Chapter 36

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Colby had been restocking a whole stack of books at the library. They had a huge book sell over the weekend—luckily he didn't have to work—but now he would be busy getting a new shipment of books.

He had just finished checking a couple of people out when he heard his daughter in the play room. She had been playing by herself for the week. He tried to read to her, but there's just so many stories a kid can take before they get tired of hearing them.

Colby watched as she slid down a slide. She had lost the smile he loved, and was waddling around the play room by herself. He sighed and looked over at some people looking at books on the other side of the store.

He then turned around and went over to where Roux was. She looked up at her father curiously. "Dada done working?"

Colby shook his head and sat down next to her. "No, not yet sweetheart. Daddy wanted to check on you."

Roux moved up and crawled into his lap. "I just sleepy."

Colby kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her. "You seem upset...are you feeling okay?"

Roux laid her head back against his chest. "I just lonely..."

Colby furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, Im right here." He said with a laugh.

Roux looked up at him. "All the kids that come in here always have a brother or sister." Colby's smile dropped. "I have no one to play with."

Colby shook his head. "Me and mommy play with you all the time. And you have Kevin."

Roux crossed her arms. "That's different. Everyone has a kid to play with except me...I'm lonely."

Colby rubbed his hand up and down her back. "Roux bear, why haven't you told me and mommy you feel this way...we thought you were happy?"

Roux moved her head up to look at him. "I am happy. But in Bluey, Bluey has Bingo and Roux just has Kevin."

Colby ran his hand over her cheek softly. "Baby..." He then pulled her in for a hug. "Are you saying  you want a sibling?"

Roux furrowed her eyebrows, and Colby had to laugh at how alike they were. "What's a sibling?"

"It's a brother or a sister." He said adjusting her in his lap. "Me and mommy will talk about it if you truly feel that way..."

Roux smiled and nodded. "Okay!"

Colby just shook his head. "Do you want to go home, that way daddy can finish looking over something? That will give you more time to play, too."

Roux nodded and rubbed her eyes. "Can we eat too?"

Colby let her out of his lap. "Of course we can! I'll fix whatever you want, baby."

Roux smiled as she watched her father stand up. Colby motioned for her to follow him towards the front desk where Madelyn was standing—who had also just gotten back from break. "Hey." She said smiling at Colby. She then bent down to Roux's level. "Hi Roux!"

Roux waved. "If it's okay with you, I'm going to head home for the night."

Madelyn nodded. "Yeah that's okay. Poor thing has been stuck in here all day. She's probably tired." She added with a laugh.

Colby nodded. "She's definitely getting there. Call me if you need anything."

Madelyn nodded again and waved them goodbye. "Be careful going home."

Colby looked back and gave her a thumbs up as they walked out the door. Roux was holding his hand, but when he felt a tug, he knew what she wanted. "Alright, come on." He said picking her up.

Once 8 o'clock hit, Rebecca and her crew quickly finished up cleaning the cafe part of the bakery, and once they clocked out, Rebecca was finally able to go home.

Colby had texted her around 5, saying him and Roux were heading home, so Rebecca knew she didn't have to wait on them once she got there. Before going home though, she grabbed some blankets from the trunk of her car—that she had bought on her lunch break— and took them to a sleeping Elena and Theo.

She snuck in the cage as quickly as possible, placing the blankets in a corner across from their bed. She slipped out quietly before finally heading home.

When she walked through the door she expected to see her daughter's toys scattered all over the place and the house a disaster, but instead she found Kevin staring up at her and the house looking spotless. She shut the door behind her and bent down to run her fingers through his fur.

"Hi Kevin..." She cooed out with a smile. She walked further in the house to place her purse on the table. She took off her coat too before walking into the living room to find Roux sleeping on the couch with her favorite stuffed animal. She smiled and kissed her softly on the cheek, before going to look for Colby.

She started to go up the stairs but then heard him on the phone from their office. She walked in slowly, not wanting to distract him. He hadn't turned around yet, so she just stood there watching. "Yeah, man. We'll meet you tomorrow evening."

She watched as he hung up the phone and turned around. "Hey, honey. How was your day?" He said coming over and kissing her.

Rebecca smiled. "It was good. How about yours? I see Roux bear was wiped out." She said with a laugh.

Colby shrugged. "She's had a long day." He then sighed and stepped back. "I found something."

Rebecca's eyes went big. "Actually?! What is it?"

Colby showed her a map of a road he found on the computer. "I traced the address on one of the packages he sent down, and it came from this church about ten miles out."

Rebecca looked at the road closely. "Okay, so what's our plan?"

Colby then pressed his lips together and backed away nervously. "I may have done a thing..." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Truth be told, I don't think we can stop this guy by ourselves."

Rebecca crossed her arms. " did you tell James and Gemma who and what we are? Are they going to help us?"

Colby tilted his head. "I didn't call James and Gemma..."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay...who did you call?"

Colby leaned back on the desk with a smirk. "We're going to meet them tomorrow evening at the airport..."

Rebecca shrugged. "Okay? For real, Lopez. Who did you call?"

"I called Joseph, Jonathan, and Renee..." He said crossing his arms. "They're going to help us kill our stalker."

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