Chapter forty five; Witch queen

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Four cloaked figures materialized in the middle of a thick dense forest. The sky had lost its shine and now had a dark hue, blanketing the trees, making it look more eerie. The air felt magical yet dangerous. Owls were hooting in the forest, and the winds that blew were violent and carried strange noises.They stood before the entrance of the witches' lair, two huge ebony trees stood by the sidelines, giving way to fields of orchards. The entrance had been sealed with magic and to step in, one needed to chant a spell. Only powerful and creatures of the dark could gain access. Apart from the chant, there were several barriers to protect themselves from intruders.
The four persons who had just appeared weren't perturbed the least about the witches and their defense system. They had come just to destroy every living thing that lived behind these ebony trees. The forest felt cold but the cold they were getting wasn't of the forest, it was emanating from the platinum haired princess amongst them. Dakuna was close to shivering as the temperature was freezing cold. Her usual bright obsidian eyes were as dull as the skies during rainy days. She seemed detached and soulless.
Iscah gave her a quick glance, she indeed had a subduing aura that showcased the authority she possessed. She was going to make a good leader. She wasn't easily moved except it concerned the people she cared most about. Iscah had to agree she was a phantom. She had tested the woman's patience and wasn't satisfied. Olive kept to herself and remained sane. She had to feel bad for these poor witches. She was already imagining the torture she was going to put them through. Olive wasn't anyone to mess with.
Elisha side glanced at Olive, he only had to hope she won't sink this forest down into the earth's core or freeze the witches to death. They were creatures of the dark and so could tolerate it but the witches were  magic practitioners and couldn't save themselves.
"The chant". Iscah said so they could recite it simultaneously. They did so and moved in hastily. As they were half crossed the orchards, white sharp arrows aimed at them were approaching at an incredible speed. Before it could come an inch near them, Olive made them halt, with a show of her hand, they dissipated into smoke. They kept moving unfazed and prepared for whatsoever attack the witches were launching.
They had walked past the orchards and were now in. Huts were scattered about, painted in white. As if their presence had been sensed, the witches came out of their houses and gathered before them. Some drew out their weapons while some stood poised, ready to cast spells and curses at them. Olive scanned them thoroughly in search of a certain witch.
"Anya". She called menacingly once she spotted the reddish brown haired and lime green eyed woman.
"Princess Olive". She responded in an angry tone. No one would be grinning showcasing teeth with this woman of wrath before them. The witches were well aware who she was, what she was capable of and how cruel she could be to her enemies. "What a surprise".
"Where is Sybil". Olive asked going straight to the point. She wasn't going to banter words with the witch was she?
Anya clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. This day was going to come and that dreadful day was today. Were they going to see the dawn of tomorrow?
"She left the magic forest a long time ago. You know she has secluded herself and kept herself hidden".
"Liar". Olive spat. Her heart beat betrayed her. No matter how calm she fought to be, she could not hide her fear entirely. "You practiced your craft on dead vampires, bent them to be your puppets so you could use them against us".
She scoffed. "You had had all these planned out, even our coming. Sybil knows we would come for her once we found out it was the witches' doing".
Anya became petrified, the cold dead eyes watching hers defined death. She was not going to live on. This half demon half vampire princess was going to bring her death.
"Speak now or lose your miserable lives". She roared, baring her elongated canines.
Anya was forced to fight hoping almighty Sybil would be considerate enough to rescue her people. Before she could utter a chant, the earth beneath her feet began quacking. It vibrated vigorously such that the witches began stumbling to the ground, even their spells failed to keep them rooted to the earth. Daggers began flying from different angles, piercing them right to the soul. They were dying at a fast rate. Some feisty witches stood their grounds and attacked. The other three beings fought back, eliminating them quickly. Olive stayed at the centre of the heated blood shedding battle, letting her inner power seep into the air. She was unapproachable. Anyone who dared dissipated into smoke.
Iscah fought with grace, she looked like a killer angel with that glowing white long hair of hers. From her palms grew sharp shards of platinum that stroke deep into the flesh. They weren't ordinary weapons but were deadly. Her movements were swift and effortless, she didn't even break a sweat as she fought on.
Elisha wasn't so good with battling ladies but he wasn't lenient. He killed them with his steel daggers as he moved like lightening amongst the witches. Dakuna was torn between laughing at the struggling witches or be focused on killing them with his shadow tendrils that formed into weapons that could harm flesh. Please could someone explain to him how it was possible to stab a shadow or cast a spell on someone who wasn't even living?
At a certain point, the entire forest was covered in a mist, a dark grey mist that blocked the view of the forest. In the midst of it all emerged Sybil, the awaited witch queen. No one could see her but she was sensed by everyone.
Anya was still recuperating from her fight with the white haired demon, she had been pierced by hundreds of shards. She could feel her breath leaving her. She suddenly felt a dark presence behind her.
"Utterly useless". Sybil drawled while watching the dying witch with disdain.
"My queen". She croaked as blood gushed out of her mouth.
"A simple task I gave to you but you failed dutifully. Of what use are you? I might as well end your suffering shouldn't I?" Sybil asked and immediately those words left her lips, Anya began breathing heavily, it was becoming difficult to breathe, her breath was been sucked out of her. In no time, she fell to the ground lifeless.
"Now now now where are you Elisha?" She mumbled to herself while making the mist disappear.
"Right before you witch". His baritone voice rang in the forest dipped in sheer fury.
She wasn't surprised seeing the four beings standing before her with vexed and threatening looks but who cared? She looked at them with a smirk plastered on her face. Her red wavy hair accompanying the passing wind and her jade eyes watched them, mirth dancing at the back of her eyes.
"We meet again. How many years has it been?" She asked as if in deep thought and then smiled devilishly.
"You are Iblis' accomplice". Olive said.
"Took you so long to find out". She mocked.
"What do you want in return? Iblis would never fulfill his end of the bargain so surrender now or regret your actions".
"Trying to talk me out of it". She chuckled derisively. "What I want?" She glanced at Elisha seductively. "I have him where I want him to be". Immediately she said so, she and Elisha disappeared from their sights.

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