Chapter 15

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Oh god...what have i done? Colby thought as he took a deep breath. No, no, no...this wasn't supposed to happen. He thought with his breath quickening. I'm supposed to be protecting my girls...not killing people! Oh god, I need help. I need to get him out of here. I NEED TO STOP KILLING PEOPLE.

Colby stepped back out of breath and leaned against a tool box. He looked down and watched as the blood kept crawling across the floor. He placed a hand on his forehead and wiped away the anxious sweat that was about to take over.

A knock on the back door is what made him snap back into reality. "Colby? Does he have my car fixed yet?" He heard his wife say.

No...she can't know. She can't come in here. She can't see what I've done. "Uh, yeah. We're just talking..."

"Okay. How much do we owe you Adam? I'll go grab the money." She said twisting the door knob. "Can i come in?"

Colby swallowed. "Nows not a good time, love." He said. "He's got tools set out everywhere and I don't want you to get hurt."

Rebecca chuckled. "Okay. I'll go grab my wallet then, and let you give him my card."

"No Becks, you don't have to do that. I'll pay him." Colby said hoping she would just go back inside.

"Okay. Tell him I said thanks." She said finally walking away.

Colby sighed, and he immediately got a move on things. Think. Think. Think. He thought as he put some gloves on. He then put the jack stand back up. He looked at his crushed body and grimaced. Holy...didn't think a guy his size could be so...flat.

Colby then took a deep breath and started dragging his body through the garage. He grabbed a plastic bag and stuffed his upper half in it, then grabbed another one to fit the other half. He tied the middle up where it closed, and made sure his whole body was covered.

Once that was done, he opened the trunk of his car and struggled as he put Adam's dead weight inside. He sighed once he was done and grabbed a mop and bleach to clean up all the blood.

Now it's...clean. He thought as he placed everything back. He then walked over and grabbed his keys before opening the garage door. He hopped in the car and drove off to bury his victim.

Where can I bury him? Is there ANY place in this stupid city that isn't attracting millions? What if someone saw me? Oh my god, what am I gonna tell Madelyn? How am I supposed to hide this from Rebecca?! Colby thought as he drove down his street.

Once he was at the bottom of their hill, he turned onto a dirt road, and he drove so far, that without his tracker, he would have gotten lost. He stopped far enough where he couldn't be found, and hopped out of the car to grab his shovel then walked over to dig out a spot for Adam.

He dug for what felt like forever, and when he finally had a hole big enough, he backed up and went to the back of his car to grab Adam's dead body. He took a deep breath as he picked his body up, then dragged him across the ground and into the hole. Now time to put all the dirt back...

About an hour later, Colby was finally finished, and was able to head back home. He was a mess, and he knew as soon as he walked through his front door, his wife would notice he had been somewhere other than the store. Crap.

Once he was home, he pulled back into his garage and closed it, then nervously walked into his home. He tried not to make himself seem suspicious, but he hadn't let his wife know where he was going, so he knew she would be asking questions.

He sighed when he shut the door, and started heading towards the stairs, until Rebecca walked out of the office with a smile. "Hey. Where did you go?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Colby shrugged. "I just went for a drive."

Rebecca chuckled. "In the woods? You look like a wreck Lopez." She said with a laugh.

Colby smiled. "Adam just pissed me off so I went to clear my head."

Rebecca smiled and came up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Try not to let him get to you, love. Today was my last session with him, so he won't be over here anymore." She then rolled her eyes. "Did he leave before you did?"

Colby swallowed and nodded. He won't be anywhere, actually. He's six feet under. "Yeah, thank god."

Rebecca moved into the kitchen and started cleaning the dishes in the sink. "How much was it to fix my car?"

Colby shrugged and laid his keys down on the counter. "He didn't charge anything."

Rebecca smiled. "Well that was nice..." She then started putting the washed dishes away. "Gemma called a few minutes ago. She's worried about Leeds. Says he's still not left the house, and he won't answer anyone's calls. She said the group is making gift baskets to bring over to him. Do you want to come with me later on this week, to bring him his gift?"

Colby blinked a few times and thought about it. "Yeah I'll come. I know you don't want to face him alone, so."

Rebecca nodded as she put the last glass away. "Yeah...all I can imagine when I look at him is Rachel splattered everywhere. Not the best memory, ya know?"

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