Chapter 37

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Rebecca was restless all night long. She couldn't stop thinking about seeing their best friends again. They agreed on not keeping in touch with one another after they faked their deaths, so she had missed them dearly.

She also couldn't wait to see how Roux would react around them. She was little when they ended up leaving America, so it had been three years since Jonathan, Joseph, and Renee had seen her.

Most importantly, in a city full of millions of people and only knowing a few of them, the duo would finally have people who they knew they could trust. They were by each others side every second in New York, and now, they would be by each others side in Paris.

When the sun finally came up, Colby and Rebecca left the house to go to the airport. They would be meeting them whenever their plane landed, and just in case it landed early, they wanted to be there early.

Rebecca had called Gemma the night before—literally right before putting Roux to bed—and asked her to babysit while they were gone. Of course, Gemma obliged, so to say she was excited was an understatement.

When Colby and Rebecca arrived at the airport, they went to a nearby waiting area and took a seat. They watched people pass by and board planes for hours, and when Rebecca started yawning, Colby adjusted himself to let his wife lay on him.

He ended up falling asleep too, before Gemma called Rebecca's phone, which scared them half to death. Rebecca answered in a rush. "Hey, everything okay?"

Gemma shuffled the phone from one hand to the other. "Oh yes, everything's fine! I just had a quick question. Does your little pet normally go outside with Roux? I was about to take her outside to swing and it wanted to follow." She said with a laugh.

Rebecca sighed and looked up at Colby who was worried for nothing. She shook her head. "Yeah he normally goes. Just keep an eye on them both."

"Alright great! I just didn't want to bring him out there if he wasn't allowed to. Alright, I'll let you go. Thanks Rebecca!" She said with a laugh that made Rebecca cringe.

"Alright bye Gem." Rebecca then laughed at a confused Colby. "Roux's fine."

Colby let a breath out. "Thank god. What did Gemma need?"

Rebecca let out a small laugh. "She was asking about Kevin."

Colby shook his head. "I thought she was calling about burning our house down..."

Rebecca then gave him a glare before laughing. "She's not that bad!"

Colby cocked his head. "She's only got a few brain cells...and we both know that."

Rebecca rubbed her eyes and shook her head with a smile. "She was offering to help, babe."

Colby shrugged. "I know...but like I said, she's just a little dingy."

Rebecca shook her head again and sighed. "How much longer do you think it'll be?"

Colby leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. "Hopefully not to much longer. He said they were hoping to land soon."

Rebecca then grabbed onto his shoulder hard, making Colby wince. "They're here!!" Rebecca said excitedly, pointing towards Joseph— who was carrying all of their bags—who was walking out towards the waiting area. "Colby they're here!"

Colby nodded and grabbed her hand gently to remove it off of him. "I see that, honey."

Rebecca jumped up and ran towards them, wrapping her arms around a beaming Renee. "Becks!! I've missed you so much!" Renee said squeezing her.

Rebecca closed her eyes and held on tight. "Believe me, I've missed you more."

Colby smiled when Joseph walked up beside of him. "Hey, man."

Joseph laid down the bags and wrapped his arms around Colby. "I've missed you dude."

Colby laughed and patted him on the back. "We've missed you too."

When Rebecca and Renee finally let go of each other, Jonathan swept Rebecca up into a hug. "Hey, Red!"

Rebecca laughed as he spun her around. When he sat her back on her feet, he ruffled her hair. "Are you French now or still Irish?"

Rebecca pressed her lips together. "You tell me."

Joseph and Colby then walked over to join them. "Come here." Joseph said pulling Rebecca in for an embrace. He kissed her cheek as he pulled back. "I knew you would call us eventually. I can't imagine what you've been through..." He said with a shake of his head. He then laughed. "I'm talking about him." He said pointing at Colby.

Rebecca laughed when Colby pushed Joseph's hand away. "Yeah, he's been causing some trouble." She added with a smirk.

Jonathan slapped Colby on the back. "Hope you all have some food..." He said shaking Colby's shoulder. "Flying from America to France is a long way."

Rebecca smiled. "Yeah we do." She then pointed towards their bags. "Colby, help Joseph carry them to the car. That way we can get home." She said making Colby sigh.

Renee clapped her hands in excitement as Jonathan wrapped his arm around her. "I can't wait to see Roux!"

Rebecca smiled. "She's a handful..."

Colby and Joseph stayed behind while the other two followed Rebecca to their car. "So what exactly are we dealing with?" Joseph asked concerned. "You sounded pretty worried on the phone."

Colby glanced at his wife. "I'll explain at the house. I didn't know who else to call, so thank you for coming all this way."

Joseph smiled. "Of course, man. You two are like family. A family that not only I want to help, but one that I've missed."

Colby smiled and picked up a few of their bags. "It means a lot." They then went outside where the others stood. "You all ready?"

Renee nodded eagerly while Jonathan fist bumped Rebecca. "Yep." Jonathan said with a smirk. "Now let's go get into trouble."

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