Chapter twenty three

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Nathan appeared in the room he had instructed Donna to fix for Gelma. He had expected to see the girl lying on the bed, if at all she even slept at night. That girl was a mystery to him. He noticed that her scent was faint in the room meaning she hadn't been here for long. He decided to look for her around the house but she was nowhere to be found. That teensy-weensy girl had stubbornly left, going against his orders. She had defied his orders for the umpteenth time. Ravaya wouldn't dare but here she was proving how defiant she could be.
Gelma had returned through the very route she had used to escape. She wouldn't be stupid enough to come through the door when she was sure no one had noticed her disappearance. When she finally made her way into her room, she mentally applauded herself for being a bad ass escapee. The room was dark so she was about switching the lights on when she heard the voice she had been dreading.
"You left". It somehow sounded calm and somber which scared her even more because he made it hard for her to insinuate what his next actions were going to be.
She was at a loss of words. It was so dark how could he know it was her? She made sure she made no iota of noise when she was entering the room. This man was definitely inhuman. How was he able to know?
She was sure he was approaching her because his footsteps were getting louder with every passing second. She was unable to see him but she felt that suffocating aura, she could feel that strain in the air, preventing her from breathing in peace. Gelma felt cold fingers brush her cheeks, that feathery touch, ignited a strange feeling in her. She felt those same cold fingers trace the side of her face right down to her neck. His thumb drew circles on the side of her neck before they settled at her nape. His harmless movements on her body were causing her insides to quack. Was this the consequence of going against him? If so, she was never going to defile this devil ever again. She took in a deep breath when she felt his hands in her hair, he grabbed her hair, not hurting her but he tugged it hard enough to make her whimper.
"Gelma..." he called huskily. That alone was enough to send her at the edge. She was sure of losing her footing and falling for this stone hearted devil. Before she knew it, he slammed her against the wall, she was encased between his hands. She was still unable to see him but she had an inkling that he could see her so clearly that was why he kept touching her in the right places.
He sniffed her and immediately he didn't perceive the rose scent on her, but an irritating manly scent, he became angry.
Gelma couldn't help but notice the sudden drop in the temperature of the room. It was freezing cold, his aura had become even more overbearing and terrifying. She couldn't keep up.
"Please stop this". She was well aware it was his doing. She didn't need to understand how but it was him.
"Who were you with?" He scolded loudly scaring her senseless.
"Tyler" Gelma found herself spouting the truth. She was doomed. She heard him chucking maliciously.
"So you went ahead to disobey me just to meet up with Tyler?" He continued chuckling.
"No he found me on the roadside and I was heading to the hospital. I never knew I would meet him..." she tried explaining but he kept chuckling. She was feeling frustrated at the fact that he wasn't even paying attention to her explanations. She felt fear building inside of her, she was definitely out of her mind when she held his cheeks firmly so she could make him focus his eyes on her.
"Nathan..." her crazy act brought about the result she wanted. She could feel his intense gaze on her and she wasn't sure what she was looking at but all that mattered was that, he was out of berserk zone.
They both began closing the gap between one another, their advances resulting into a heart melting kiss.

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