Chapter 9

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After leaving the house—and leaving Roux with Elena—the duo headed out to the big dinner party. They didn't know what to expect when they got there, but seeing a row of cars was not one of them. "So I'm guessing we're not the only ones they invited?"

Colby sighed. "Clearly. Looks like half the block is here." He then parked the car. "This is about to be a wicked murder mystery game."

Rebecca laughed. "Yeah. I'm excited for the food too."

Colby sighed and looked over at his wife. "Do you think our stalker is going to show up? I mean, there's tons of people here...they would get caught. Right?"

Rebecca slowly shrugged. "If they're determined to be here, I have a feeling they'll make sure they don't get caught." Rebecca then sighed with a smile. "Let's not think about that though. Let's think positive..." She said making Colby shake his head.

Colby then turned off the car and hopped out, walking to the other side to open the door for Rebecca. He helped her out, then she intertwined her arm with his as they walked into the big mansion.

When they walked in they could hear the chatter coming from the big dining room on the right. "Rebecca, Colby!" Gemma said as she walked into the lobby. "Oh I am so happy to see you!"

Rebecca smiled and gripped Colby's arm tighter. "It's good to see you too. Thank you so much, for having us."

Gemma dramatically waved a hand in the air. "Of course! Me and James are so excited to introduce you to everyone. It's going to be a blast!"

Colby led him and Rebecca into the dining room, and Gemma sat them down next to her, while James sat at the head of the table. "Ah, welcome Mr and Mrs Lopez!"

Colby nodded his head towards him. "Thank you for having us."

James then pointed towards the other people in the room. "I know you two don't know some of these people, so I'm gonna tell you who they are." He adjusted his orange suit before continuing. He pointed towards a tall skinny girl in a blue dress. "That right there is Marie. She's French, if you couldn't tell..." He then chuckled. "She can be a...female dog sometimes, but she's a lovely person." He said under his breath.

She looks...nice. Rebecca thought. Colby and Rebecca nodded and followed James finger towards some more people. "That tall drink of wine is Theo, Marie's brother. Twins, actually. They both own a big restaurant close to the Eiffel Tower. If you're ever there, I'd suggest going in there because they have the BEST food."

Rebecca nodded and glanced at Colby who was still observing him. Gemma walked back over and stood behind James, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Honey, have you introduced them to everyone?"

"In the process of doing that sweetheart." He said looking back at her.

Gemma smiled and pointed towards some more people. "That girl, in the pink dress, is Rachel. She's originally from Canada and moved here a couple of years ago for a fashion opportunity. And that man beside of her is her husband Leeds." She chuckled. "He's a photographer...a good one too. If you ever need family photos I would go to him."

Rebecca nodded. James then threw his arms in the air. "Oh! And that woman is Alice. She's from England, and is the woman you see all on the billboards throughout the city."

Colby and Rebecca looked over at all of them, and observed them. Okay, so everyone in Paris is a rich freak. Which one could be the killer? Do they know who we are? Are they planning to kill us tonight? A million thoughts went through her head as she sat there.

"Becks?" Colby said bringing her back to the real world. "Are you okay, honey?"

Rebecca turned back towards him and smiled. "I'm good. Just a lot of people to get to know..."

Colby nodded, and opened his mouth to say something more, but James stood up and clicked his glass, getting everyone's attention. He smiled and wrapped his arm around Gemma. "Welcome everyone to the 3rd annual "Murder Mystery" dinner party! Me and my lovely fiancée are so delighted to have you all here tonight, and we can't wait for us to get together to play the game."

Everyone around the room clapped and raised their drinks in their air. Gemma then spoke up, "We would also like to introduce everyone to two of our newest friends, Colby and Rebecca Lopez!"

Colby and Rebecca smiled towards everyone, but they just smiled and observed them, trying to figure out if they fit in. James spoke up again. "To a party worth dying for!"

Everyone raised their glasses to toast and then took a drink of their wine. As everyone was sitting back down, Rebecca looked over to see the waitresses bringing their food out to the big dinner table. She sat up straight and looked towards her husband, who was thinking the same thing she was...tonight was going to be a lot different than what we had originally thought.

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