Chapter 48

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Joseph and Colby stood around and talked with Elena and Theo for a few minutes, then they headed home. Colby was still confused on why Rebecca gave them a gun, because if they were smart, they could use that to their advantage. I need to ask her about that...

Joseph interrupted his thoughts. "So the reason they're locked up is because they found out, right?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Colby nodded and kept his eyes on the road. "Yep. Tried to hurt us too."

Joseph hummed in response and leaned his head against the passenger window. "Have you had anymore notifications about the stalker? I know you set up cameras everywhere, have you caught anything?"

Colby pressed his lips together and shook his head. "Nope...and after what he threatened Becks with, we probably won't be getting any notifications anytime soon." He mumbled out.

Joseph sighed. "Colby, man. You've been on edge ever since Rebecca wanted space. It's awkward around the house too, and before long, Roux will more than likely start noticing too."

Colby swallowed and took a deep breath. "I know it's awkward...and I'm trying to keep my cool. There's just stuff that me and Rebecca need to talk about and we can't."

Joseph looked over at him. "What kind of things?" He asked, making Colby glance at him. "If you don't mind me asking..."

Colby took a second to figure out what he was going to say. "Roux wanted me and Rebecca to talk about having another baby."

Joseph blinked, and a small smile crept across his lips. He was quiet for a moment. "Have you thought about having another kid? Ya know, before all this happened."

A sad smile came across his face. Of course he wanted more kids. He loved his family more than anything. "When I met Rebecca I knew I did..." He said starting off. "Roux has made parenthood a blast, and watching her grow and learn everyday makes it even better. I never thought it would be this fulfilling, but it is."

Joseph slowly nodded as he took his words in. "Do you think Rebecca would want more?"

Colby already knew his answer. She would have twenty more if it were possible. She loves being a mother. The good and the bad, she loves it all. "I think she would."

Joseph smiled, and chose his next words carefully. "I know you two aren't "together" together right now, but it won't last much longer. While you two are distracting him with this "space", we can actually set him up and finally take him down. He would never see it coming since he threatened Roux."

Colby sighed as he pulled back into their driveway. "That's true. We have a wedding to go to next weekend, but I think if we all sat down and talked everything out, we could easily catch him."

Joseph patted Colby's shoulder. "He's just trying to get you worked up, man. Don't let him. I know you miss her, but this gives us an advantage. He thinks he's ahead. He thinks he's more capable of finishing his plan since you two aren't on the same page, but you'll make this work. We'll all make this work..."

Colby nodded and shut off the car. The two walked up and into the house to see everyone in the living room. "Hey boys." Jonathan said cleaning up pretzels. "Join the fun."

Colby looked around and saw Renee and Rebecca lying on the couch while Roux had Jon dressed up as a princess. "Aw, Jon, if you wanted to wear a dress we could've took you shopping." Joseph said laughing.

Jonathan flipped him off when Roux moved over to Colby. "Daddy, Uncle Jon is Cinderella!"

Colby picked her up and gasped. "He is?! Wow! He's such a pretty princess isn't he?"

Roux nodded excitedly. "Yeah! I need to have him play with me more often."

Jonathan blinked and stood up. "I'm a busy man, Roux bear."

Renee chuckled. "Nah, not that busy." She said. "Roux, he'll play dress up anytime you want to, baby."

Roux clapped happily. "Yay! Now I'll have four princesses!"

Colby sat her down and fixed her dress. "You go finish playing okay? I need to talk to them about...a surprise."

Roux's face lit up. "Okay! I'll go to my room."

Colby smiled as he watched her run up the stairs, then him and Joseph took a seat on the couch in front of Renee and Rebecca. "We all need to talk..." Joseph said.

Renee motioned for Jonathan to sit beside of her. "Come on, princess."

Colby laughed quietly while Joseph spoke. "I think we can use this "break" thing as an advantage." He said making all eyes go on him. "This guy is going to have to move his hideout spot now that we know where he's been staying. We've got cameras all around town, so it will be easier to find him.

"Colby told me that there's a wedding next week?" When Rebecca nodded, he continued. "I think we should set him up. Make him come to the wedding. We're going to go with you guys and stay out in the car until the service begins, then we're going to sneak in and make sure he doesn't try anything."

The others glanced at each other. "Okay...I like this idea." Rebecca spoke up. "Me and Colby will be inside too, so if we see anyone suspicious, we can try and stop them before he tries something."

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay I have a question, what if he doesn't show up?"

Joseph shrugged. "Then he just doesn't show up. We'll have to try again and attack him some other time."

Colby nodded, and glanced at his wife, who was already looking for his approval. "I think it's a good idea. He had no plan of coming after us since Becks made the deal, so if we set him up, I don't think he'll see it coming."

The group nodded. "What can we say to bring him to us?" Renee asked.

Joseph shrugged again. "I don't know. But I'm determined to get him there, no matter what it takes."

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