Chapter 20

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The car finally stopped, landing on the passengers side, and the only thing that could be seen around them was fire from the blown up car. Colby opened his eyes, and his hand immediately went to the downpour of blood coming from his head. He was breathing heavily, and when he slowly looked over, he saw Rebecca was too. "Becks...are you okay?"

Rebecca was visibly shaking, and she sobbed out a painful scream. Colby winced, and helped himself up with the console. "Hang on baby, I'll get you." He whispered out shakily.

He was in pain. Terrible pain, and he could barely see from the smoke. But seeing his wife in pain gave him an adrenaline boost he didn't know he had. He winced and groaned as he pushed himself out of the car. Once he was standing on the ground, he bent over and coughed up blood. He then took a deep breath and tore off the dismantled car door. "Rebecca, can you move?"

Rebecca sobbed and raised her head to look down at her legs. "I don't know." She sobbed again, wincing as she wiped her head.

Colby took off his jacket and leaned down into the car. "Becks, listen to me. I need you to reach over and unbuckle yourself okay? I'm going to reach down and grab you, and when I do, I want you to wrap your other arm around my neck while I'm pulling you up. Can you do that honey?"

Rebecca slowly nodded and closed her eyes to stop her tears. When she opened them up she reach a hand up and over to unbuckle herself, before reaching out to her husband with her left hand.

Colby reached down and pulled her up, and she started to move her arm up to wrap around his neck, but she struggled. "Honey I know you're hurt, but I can't carry you out without your help, I'm hurt too remember?"

Rebecca swallowed and moved her arm up around his neck, grunting from the pain in the process. "I've got you, you're okay." Colby whispered as he helped her to the ground.

Colby sat down as well and held her in his lap. Rebecca then looked at him, and wrapped both of her arms around his neck, ignoring to shooting pain going through her right arm. "Are you okay?" She asked as he moved his arms around her, cradling her head with one hand and holding her up with the other.

He buried his face into her neck, "I'll be okay if you're okay."

Rebecca let out a small laugh, but then coughed. "There's fire everywhere."

Colby rubbed her head. "I need to get my phone to call someone...."

Rebecca leaned back and fumbled through her pocket. "Here use mine. It might be shattered but, your phone went flying through the window."

Colby pressed his bloody fingers onto the phone and called 911. When they answered he told them their location, and was told help would be there in ten minutes.

Rebecca was still in his lap, trying to catch her breath. Colby turned off the phone, and winced when Rebecca reached up to touch the wounds on his head. "That's gonna leave a scar."

Colby chuckled and brought her hand down, kissing it gently. "I'll be okay. You're not bleeding are you?"

Rebecca slowly shook her head. "No, it's just my arm. I'm pretty sure it's broke since I landed so hard."

Colby shook his head, and Rebecca could see tears forming in his eyes. "Im so sorry. If I would have known the car was going to blow up, I never would have had you in there."

Rebecca shook her head and cupped his cheeks. "Colby, you had no idea. I don't blame you, I blame the freak who done this."

"You could have died..." He whispered closing his eyes.

"Hey..." Rebecca said rubbing her thumb across his cheek. She then leaned up and pressed her lips to his. "You could have too. But we didn't. We're both alive, and help is on the way. We'll be okay."

Colby smiled and kissed her again. He then swallowed and glanced around them. "I hope I can find my phone. Im gonna trace that number back and see where it comes from."

Rebecca moved up with her left elbow. "That's a good idea." She then closed her eyes. "He nearly killed us..."

Colby chuckled. "I hope he's happy with himself, because if I ever catch him, i'm putting a bullet in his forehead."

Rebecca moved her left arm and took his hand in hers. "We both will..." He looked at her with a small smile. "We need to kill him Colby."

Colby nodded and rubbed her swollen hand. "Are you sure? We made a promise."

"And we also promised to protect each other. To protect our family." Rebecca said. "So let's do what we know best and get rid of him."

"You can try." They heard that voice again, coming from a distance. Colby looked around, and saw a man dressed in all black—basically looking like a shadow—standing in the nearby smoke. "I told you, I'm here to make you pay for what you've done."

Rebecca squinted her eyes, trying to see who it could be, but with all the smoke, and the night sky above, it was impossible. They heard police sirens in the distance, and the man slowly started backing away.

Colby turned towards his wife and helped her up cradling her to his chest. "Can you walk?"

Rebecca wrapped her left arm around him. "I think knee hurts, but I can manage."

When the police and ambulance finally arrived, Colby stumbled a few steps forwards and met the stretcher that they had. The woman helped Colby lift Rebecca up on it, then another one came that he got on. "My name is Officer Madison. You and your wife are being transported to a local hospital." She said before giving him a small smile. "You're both going to be okay."

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