Chapter 7

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Colby felt a sense of rage he hadn't felt in a long time. Seeing another man—another married man to make matters worse—touch his wife in the wrong places, set off something inside him he never wanted to feel again, but it did, and now he didn't know how to control it.

He was pissed, not only for what he had done to Rebecca, but for what he does with women behind Madelyn's back. Colby and Rebecca loved Madelyn—she was one of the sweetest people they had met—and he knew she didn't deserve someone like that.

Once he saw Adam drive back to his house, Colby slammed the front door and turned towards Rebecca. "I don't like him. Are you okay?"

Rebecca crossed her arms and sighed. "You saw?"

Colby scoffed. "Heck yeah I saw. I don't want him near you ever again."

Rebecca shrugged. "I'm mad too don't worry, but I still want to do yoga..."

Colby threw his arms up in the air. "Look up tutorials on YouTube or Tiktok. I don't freakin care which app it is, I'm not letting him near you again."

Rebecca then walked up to him, and placed her hands on his chest. "Honey...I already told him I'm free next Sunday, so he's going to be coming over again."

Colby sighed and placed his hands on top of hers. "Yeah and he's gonna try to seduce you again."

Rebecca chuckled. "Lopez you know I would've stopped him if he went any further." She then looked down ashamed. "He made me really uncomfortable though...I'm kind of weirded out by him."

Colby moved one hand up and pulled her hair back until she was looking up at him. "Rebecca you know i don't care to tell him to screw off. If you don't want to see him anymore, I'll tell him to go fly a kite."

Rebecca sighed. "I'll see what happens Sunday. If he does it again though, I'm not gonna let him come over here anymore."

Colby nodded and wrapped his arms around her lower back. "Roux is in the play room if you want to go see her." He then leaned down and kissed her. "It may take your mind off things..."

Rebecca then smirked against his lips. "There's...others things that can take my mind off of him..." She then kissed him again, making it slow and hungry.

Rebecca felt Colby harden, before Roux broke them apart, throwing a barbie at them. "Daddy you're supposed to be the driver!"

Rebecca stepped back with a laugh and Colby shook his head. "I'm sorry Roux. Daddy wanted to see mommy."

Roux smiled. "Mommy the best."

Colby nodded. "Yes. Mommy is the best."

      .                 .               .               .               .                 .

The next week went by the same, Rebecca and Colby went to work, Elena came by to babysit, and then the duo would arrive home around seven to relax and play with Roux.

Thankfully, no one else had tried to break into their house again, so Rebecca and Colby didn't have to stress about that—at least not too bad. When Friday rolled around, Rebecca and Colby of course went to work, but today something unexpected happened.

Rebecca was working her butt off in the bakery—as usual—and when closing time came along, she was finally able to start cleaning up and close for the weekend. She swept the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, then wiped down all of the tables before wiping down the counter tops.

Once she was done, she started putting the extra fruit cakes in the freezer, until her phone started buzzing. She pulled it out thinking it was Colby, but instead it was a random number. Who the heck is this?

Rebecca opened up the message and read, "Hello, you."

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "And you are?" She texted back.

She watched as the three dots popped up, and she waited for a reply. "You're worst nightmare. Did you get the office cleaned up?"

Rebecca's blood ran cold. She swallowed, "Of course I did. Do you think that was my first clean up?"

"Kind of. Since you're not a Quin no more." They texted back.

What the hell? "How do you know who I am?"

"Trust me, you'll find out soon." They texted back. "We've crossed paths a few times actually."

Rebecca shook her head. "Why don't you just rip off the bandaid and tell me now huh? I'd like to know whose head I'm gonna rip off."

The three dots popped up again. "Calm down Rebecca. You wouldn't want to get that cute apron in a bunch now would ya?"

Rebecca looked up in a panic. Where are they? Is this Colby playing a prank on me? No he wouldn't do that...

She looked at all of her surroundings, seeing nothing but a few people walking down the streets laughing. She then walked over to make sure her doors were locked, and then she pulled her phone out again to see the three dots. "Don't worry, I'm no where near you. But I'm always watching."

Rebecca then angrily sighed. "I don't know who you think you're messing with, but if you get on my bad side, I will find you, and I will kill you."

She watched as the three dots popped up again. "You're threatening me? Jesus Rebecca, I've not even done anything to you...yet."

Rebecca shook her head and chewed the inside of her jaw. "Are you one of my neighbors? Have you hurt anyone I know? Are you apart of the murder mystery dinner party?"

"I used to live in the same town as you, not yet, and maybe." The three dots popped up again. "I'm not giving any hints. But I might show up. I'm down for some good food...and some fun."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She replied.

"Like I said, I'm not giving away any hints, but I would watch your back. Colby's too...maybe even little Roux's."

Rebecca grew even angrier. "You go near my daughter, I'll shoot you in the freaking face."

"Don't worry, by the time you found out I was even  near her, she would have been dead." The three dots popped up once again. "Don't worry though, Roux hasn't done anything wrong, so I won't be after her. You and Colby have though, and I'm letting you know, you're lives are about to get real bloody."

Rebecca watched worriedly as the dots popped up again. "I'm out for revenge for what you did to me, and I'm determined to make your family's life a living hell."

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