Chapter 4

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The next morning, the duo went through the same routine: wake up, get themselves ready, get Roux ready, and leave the house. They drove separate cars, since they had to be at work at different times, and went to work.

Colby walked into the library and saw so many little kids, he thought he might lose his mind. When he looked up, he saw Madelyn, their neighbor and his coworker, walk over. "It's half off kids books today, remember?"

Colby closed his eyes and nodded. "I completely forgot about that..." He said with a laugh. "I guess we're gonna have to wait on restocks then."

Madelyn laughed and cradled a book she was holding to her chest. The duo met Madelyn once they moved into their neighborhood, and she made them feel welcome time and time again, helping them with anything they needed. She was also the person to help Rebecca get her bakery.

" will be like this all day." She said with a sigh. She then looked up at Colby with a smile. "How's the fam?"

Colby smiled. "They're good." He said walking over to the register to clock in. "Becks business has been a big hit....thanks to someone."

Madelyn put a finger to her mouth. "Hmmm. I wonder who that could be?" She said with a smirk. "On a real note though, I'm happy to hear that." She then glanced towards the big windows. "People seem to really like her shop."

Colby nodded and put on his badge. "Yeah. She's an amazing cook. And an even better baker." He then wiggled his wedding ring finger up in the air. "I picked a good one."

Madelyn glanced at his hand before glancing at hers. " least one of us did."

Colby pressed his lips together, and gave her a sympathetic smile. Madelyn's husband, Adam, was a yoga instructor and owned a gym downtown. He trained all kinds of people—mostly women—and Madelyn had suspicions of him cheating on her with a few of them...if not all.

Colby sighed and crossed his arms. "Look, I've seen how much you love him, and seeing the way he treats you, he loves you too Madelyn." He said with a smile. "Like I tell my wife, I'm sure you're just overthinking things."

Madelyn chuckled. "Well I hope you're right..." She then glanced back up at him. "What day is Rebecca going for her training?"

"Sunday." He then stuffed his hands in his pockets. "She's been wanting to go to a yoga class and Adam is the only person in Paris that does it. Probably because he's American but..."

Madelyn laughed. "Yeah, you'd be surprised at how many Americans live here."

The library doors opened and a swarm of kids came in with their parents. Madelyn and Colby looked at each other, then reluctantly, went over to help the families.

It was currently five o'clock, and Rebecca was still working hard in the bakery. She had been giving out cookies, cupcakes, and muffins all day, and was currently making up a batch of oatmeal cookies.

"Mrs. Lopez, is the cookies almost done? We had another order put in." Lily, one of the new workers, asked from the register.

Rebecca turned around and wiped her hands on her apron. "Yes they'll be done in a few."

She turned back around and continued baking the cookies, and looked towards another one of her bakers. "Cash, can you grab that batch out of the oven?"

He pushed his blonde hair out of his face and went over to the oven. "Here..." He said laying them down gently.

Rebecca looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you."

She then grabbed both batches of cookies and placed them in their display trays, before giving them to whoever ordered. She continued doing that with other treats as well, before finally, closing.

Rebecca swept the floor, cleaned the counter and the tables, as always, before locking all the doors and walking outside to see Colby, who was standing in the window waving at her. Rebecca laughed and waved back, before going to her car and going home.

Normally, Rebecca got home around six, but since it was Friday, she got home earlier—and today she would have to house to herself. Elena had texted her around three and was wanting to take Roux—and kevin—to the park, so of course, Rebecca let her go.

Rebecca pulled into their driveway and parked the car, grabbed her belongings and got out of the car. She grabbed her keys and unlocked the door, walking in to a clean house. She smiled to herself, Thank you, Elena.

She then dropped all of her things on the counter after locking the door and turning on the lights, before walking towards their office. She pushed open the door  and was expecting to see all of her bakery reports out on the desk—where she had left them this morning— but was instead met by articles and photos of her and Colby.

What the heck? Rebecca thought as she walked up to them. She looked at all of the articles. "Rebecca Quin dead at 33." "Colby Lopez commits suicide after the loss of his baby daughter and fiancée." "A family of three all found dead." "A Tragedy in New York".

Rebecca's heart started racing. Her eyes scanned all of the news reports and photos of her and Colby together, then her eyes moved to a picture of them dragging Amanda's body through their house. And another picture of Colby standing by Mercedes crashed vehicle. And another picture, and another, and another of people they had killed.

Rebecca shook her head in horror. "This cant be happening!" She said placing a hand to her heart. She stared at them for a few more seconds, before finally losing control. She ran up and ripped everything off of the wall, tossing and throwing everything out onto the floor.

By the time she was done, their office looked like a wadded up piece of paper. Rebecca ran out of the office and went to kitchen to grab a trash bag. She opened up the cabinet and grabbed one, then as she stood back she realized their patio door was open. She took her anger out on the bags, squeezing them so hard, her palms were sweating.

She dropped the bag after realizing she had almost ripped it in half, and tried to catch her breath. Maybe we can't run from our past after all...

Lost in Paris(Brollins)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora