a statement to the cops on their wedding being blown up. Colby promised to text Gemma back if they found anything though.

"Do you remember seeing which ones grabbed her?" Jonathan asked from the back seat.

Joseph rolled his eyes. "Jon, they were all dressed in black from head to toe...unless he's Superman, he can't see their faces."

Jonathan blinked. "I was just wondering, man. Sometimes you guys make me feel like an idiot."

Renee chuckled. "Maybe because you are?"

"Enough." Colby said with a sigh. "We don't have time for this. I've got a daughter to get home too, and my wife to find, so I'd appreciate it if everyone could keep the jokes aside."

Renee fell quiet and just stared out the window. Joseph pressed his lips together and continued driving. "We're just trying to pass some time, Lopez. We know she's missing, and we want to find her just as much as you do, okay?"

Colby closed his eyes and rested his head back on the seat, and tried not punch anything—or anyone. Where could they of taken her? What are they planning on doing to her?!

He swallowed his emotions, and thought about Roux. He couldn't wait to get home and hug her, but he hated the fact she wouldn't have her mother around. What am I supposed to tell her? She's having a sleepover?

Next thing he knew, they were pulling into their driveway. To keep Colby calm, Joseph made them stay in the car while he went and paid Madelyn. Once he got her back to her house, they all went inside to a sleeping Roux.

She was sprawled out on the couch with her thumb in her mouth, and Colby couldn't help but to rub his hand through her curls softly. He bent down and kissed her cheek, and used this moment to walk into their office and close the door.

Joseph, Jonathan, and Renee all knew to keep their distance, so they went into two different bathrooms to get ready for bed. Meanwhile, Colby sat down in the office chair and turned on the computer. He pulled out his phone as he waited for the computer to turn on, and got the pictures that Leeds had taken of the vehicle. Thank you, Leeds.

Once the computer was on he typed in the license plate number and waited for the location to be found. Colby rolled his eyes though when the location wasn't found. He tried it again, and still nothing. He tried not to let his frustration get to him, but he couldn't help it.

This went on for two days. Nothing but Colby checking and checking again for an update. He was starting to think Leeds set him up, and the number wasn't even real. Rebecca could be across the world by now, and he doesn't have a clue.

And to top things off, Roux hadn't been adjusting very well to her mother being gone. She missed her dearly, and she hadn't left Colby's side. In the middle of the night, she would escape her bed and go into her parents room so she could sleep with her dad. Although Colby hadn't slept, he enjoyed the company—especially coming from his little girl.

It was now Wednesday, four days since Rebecca had been taken. Colby had been in the office all day, putting in the same plate number and getting the same result—no location found.

He ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes, letting a tear fall. His thoughts were interrupted when someone opened the door, making Colby look up. "Daddy?" Roux said peeking her head in. "Can we play?" She said, walking further into the room.

Colby wiped his face, and smiled once she reached the desk. "Hey, baby." He said setting her on his lap. "Sorry, Daddy's been working,"

Roux rested her head on his chest. "Have you talked to mommy?"

Colby shook his head and kissed the top of her head. "Not yet, baby. I'm still trying. She's probably just really busy."

Roux looked up at him. "Nee fixed food. Are you hungry?"

Colby smiled. She had so much of Rebecca in her, and it was showing more and more everyday. "I promise, once I'm done, I will eat and then we'll play okay?"

Roux smiled. "Okay!" She then wrapped her arms around his neck, making him hug her even closer. "I love you daddy."

Colby kissed her cheek multiple times and tickled her belly at the same time, making her giggle. "I love you more, Roux bear."

The computer made a buzzing sound, making Colby turn to it confused. "What was that?" Roux asked innocently.

Colby clicked on the notification, and watched as it brought him to the map. Oh my god. A red flag popped up, with directions to a spot. His heart started racing as he clicked on it. "Oh my god..."

Roux looked up at him. "Is that good or bad?"

Colby smiled and kissed her cheek. "It's good, baby." He then swallowed his tears. "It's real good."

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