Chapter 56

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Rebecca never thought she would be in a cage. She never thought she would be back in America again—she never thought she would be in New York again. And she never thought she would see two of her best friends again—but here they were...finally awake...and staring right at her.

Her breath caught in her throat as tears slipped from their eyes. "Becks?" Pamela whispered.

The man chuckled and smiled at the scene in front of him. "Is this—are you messing with us?" Ashley asked fearfully.

Rebecca swallowed and finally spoke. "Ash..."

The girls shook their head as more tears fell. Pamela removed her hands from the glass and sat back, while Ashley just froze. "I know this is absolutely insane, but—yes, I'm alive—" Rebecca stammered.

"How?" Ashley said in disbelief. "You were in the house when it burnt are dead! Or—supposed to be dead anyway..."

Rebecca let her emotions get to her, and a few tears slid from her eyes. "Im so sorry, guys. I wanted to tell you, but we just had to leave. We had to get out of this fuc—"

"Had to leave?" Pamela said confused. "Rebecca, you had everything here. You had us, you had your bakery, you had Colby, and your baby—" She then swallowed a sob. "Roux, right?"

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah..." She then wiped her eyes. "And I know, I had everything here, but after Colby went to prison everything just went to hell and we had to get away."

Ashley looked at Pamela and shook her head, just as confused as she was. "So, instead of just bailing him out, you burn your house down, with you and your daughter inside, and make everyone believe you died?!" She said in a sob. "Becks, what is wrong with you?!"

The man clapped his hands as he watched the scene unfold. "Girls, Rebecca has been through a lot these past few years. Give her some slack." He then stood up. "See, not only was Rebecca a baker, but she—and Colby—had another job they did for fun."

He glanced at Rebecca who pressed her lips together and stared down at the floor. "Ain't that right, Rebecca?" When she didn't answer, he chuckled. "She's not going to spill the beans though, so I guess I will."

"Rebecca and Colby are murderers. And I mean, murderers. Remember Manny?" He asked Ashley. "Yeah, Rebecca saw him with another girl one night and killed him for it."

Ashley put a hand over her mouth and started breathing heavily. "And you both remember Mercedes, don't you?" He continued. "Colby was the one to cause the crash. She had pictures of Rebecca in the nude, and Colby had to do the right thing and kill her."

The man sighed, and Rebecca could see his body language change once he talked about her. "Anyways, the two went on and killed multiple others, including Amanda. Actually, Rebecca was the one to kill her, but Colby took the blame for it and went to prison. Which then led to them faking their deaths and running away to France together."

Pamela and Ashley were lost for words, and Rebecca wanted nothing more than to rip the man's heart out. "So, Colby's alive too? And Roux?" Pamela asked with tears streaming down her face.

Rebecca simply nodded and wiped another tear away. "Yeah..." She said ashamed. "I know this is all crazy, but I never intended for any of this to happen." Rebecca added shaking her head. "We just wanted to escape and live a normal life together without worrying about who was trying to kill us."

Ashley looked up at her with disgust. "How could you be that psychotic, Rebecca? We've been friends for over a decade, and you didn't think to confess what you had been doing behind the scenes?!"

More tears fell from Rebecca's face. Oh god, how on earth did any of this happen?! "God, Rebecca!" Ashley said again. "We've been miserable for years! Devastated because we thought we lost you, and turns out you've been living a total new life in France..."

"Like I said, I'm so sorry. For everything." Rebecca said with a shake of her head. "I killed Manny because I was trying to protect you, Ash. He was in a bad gang, and had killed others too—I was just doing what I needed to do..." She then swallowed. "And the others I've killed? Trust me, they did something stupid to piss me off, so they kind of deserved it."

Rebecca then sniffed. "But that being said, if there's anything that these past few years have taught me, it's that taking peoples lives for the bad things they've done isn't always the answer. I really do regret everything, and you girls have no idea how much I wanted to just come back and see you. And to fix things were we could just be normal."

Ashley swallowed and glanced at Pamela, who coughed. "And I know I don't deserve it, but you two have to trust me, okay? This guy has been trying to kill us for months now and—"

"And if you know what's best for you, you're going to zip your hot-headed lips." He said coming up to her cage angry.

Rebecca stayed quite. Pamela furrowed her eyebrows confused. "Wait, if you and Colby moved to France, where is he now?" Then Pamela blinked, and looked up at the man. "And why are you trying to kill them? And why do you have us locked up in cages like wild animals?!"

The man took a step forward. "Because, ladies—" He then grabbed his mask and pulled it off, making all three of them gasp. "I want the whole gang back together to watch when Colby takes his last breath."

Rebecca shook her head in disbelief. If things couldn't get any crazier, the man behind it all was someone who had known her like a book. Someone who she grew up with. Someone who she once loved. "Finn..."

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