Chapter 57

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Once Colby got Roux to sleep for the night, he immediately went into the living room where Joseph, Renee, and Jonathan were sitting. "I found something."

Jospeh sighed and paused the tv. "Colby, man, you know I want to get her back just as much as you do, but you've told us this ten times and not one time has it been accurate."

Colby rolled his eyes. "Look, just come here and look at this." He said walking back to their small office.

When no one started to follow him though, he stopped and turned back around frustrated. "Please, guys? I know I've been a douche but I seriously found something."

Renee stood up and motioned to the other two. "Come on, guys. If we're seriously wanting to find her, we need to see what he's found."

They reluctantly got up and followed him in there. Colby shut the door and walked over to his computer and pointed towards the pinned location. "It says she's there."

Jonathan glared up at him. "Dude, that says New York. There's no way in hell she's in New York."

Colby bit the inside of his cheek. Joseph clicked on the location and zoomed in. He scrolled through the streets to see if he saw anything. "I mean, it's been what, four, five days since they took her. She could, and I mean could, be there, but it doesn't make any sense."

Colby pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to James. We think we found her. Wanna come over?

He clicked send and watched the three dots pop up. On our way.

Colby put his phone back in his pocket and glanced at whatever Joseph was doing on the screen. "Im trying to find the route this van took. There's no way they drove the whole way there."

Jonathan scoffed. "I mean, they could have. But how long ago does it say the van arrived in New York?"

"Two days ago." Joseph said typing more routes in. "But for some reason, the stupid thing just now pinned the location."

Renee then pointed towards the screen. "Wait, click there." When he did, they all saw the route be highlighted. "Oh my god! I think that's it."

Joseph clicked on the places it had drove through, and they all listened in carefully. "France, to an airport in Portugal, then landed at an airport in New York, then drove to wherever this place is."

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, how did they get a car on a plane?"

Renee rolled her eyes. "They didn't, Jon. They've had to take the plate off of the car, then put in on another rental car once they got to America. At least, that's the only reasonable thing I can think of that they could do...right?"

Joseph slowly nodded. "Yeah, they bought that plate while they were over here, I'm guessing. Probably couldn't change it since they were going to America. Plates have to match up with the passports."

Colby then cleared his throat. "Okay great. Now how are we getting over to America? Im dead to them, I can't just be seen walking down the streets looking for my also—dead wife..."

Joseph leaned back in the chair and sighed. "I don't know, man."

The four jumped when they heard a knock at the door. "That's James and Gemma, hold on."

Colby walked out of the office to the front door. Opening it up, they rushed inside. "Have you actually found her?!" Gemma asked worriedly.

Colby nodded and motioned for them to follow him. "It says she in New York. We're trying to figure out a way over there without people realizing I'm alive."

The three walked in and walked behind the desk with the others. "Holy crap, man." James said as he looked at the screen.

"If we need to get to New York unnoticed, we can borrow one of Alice's private jets." Gemma said setting her purse down on the desk. "She hasn't used one since her latest fashion show over in Brazil."

Colby nodded. "Okay, great. Text her and ask for me?" He said placing his hands on his sides and looking back down at the computer.

James then looked at all of them with furrowed eyebrows. "Okay so let me get this straight. You four, are just gonna pack up all of your things, hop on this freakin jet, fly over to America and just forget about Paris?" He asked swallowing and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And Roux? Have you even thought this through?! You can't just leave your daughter over here and jump between countries trying to find her."

Colby pressed his lips together and stared down at the floor. I really haven't thought this through. Crap.

Gemma took a deep breath and sighed. "He's right, Colby. I mean, these guys have moved here just to help you and now they're having to move back again?" She said motioning to Jonathan, Joseph, and Renee.

Joseph gave her a sympathetic smile. "We don't care to help him...and we don't care to go back as long as you guys do too."

Colby froze. "We can't just leave everything behind, Joe. I love you guys, we love you guys, but we can't move back to New York. It's not possible."

The room fell silent. Colby, truth be told, would do anything to be back in New York. All of their old friends, all of the old places they loved going to everyday, and his mother, were calling him home. But thanks to their old habits, New York wasn't going to welcome them home. "Listen, we're running out of time-" Colby said breaking the silence. "We need to get to Becks before he kills her. So, are we all on the same page? Get to New York, save Rebecca and try not to get killed our selves, and get back home?"

Joseph sighed and put his other thoughts aside. "Yeah, sounds good, man." He then sent the location to their phones. "Now let's go get our girl back."

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