Chapter 1

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It had always been a dream for Rebecca to visit Paris one day. She begged her parents to take her when she was a little girl, and tried to take a trip in college, but sadly, she never did. She instead, decided to explore other parts of the world, and she somehow ended up in America.

America. The place where it all began. The place where Rebecca had to bend her morales time and time again in order to survive. The place where she found a dream job from something she did in her free time. The place where she met someone who understood her, who fought for her, and who loved her more than anything in the world. A place she used to call home...but not anymore.

Paris is like no other place on earth. It's  beauty is indescribable, the amount of famous people and buildings is astounding, and its attraction draws many people there every year.

Rebecca's experience living in Paris will always be one of her favorite memories—and hopefully one she would be able to keep. Everywhere she looked, it was as if she was in a dream. There was so much elegance in such simple structures it seemed unrealistic. Wherever she went, it seemed as if the magnificence only grew with each passing step. And she couldn't wait to see where it could lead her—and Colby and Roux.

Its been two years since the family faked their deaths and fled from America, and so far, it had been one of the best decisions of their lives. Once they escaped New York, the duo found a safe, beautiful home in a small neighborhood, and began trying to live a normal life.

Thanks to one of their neighbors Madelyn, Rebecca was able to buy a building next to a shopping center, which of course, she ended up turning it into a bakery. With the help of Colby, she decorated it up, painted the cafe walls a light blue, and opened it up a few days later, and as always, it was one of the most successful shops that part of Paris had.

Colby ended up working at a library across the street from the bakery, which meant the duo were always close together. They were both happy and content with their new little life, and were determined to make the most of it.

It was a Thursday morning, and Rebecca was currently still laying in the bed. Her and Colby stayed up the night before—of course, making love— and were making the most of their morning in bed together before Roux woke up.

Rebecca woke up and batted her eyes, turning around to cuddle up into Colby's chest. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in closer, drawing circles on her back. Colby started to move his hand further, but a knock on the door made him stop. "Mama? Dada? I hungry!" Roux said opening up the door.

Colby looked down at Rebecca who smiled, and they watched as Roux ran over to them, jumping up on the bed. "Good morning Roux bear!" Rebecca said sleepily.

Colby scooted over some and let Roux squeeze in between them. She held her little teddy bear—the one Colby had gotten for her when Rebecca was still pregnant—to her chest. "Did you sleep good?" Colby asked rubbing his fingers through her curly hair.

She nodded and adjusted her pacifier. "I dreamed about us!"

Rebecca smiled as her and Colby laughed. "Well that must have been a good dream! Did we do anything silly?"

Roux shook her head. "We played at the park."

Rebecca smiled and kissed Roux's cheek. "That sounded fun. Are you and teddy hungry?"

Roux nodded and wiped at her eyes. "Yes! Can you fix pancakes mama?"

Colby smirked up at her. "Please mama? Daddy is hungry too..."

Rebecca rolled her eyes jokingly. "I guess I can..."

She sat up and and started looking around for her panties, after realizing she didn't have any on. Crap...she thought as she looked towards Colby.

Colby followed her eyes and realized what she was needing, and turned around to find them next to his side of the bed. He bent down to pick them up and carefully handed them to her without causing Roux to get curious. She mouthed a thank you, and slid them on before finally, getting out of bed. "Mama's gonna go make breakfast...does Roux want to help?"

Roux smiled and nodded fast, almost losing her pacifier in the process. "Yeah. I help bake!"

Rebecca stretched her arms out for Roux to jump in. She caught her effortlessly, and held her at her hip. "Is dada coming too? Or does he need a while to catch up on his rest..."

Colby smirked and looked Rebecca up and down, making her blush. "I'll be down in a few. I need to take a shower before I head into work."

Rebecca nodded and smiled. "Alright. Let's go make some pancakes Roux!"

Roux smiled and wrapped her arm—that wasn't holding her bear—around Rebecca's neck. "Yay!"

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