Chapter 39

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After a few minutes of Roux talking with the crew, Rebecca brought her upstairs to her bedroom so that she could read her a story and go to sleep. She didn't want Roux around when they were talking about their stalker—even though she wouldn't understand anything anyway.

While she was up there, Colby and the others gathered around their living room. "So, before we get into things," Joseph said looking around their living room. "How's it going with everything else?"

Colby nodded and rested his elbows on his knees. "It's been good. Besides our stalker, and the two we have locked up, it's been decent. I work at a library right across from Becks bakery, and we're able to spend as much time as we need with Roux."

Joseph nodded with a smile. "That's good man. Family is all that matters." He then swallowed. "Im glad you're happy man. After the chaos that happened in New York, you and Becks deserve to be happy."

Colby smiled when Joseph nudged his arm. Renee and Jonathan both grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge, and sat down on the couch across from Joseph and Colby. The four just sat there watching tv and chatting waiting for Rebecca to come back downstairs.

When she did, she had her phone in her hand. "Sorry, Roux wanted two stories tonight."

Joseph smiled as she sat down next to Colby. "You're fine, Becks. Do you guys have to read her a story every night?"

Colby nodded. "Yep...she won't sleep without one."

Renee awed. "That's cute. She's such a sweetheart."

Rebecca smiled when Colby placed his hand on her knee. "She is..." He said with a whisper. He didn't know how to start the conversation out, so he just jumped right in."Uhm, me and Becks have a stalker. We don't know who it is, but he's planning to kill us." The others looked at each other before looking back towards Colby. "He started out messaging us and placing articles and pictures of us in our home, but just a couple of weeks ago, he hijacked my car and nearly killed us in a crash.

"He also killed one of our friends wife at a dinner party." Colby continued. "He's not going to stop until we are dead..."

Jonathan scoffed. "Nah, he'll stop when I shoot him in the freaking face."

Rebecca swallowed. "Colby here, traced one of his packages down that he sent. We found out that he sent it from a church about 10 miles from here."

Joseph slowly nodded as he took everything in. "Did you find anything else?"

Colby shrugged. "That's all I found last night."

Renee then put her pizza plate down on their coffee table. "Show us."

The group followed Rebecca and Colby into their office. Colby sat down in the chair and turned on the computer while Rebecca grabbed a nearby map to set beside of him. "Okay, I tracked down the address to the packages and they all came from this spot right here." He said pointing towards the map.

Joseph then pointed to another spot on the computer. "Dude, one of the address leads to this spot." He said pointing to a place so close to the church, Colby overlooked it.

"Yeah, you're right." Colby said zooming in. "One is the church and this one looks like it's coming from a barn..." Colby then looked back towards the others. "If we time it right, we can hit both spots in the same night."

Rebecca then crossed her arms. "Or...we can split up and hit both spots at the same time." When Jonathan smirked at her she continued. "If we hit one spot before the other, that could give him time to move to the other one without us knowing. If we hit them at the same time, he won't have a chance to escape."

Joseph then backed her up. "And if he does escape, we can be there to catch him."

Renee nodded. " and Becks can check the church out while you guys check the barn. If we happen to run into him, we can contact each other and move towards him before he gets away."

Jonathan then cleared his throat. "What's gonna happen if he has back up?"

"He won't have backup because he doesn't know we have backup. Rebecca stated. "He's been attacking me and Colby for months now. He knows he can take the two of us, but with you three, we can finally put him down."

Jonathan smiled. "I like this plan. I've missed this..."

Renee nodded. "I like it too!"

Joseph nodded as well, then glanced down at Colby. "What do you think, Lopez?"

Colby glanced up at Joseph and sighed before looking towards Rebecca. "Are you able to do this?"

Rebecca touched her arm. "Yeah, it's getting better."

Colby nodded. "Cause I don't want you to get hurt..."

Renee smiled. "Don't worry, I've got her."

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows. "What did you do to your arm anyways?"

Joseph rolled his eyes and punched his arm slightly. "It's from the crash."

"Ohhh, that makes sense." He said crossing his arms.

Colby slowly nodded as he stood up. "Alright, everyone on board?" The group nodded. "Tomorrow night we'll head out. Renee and Rebecca will go to the church to see if they can find anything. Us boys will go to the barn to see what he has set up there."

Joseph cleared his throat. "Once we find out what he has, we will set up a trap."

Jonathan smirked. "Then we can finally kill him."

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