Chapter 18

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Colby knew he shouldn't have killed Adam, and furthermore he knew he shouldn't have procrastinated on telling his wife. It was a stupid decision. One that he regretted every minute.

After the argument, he apologized over and over again to his wife about how sorry he was. Rebecca knew she had made mistakes before—more specifically doing the same thing over Amanda—so of course, she forgave him.

The duo changed into their pajamas and laid down in the bed. Colby just scrolled through his phone while Rebecca laid back to try and go to sleep. He turned his head over when he hadn't felt her move in a while, and leaned over and rested his hand on her arm. He kissed her cheek softly, and whispered "I love you," before turning off the lights and going to sleep.

The next day when Colby awoke, he didn't feel Rebecca in the bed beside of him, so he knew she was already up and ready—which meant Roux probably was too.

He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and got out of bed. Heading to the connected bathroom, he grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. Once he was done he pulled his hair back into a man bun, and walked down the stairs.

As soon as his foot hit the bottom step, he looked up and saw Roux playing with Kevin on the couch, and in the kitchen, Rebecca was putting the last bit of candy in Leeds gift basket. "Morning daddy!" Roux cheered from the couch.

Colby smiled and walked over to her ruffling her hair. "Morning baby." He said before kissing her cheek.

He then walked into the kitchen. "Hey." He didn't know if he was going to be given the silent treatment or not, so instead of starting up a conversation, he kept it short.

Rebecca smiled though, making Colby relax. "Hi honey." She said as she tied a bow. "Do you like?"

Relief washed over him as he heard her talk to him. Guess she's not too mad. "I love it!" Colby said with a smile. He then walked around the counter and kissed her forehead. "You did amazing, he'll like it."

Rebecca smiled and sighed. "I hope so. I feel bad that Rachel died because of us..."

Colby took a deep breath. "I do too. Our stupid stalker is gonna take us down one by one I guess."

Rebecca chewed her jaw. "I hope not...our friend group don't deserve to die because of our past."

Roux then walked into the kitchen. "Gift for me?!" She asked excitedly.

Rebecca laughed. "No sweetheart. Do you remember our friend Rachel who passed away?" When Roux nodded she continued. "Me and dada are going to take it to her husband."

Roux nodded and put her pacifier back in her mouth. Colby chuckled and watched as she walked off. "We need to start leaning her off of that thing."

Rebecca pressed her lips together. "I've tried. She's too sassy." She then turned around to pick the gift basket up. "She takes that after you..."

. . . . .

"Leeds can you please just let us in?" Gemma asked. Rebecca and Colby had met up with everyone around six, and they were currently standing on his front porch.

James sighed and knocked on the door again. "We're your friends, man. We just want to check up on you."

Alice rolled her eyes and shook her head. "He's not gonna answer. Everyone thinks he killed his wife why would he want us in there?"

"Because we've been friends for years now." Theo said walking towards the door. "He should know we're not going to turn him in."

Marie sighed and looked at Alice. "Just give him a few minutes..." Marie suggested as she crossed her arms. "He may have been busy."

Colby rubbed his thumb over his wife's waist, as he stood there with his arm wrapped around her. He knew how bad the media was treating Leeds, so he didn't blame him for not wanting to see anyone. Him and Rachel were two of the most famous people in town, and now she's mysteriously dead, which means people want to put the blame on him.

Gemma sighed and placed her gift down in front of the door. "We love you Leeds...." She then started walking off the porch. "Let's just go...he's not gonna—"

When the door finally opened, Gemma shut up, and everyone on the porch looked towards Leeds. "Never mind. Can we come in?" Gemma asked as she walked back over to pick up his gift. He put on a small smile and motioned for everyone to come in.

Once everyone was in, he closed the door behind him, and Gemma immediately pulled him in for a hug. "Leeds we're so sorry."

Leeds swallowed and wrapped his arms around her back. "I am too..." He whispered, but loud enough Rebecca and Colby were able to hear. He pulled back a moment later, "Thank you all for the gifts. You didn't have to do that."

Alice shook her head. "Yes we did Leeds. You're our friend."

Leeds smiled at her before looking around the room. His eyes stopped on Colby and Rebecca. "Thank you...for coming. I know we've only known each other for a week, but it means a lot."

Rebecca nodded. "Of course. We're terribly sorry, Leeds."

Colby spoke up as well. "Yeah, I can't imagine what you've been through man."

Leeds pressed his lips together. "It's one thing to lose someone you love, but having the media try and blame you for it is another. I loved her more than anything...I would have never done that."

The group fell silent and watched as Leeds tried not to break down. They couldn't imagine losing someone they loved, especially someone as close as Rachel was, and having the media try to get him arrested for it was just the topping on the cake. Sure, Leeds made himself suspicious when he didn't show up for her funeral, but could anyone blame him? He lost the love of his life to Colby and Rebecca's stalker... and if they weren't careful, they could end up in the situation as Leeds.

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