Chapter 45

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The next morning was the most awkward morning Jonathan, Renee, and Joseph had ever witnessed. When everyone woke up to the smell of Bacon, they expected to see Rebecca cooking a grand meal, but instead it was Colby—who had Roux attached to his hip.

The three looked at each other confused, and even more confused when Rebecca came downstairs fully dressed. She smiled at the three before looking into the kitchen with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

Colby and Roux both looked over, but only one of them was smiling. "Mama!"

Colby set Roux to the ground and let her run to Rebecca, who caught her in her arms with a smile. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Roux wrapped her arms around Rebecca's neck. "I wanted pancakes and bacon."

Rebecca chuckled. "Why didn't you come wake up mommy? I always fix breakfast."

Roux shrugged. "I heard Uncle Joe and daddy when I woke up, so I just asked him."

Rebecca pressed her lips together and watched as Colby turned back around. She looked over at Joseph who just smiled awkwardly. "Morning."

Rebecca let a squirmy Roux down. "Morning, guys." She then swallowed and went into the kitchen to grab a bunch of plates and cups to set the table for breakfast. She tried not to look at Colby, but she could feel him staring at her before turning back around.

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Joseph. "What's going on?" He whispered. "Normally they're making out by now."

Joseph rolled his eyes. "None of my business, dude."

Jonathan smirked. "Of course it is. We're they're guests, remember?"

"Just drop it, Jon." Joseph said going over to play with Roux.

Renee just pressed her lips together and went to the guest bedroom to make the bed—leaving an astonished Jonathan standing around looking like an idiot. When Colby rolled his eyes and looked over at him, he smiled. "About how much longer?"

Colby shrugged, then Jonathan nodded. "I'm going to take a dump."

Rebecca looked up from the fridge to see that her and Colby were the only ones there. She sighed as she shut the fridge, and walked over to the counter to cut up some fruit.

Colby looked over at her and pressed his lips together, but then turned back towards the stove. "I fixed yours with gluten free mix."

Rebecca looked over at him with a smile—which made Colby's heart tug. "Thank you."

He smiled. "How's your foot?"

Rebecca sighed and flexed her foot. "It...hurts. It wouldn't stop throbbing last night. Every time I moved  it stung."

Colby placed his hand on her back. "Did you take anymore medicine?"

Rebecca swallowed and backed up. "No, I didn't know where you laid it."

Colby sighed. "My bathroom cabinet."

Rebecca nodded. "Thanks."

Colby gave her a thumbs up and turned around to the stove to flip the bacon. Rebecca fidgeted with her wedding ring. "Colby, look, I'm sorry about all of this. I know it's...awkward, but—"

"It's fine." He said stopping her. "This is what you wanted to do, right?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I didn't want to do this, I had too—"

"Okay, then." He said. He acted like he wanted to say something else, but the stoves timer went off. "Breakfast is done." Rebecca sighed, and walked over to help him place the food on the plates.

A little while later, all of the household was gathered around the dining room table eating their breakfast. No one had said a word yet, except for Roux telling everyone about last nights dream.

Colby sat across from Rebecca and watched as she slowly ate her pancakes. He then glanced at the others to see them eating half their plate. He grew uncomfortable with how awkward it was becoming, and he was hoping him and Rebecca were the only ones who could tell.

He was wrong though, because Joseph saw. He watched from the head of the table as they kept looking at each other and looking away just as fast. Joseph reach across the table to grab some more bacon. "This is good, man."

Jonathan nodded and chewed at the same time—making Renee cringe. "Yeah it's delicious."

Colby pressed his lips together. "Thanks..."

Joseph sighed again when Rebecca never thanked him. He was hoping to maybe get them to talk, but from the looks of it, it was going to take a lot more than thanking. "So any idea what we're doing with your stalker?"

Colby took a sip of water. "What's a stalker?" Roux asked eating a strawberry.

Colby glared at Joseph who whispered an apology. Rebecca rubbed her hand over Roux's head. "Nothing you have to worry about, baby."

It fell quiet again, and Joseph was tempted to just leave the table, until Rebeccas phone started ringing.

She looked around before standing up and going to the next room to answer. "Hello?"

"Rebecca?" Gemma said from the other side. "Hey girl! I know we've not spoken in a few, but I'm going wedding dress shopping this weekend, and I'd like for you to come with me."

Rebecca smiled. "I'd love to! When's the wedding, again? I haven't really been shopping." She added with a laugh.

Gemma laughed. "Next Saturday!"

Rebecca gasped. "And you've waited this late to get a dress?!"

"Don't worry, it's been on hold for a few weeks. I didn't want to just buy it without trying a few others on. Me and James have everything else planned out already! We just need to get my dress and his suit altered." She took a deep breath. "My bridesmaids are going to be wearing green. You'll love the dress I picked out for you!"

Rebecca smiled, and was thankful to finally have some normality in her life. "Thanks, Gemma. And I can't wait to see what you pick. What time do you want to meet?"

Gemma sighed. "Noon alright with you? I'm not for sure if James and the guys are going out or not. He's wanting to do a small bachelor party." She chuckled.

"Yeah, noon is great!" Rebecca said blinking a few times. "If James wants to do anything, tell him to let Colby know..." She swallowed. "Uhm, he would probably like to go."

Gemma smiled across the phone. "Okay, yay! Thank you so much, Becky! I'll see you Saturday! Bye-bye."

Rebecca smiled and hung up the phone. She sighed and patted her phone to her chest, before walking back into the dining room with a smile on her face—trying to ignore the awkwardness around the room. All eyes fell on her though, so she just pressed her lips together and took a huge bite of her pancake, eating away happily.

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