Sixty; Who is the king?

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The first sound that greeted her was a deep guttural noise followed by a sequence of maniacal laughter. She had followed his faint beckoning aura into this dungeon, it was dark and engulfed in whips of black smoke, the only reason she could see him was because her blue eyes were burning bright, helping her to see through the darkness. She saw his soulless eyes staring back into hers with mirth waltzing in them, his tattooed body was also covered in scars, his face once angelic and beautiful was a reflection of death. She couldn't believe that he had the same face as Nathan. His hair was platinum, and beneath his eyes were well scattered freckles. She glared at him, remembering all what had transpired between them eight centuries ago. To think that he was not half as evil as his brother, the very one she was bound to by heart, body, soul and blood.
"My look even more desirable". He chuckled. "I have your scent all over me. I think I'm obsessed with everything concerning you. I can hear your beating heart and your trumping blood, how foolish of you to walk into the fowler's snare".
"Iblis. I hope you haven't forgotten my promise to you. I will end you". She said angrily.
"And keep the actual devil alive? I seek the blood of one fae. He has had the blood of thousands and even the sacred blood of your ancestor".
"What makes you feel I will spare him?" She asked, making him to chuckle.
"My my I thought you loved him. Don't tell me you will kill the one you love". He mocked at her but she wasn't moved, if ever one was to pay attention to any word that came off from this lunatic, mental degradation was the sole result.
"I will do as I ought to". She answered and then said, "What a pity that you have been here locked up for eight centuries". She laughed sarcastically. "All these time and you couldn't break free. Your brother is indeed the king of the supernatural realm".
In response to her taunt, he began banging his cage, he trashed about but his attempts were all futile.
"Pray that I don't get my hands on you" he grunted.
"Oops! Seems like you dislike the taste of your own medicine". She clicked her tongue and walked even closer to the cage.
"I can't wait to watch you lose in finality". She whispered and smirked at his furiously scorned face.
Jared and Jerry sat in front of the fireplace, and wrapped in thick sheets, it was cold and freezing. Their mother sat on a couch, facing the window where the kingdom's scenery was visible.
"Jared, Jerry". They heard her voice and followed to see her by the door. She looked different. She was cladded in a blue drape, matching the fiery blue eyes she had. She looked ethereal and inhuman. The way she looked at them, her voice, there was something unusual.
"Gelma what is going on?" Her mother asked.
"Mother..." She didn't know where to start.
"We were in the hospital and the next minute we found ourselves in a cell, we saw a grotesque mess of corpses, a shadow man?"
"Mother let me explain".
"You better start talking". She scolded.
"I met someone...someone special". She breath out after eons of silence. The room was still as they watched her with curiosity.
"He...the moment I met him I knew something was going to change, at first I thought it was my status and class but no, I discovered who I was as I stayed by his side. I want to stay by his side forever but...the past isn't going to let me".
"I found out I'm a supernatural being?"
"I am a fae. I have a mission, to avenge my death and the murder of my kind". She answered, her family was beyond befuddled, it was unbelievable to digest her words.
"It was an enemy that took you away. Now you are safe".  She assured them.
"Gelma I didn't understand a word you said. Where are we?"
"We are in the supernatural realm, your in the kingdom of Thenas. This is the king's castle".
"And who is the king?" The boys asked simultaneously.
"He is someone you don't need to know about". Came her reply. "Pardon me but I need to go. I need to think". She said and walked out without waiting for a response. Her head was pumping with crazy thoughts and probabilities. She had to take a decision, one that will hurt her, it will break her but she had to fulfill her will. She wasn't wielding this power for a jest, it was to be used for vengeance, to protect what was left of her people.

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