Fifty nine; Unleashed

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"Ilyas what's all this agitation for?" His comrade asked. For they were the two demons assigned to guard the cell of the fae's family. They were low ranked demons, chosen to follow the witch's will.
"I sense a presence". Ilyas answered, still moving in little steps about the cell's perimeter to get the person who was stalking. Horak scoffed.
"It's the red head's eyes she's kept somewhere to watch over us".
"Silly it's not the witch's eyes...neither is it the silver eyed demon. What's his name?"
"Ohh Elisha? Nah I don't sense any demon". Horak answered.
"Horak why do you have two shadows?" Ilyas asked and they both starred at the second shadow that seemed to be in motion though he was stationary.
"What the fuck!" He exclaimed. "We should tell the witch the hell is going on here. We did hear the fae and that sick demon prince might come to their rescue".
In a snap, two dead bodies laid on the ground, sprawled on a growing pool of blood, to their backs were dipped metaled knives, woven from the shadow tendrils of Dakuna.
'Lead them through the east secret passage. She is however going to know her minions are breathless'. Nathan communicated through their mind link.
Dakuna entered into the cell and watched the trio curled up in a deep slumber. He pondered how he was going to buy time because the red haired was going to be here any moment now.
'Distract the witch for a while, the lady and her children are napping'.
Nathan rolled his eyes, Gelma gazed at him incredulously, that act wasn't called for in this situation they were in.
"Dakuna is at it again". He smirked carelessly and his next move was more shocking. Out of the blue, Nathan had teleported himself right before Elisha and in a millisecond, he pierced him with his black claws straight into his heart. He pulled out the beating organ and squeezed it into a splatter of blood. Sybil didn't see that coming and watched him with horror in her eyes, it was only after few seconds did she regain her senses and went on to attack him but she was stopped by Olive.
"You're not worthy enough to lay your hands on the royals less be with my betroth. Even by your side, he's doomed to die". Olive laughed sarcastically and used her powers to catapult her, sending her flying meters away from the castle's threshold.
"Be careful". Nathan warned. "He wants you alive so you can be the death of him". He smirked, earning a wry smile from his sister.
"He'll be more grateful that I did as I pleased...the reason I stayed alive till now". She replied and disappeared, in order to battle the witch.
"I did tell her to try staying alive but little O prefers to swim with the dead". He said to Elisha's lifeless body that sagged on his shoulders.
"I believe you can sense your mother and the twins somewhere don't you?" He asked not waiting for her reply. "Be with them till I return. Please, don't go to Iblis no matter how his aura beckons". He said and disappeared when he saw her nod obediently, hoping she was going to resist his presence.
Dakuna had resorted to waking them up, even though it was going to be consequential, like the humans were going to shriek out seeing a talking shadow. He had no choice. He shook them till their eyes snapped open.
"Jared, Jerry" he heard the lady call, the room was dark and so he blended with the dark making himself invisible.
"Where are we?" The boys starred at their surroundings, fear began gripping them as they couldn't grasp their whereabouts.
"We're in a cell?" Jared pointed out.
"Look at those iron bars". Jared led his brother to the huge bars and what they saw across the bars was more dreary. They had to crawl backwards.
"What's going on?" Their mother asked but they weren't courageous enough to answer.
Just when Dakuna thought to reveal his shadowy identity, Gelma materialized before the cell. With a single thought, the door to the jail room opened up and she stepped inside. Four pairs of eyes looked up at her with awe but her family was confused as to what was happening.
"Mother". She called but received no acknowledgment. "I'll explain everything to you all. Sorry for all this". She said but they remained mute.
"Dakuna". She called and he revealed himself, scaring them further.
"Trust me" she gazed at them pleadingly. "Follow the shadow guy, he'll lead you out of hear to a better place".
"And where are you going?" Her mother stopped her in her tracks.
"I'll be with you in a minute". She said and walked out of their sights before vanishing into thin air.

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