Chapter 50

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A week. A week of planning. A week of planning and trying to find a way to get their stalker to the wedding. Nothing. Nothing was working. No matter how much Joseph tried to lore him in, he saw right through their trap.

It was wedding day, and they were running out of time. Rebecca stayed in the back with Gemma, Alice, and Marie, while Colby was in the other room with James and Leeds. Joseph, Jonathan, and Renee had already taken their seats—although the wedding doesn't start for another thirty minutes.

Marie was pacing back and forth anxiously. "He's not picking up, Gem." She said tapping her phone angrily. "I texted him Monday and he said he would try to make it, but he's clearly not here."

Actually I texted you Monday...but you don't need to know that. Rebecca cleared her throat. "Where did he say he was?"

Marie sighed annoyingly. "In Jamaica. Apparently that's where his girlfriend wanted to go, so."

Gemma waved her hand. "Marie, calm down. I know that I would typically be going crazy right now, but there's tons of people out there...We'll be okay if he doesn't show."

Marie sighed again. "I know, it's just making me mad because he's my brother and James's close friend. He would want him here..."

Rebecca adjusted her dress and hair. "Maybe he'll show up."

Alice interrupted them all, moving in a frantic motion. "Ladies!" She said clapping her hands. "We need to be getting started."

Gemma did a happy dance. "You're gonna kill it! Actually I'm gonna kill it...but you three will do amazing!"

Rebecca smiled and followed Marie and Alice out the doors. She followed them to the other groomsmen they would be walking down the aisle with, and Rebecca froze when she saw Colby.

His lips were parted, and a hand went to his chest—almost like he was out of breath. She saw him swallow and look her up and down. Marie grabbed James cousins arm, while Alice stood behind her with her arm connected to Leeds.

Rebecca moved behind her and looked down. Colby came up beside of her and held out his elbow, waiting for her to grab it. When she did, she glanced up at him and smiled before staring at the back of Alice's head.

She felt Colby tense up beside of her. He cleared his throat and leaned his head down. "You look absolutely stunning..." He whispered.

Rebecca turned her head and was inches away from his face. "Thank you," She whispered. "You look handsome..."

Colby smiled and turned his attention back to the service. The music played, the duo waited for their turn to walk down the aisle. Once Alice and Leeds made it to the front, Colby and Rebecca followed suit, and once they were to the stage, they made their way to their designated spots besides the bride and groom.

A few seconds later the whole room stood and watched as Gemma made her way down the aisle. Rebecca smiled at her friend before glancing at her husband, who was clearly never going to look away. Oh god...

Rebecca's heart fluttered, and she tried not to melt. She swallowed her emotions, and watched her husband's eyes water. He gave her a sad smile, before finally looking away.

Rebecca couldn't concentrate on anything afterwards. Just the same thoughts going through her head. The stalker will never know...we're in a new building, he'll never know. Just one touch. Just one kiss. Just one—

Her thoughts were interrupted by people cheering, and when she looked up she saw James pulling Gemma in for a kiss. She smiled and clapped her hands, and tried not to think of the terrible mistakes she was wanting to make.

As James and Gemma started walking back up the aisle, the groomsmen grabbed their ladies and followed them. When Colby's and her arm linked, they both stopped breathing, and never released it until they drifted apart.

Eventually, everyone had made it to the reception room. Joseph and Jonathan had previously scanned the place before the wedding started, and everyone on the guest list was supposed to be there. They kept to themselves towards the back of the room though—just in case the stalker had any ideas. Meanwhile, Renee was just finding random people to talk to, trying to fit in.

Rebecca nervously walked around before making her way over to James and Gemma. "Congratulations, you two! I'm so happy for you!" She said giving Gemma a hug.

"Thanks, Rebecca. And thank you for being here, it makes it even more special." James said clicking his champagne glass to hers.

Rebecca started to say something else when she felt someone's hand on her lower back. She turned her head at whoever James was grinning at. "Can i talk to you?" Colby whispered in her ear.

Rebecca swallowed and Gemma got the hint. She nudged James towards Leeds, and they walked off. Rebecca looked up at him and saw the desperation in his eyes. Reluctantly, she nodded. "Sure..."

Colby lead her into one of the bathrooms, and once she was inside, he locked the door behind them. He turned around frantically. "I can't stand this anymore..."

Rebecca sighed and took a huge gulp of her champagne—actually a gulp so big she finished her glass. "Stand what? The party? The people?"

Colby swallowed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'm just...overstimulated, and I miss you."

Rebecca's heart tug, but this time, she just smirked. "Is that so?"

Colby nodded, and she could see his heart eyes beaming through. "Yes, love. I miss you."

Rebecca then laid her glass on the sink. She slowly walked up to Colby, making him blush and forget his words in the process.

Rebecca tried to stop. She tried to sneak behind him and get away. She wanted to sneak behind him and get away, but there was something in the way he was looking at her that made her crazy. "Good..." She said in a near whisper. "Because I only wore this dress so you could take it off."

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