Chapter twenty one

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Gelma was still shuffling taxis when a black SUV packed before her. She didn't pay any attention to it because she knew no one who owned an SUV except the devil who had unceremoniously kidnapped her. And so, since he had left a while ago, there was no way it was him. Absolutely no way. Concluding the one in the car wasn't her boss, she walked still, swaying her hips and ignoring the car. It began following her steadily and it was then she became alarmed. Who could be the one following her?
She began hastening her footsteps in an attempt to flee from the stalker but it parked right before her. Dread took over her and she began quivering, she was good as dead. The driver's door was made open. It was dark inside the car and so she couldn't see who it was. The driver came down with all grace, his leg first, showcasing an expensive shoe, one that looked same as her boss's. Oh no! She prayed to God it wasn't him. The man came off with an exorbitant vibe, his face seemed dark for the moonlight had refused to share with him some light but he looked exquisite regardless. She could guess it was anyone but Nathan because that beast would not stand there looking so cool and flawless seeing her out of his 'king's mansion'. She was still scared though.
The man walked over to her and it was then she was stunned, her mouth agape and her eyes wide in shock.
"Miss Moriaty?"
His voice brought her out of her trance.
"Mr. Tyler Davids". She squinted her eyes making sure it was him she was starring at.
"Who would have known I'd see you again?" He chuckled. She blinked thrice to be sure of what had happened seconds ago. Her hallucinations were top notch.
"Mr. Davids". She nodded, forgetting who she had actually seen approaching her. If not for sanity, she would have sprinted out of there.
"Where are you headed?" He smiled, his smile contagious and so she smiled at him, lightings up his already vibrant face, his green eyes shimmering under the moonlight.
"The hospital". Her response got him pondering. Going to the hospital at this time? It had to be an emergency seeing how agitated she was.
"Hop in beautiful". He grinned at her, she murmured her thanks and got in.
The atmosphere was comfy unlike the devil's. She could breathe freely without being worried about it. She could exhale and inhale in peace. Gelma couldn't help but notice the usual stares he was sending her way. She didn't know how to start a conversation so as to evade the awkwardness in the car, but it was preferable to the dead drop silence that enveloped Nathan's aura.
"I'm kind of curious...what are you going to the hospital for?"
"My mom". She answered gazing at him. "She has been there for a while now. I promised to show up today so I'm keeping to my promise". She gave him a sweet smile.
How easy it was to speak to him, she thought. She had been with him for up to thirty minutes and hadn't raised her voice or felt an ounce of anger unlike when she was with Nathan. Nathan was definitely a pack of trouble.
"Here we are beautiful". He said halting the car.
"You can call me Tyler. Let's do away with the formalities". He gazed at her, with a tinge of admiration in his eyes.
"As you say Tyler...thank you for the ride". She said and came off the car.
He watched her enter into the building, his eyes carrying tones of different emotions. He smiled regardless, he kicked the gas and sped off.
Gelma walked into the private room where her mother and brothers were. It was really late and everyone was sleeping, well except for Jared. Jared was the stubborn and video game type. Right in a sick person's ward, he was in it.
"Jared!" Gelma whisper shouted.
"Gelma!" He whispered back, hastily packing his game pad.
She shook her head, he would never change. She sat by her mom, holding her hand. She couldn't believe her mom was out of danger and her body was ready for the stem cell transplant.
"Gelma dear..." her mother called, her voice hoarse. Gelma brought water for her mom to gulp down, her throat was surely in need of water.
"Thank you Gelma...thanks for everything". She began tearing up along side with her mother.
"It was my responsibility mother. I would do anything and everything to ensure your safety".
"You are the daughter every mother would love to have". Her mother squeezed her hand that was in hers. "Gelma you have saved my life. You have sacrificed so much for our well being".
"I did because I love and cherish my family. I won't stop living up to my promise".
Jared came and joined them for a touching family hug without Jerry. He was busily sleeping. They all laughed starring at the snoring boy.

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