Chapter twenty seven

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Gelma had woken up this morning, only to see that her entire body had been encased by Nathan's hard body. She tried jiggling her way out of his hold but his firm grip on her made it impossible for her to move a muscle. She was facing him head on, he looked like he was indeed asleep but her gut feeling kept saying otherwise. She had dared to stretch her hand towards his perfect sculptured face. When she had lightly caressed his cheek, she felt elated, though he looked stalwart from far, his body was soft and warm. She smiled, while tracing his face with her fingers. When her thumb had landed on his lips, she was caught off guard because the next second, her delicate thumb was in the mouth of the pervert before her. With his eyes open, starring straight in hers, he sucked her thumb as though his life depended on it. That act of his alone was enough to quack her insides. This man was costing her her sanity. Every effect he had on her was maddening and she wasn't sure she could keep up. She might end up surrendering to his allure.
She breath in relief when he had finally let go of her thumb. Her eyes were still wide as saucers, owing to what he had unexpectedly done.
"Good morning miss Moriaty". He smirked, then perked her on her neck before descending from her bed. "Get ready as quickly as possible. You wouldn't want to cause my retardation for work today would you now?" He grinned at her and left her room.
Her first night in his house and this? How was she supposed to act before him while at the office? When did they come to this point? This was usurious. What if people were to find out that the boss's personal assistant was residing under the same roof as him? That they were to be roommates at night when he clearly had his own bedroom to spend the night in, that she was feeling an inexplicable want for him and that he had suddenly turned from the grumpy and cold man to a...she didn't know exactly, she couldn't be so sure that he had changed because that man was a chameleon by nature.
She rushed into the bathroom and did her morning routines. She had to admit, the bedroom was so large, the bathroom was the size of her room back there at the suburbs. She had her shower, got dressed and came downstairs to join him for breakfast. While she was about sitting, she saw a maid clearing before him four empty glasses stained with red liquid. No other thing was before him in the name of food. It got her pondering and then she realized something, she had never seen him eating food. All he did was smoke and drink. She hadn't been by his side for that long to conclude that he wasn't consuming food but was a call for concern. Who was this man really? His differences spoke volumes of mystery.
After some minutes, she was done with her food and they were good to go. She noticed that there with them was neither Romeo nor Elisha.
"They are on an errand". He said to her when she hadn't seen them. He was the one to drive until Elisha was back. He could easily summon them but they were men and men needed a break to deal with their matters.

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