
The first thing Lennox checked upon his return to the capital was the identity of the priest accompanying the Marquis.

He felt like he recognized him, and his memory was correct.

It was suspicious enough that Marquis Guiness showed interest in Juliet, but having an Archbishop who committed sins in Lucerne and fled by his side was even more suspicious. And Lennox’s gut feeling was always eerily accurate.

They had to get rid of the Archbishop before Juliet knew.

When the knight left upon the Duke’s order, a diligent attending physician quickly asked:

“Your Highness, are you sure there’s no other discomfort besides insomnia?”


Lennox reluctantly answered.

The only time Duke Carlyle allowed an examination was when Juliet Monad was away.

The attending physician, noticing this, seized the opportunity when Juliet was out to persistently check on the Duke’s condition.

No matter how fine he claimed to be, the family physician annoyed him, saying side effects could appear at any time.

“Then I’ll prescribe sleeping pills.”


Lennox didn’t respond.

He knew well the cause of his insomnia.

It was because of a disturbing dream involving a woman whose face and name he didn’t know.

Initially, it was just a short dream, but recently it tormented him relentlessly.

‘Am I possessed by an evil spirit or something?’

With this thought, Lennox couldn’t help but laugh.

“An evil spirit.”

The woman in his dreams never directly harmed him.

However, the problem was that the dreams in which that woman appeared had become more vivid compared to before.

At first, she just sat in the bedroom crying, but now the repertoire had expanded, including scenes like her desperately running down the stairs or wandering aimlessly.

In the dream he had just before, a woman in a pure white dress passed by. Despite her frail appearance, her back was full of wounds.

The identity of the woman was unclear, and the scenes were so fragmented that he couldn’t grasp the context.

Yet, after having these inexplicable dreams, Lennox occasionally felt as if his heart was being suffocated for no particular reason.

After being lost in thought for a while, Lennox asked:

“Where is Juliet?”

* * *

The day after Juliet returned to the capital, she headed straight to the Count’s mansion to pick up the baby dragon.


Onyx, whom she met after a few weeks, clung desperately to Juliet’s skirt, chirping sadly, and wouldn’t let go.

But waiting for Juliet wasn’t just the baby dragon.


“It’s been a while, Miss Juliet.”

Eshelrid, the magician from the Marigold Merchant Guild, was waiting for her in splendid robes.

Juliet looked slightly confused:

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