Chapter forty seven; Olive's curse.

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He broke off from the kiss, took in a deep breath as he starred deep into her eyes.
"I can't have enough of you Gelma Moriaty ." He muttered beneath his breath more to himself than her.
Gelma swallowed the invisible lump in her throat. Watching his black eyes turn red all of a sudden. She staggered backwards but his strong hold round her waist supported her and so she couldn't trip and fall from the shocking sight before her. She knew there was something mysterious about him, she couldn't put her finger on it but she was a hundred and one percent sure he was far from humane.
He stood dazed as he starred at her through his long lashes and his long bangs while pinching the bridge between his eyes.
"Nathan...", her broken voice seemed to have jerked him out of his daze. He then realized he was no longer in his human form.
He clenched his teeth and his fist until they were white. He grabbed her by her hand and pulled her to his room which was in his office. Once he dragged her in, he shut the door closed without touching it by use of his powers he had kept hidden for hundreds of years. Immediately the door went shut, he pinned her on the door and crashed his lips on hers.
Olive starred long at the spot Elisha had been standing on, her eyes not giving off any emotion. Dakuna kept his eyes glued on her, praying to whatever gods that existed that she shouldn't act irrationally as a result of her rage.
"Did you trace the cave?" Olive asked with a sense of boredom, her eyes still on that spot.
"I did princess but we can't attack today". Iscah replied.
"Of course. Could be a trap, Sybil has always been smart". Olive smirked. "How stupid I had been not to realize". She remarked, referring to something she was pondering on from the past.
"What do you mean?" Dakuna asked out of curiosity. He was still holding his breath, Olive was more dangerous when she was this calm. Iscah turned to face her so she could get the gist of it. To their greatest surprise, she began chuckling sardonically.
"It was her". She spoke after eons of silence. The listening duo could feel the agony seeping out of her yet her countenance held no resemblance to her innermost feelings.
"The rogue vampires, the capture, the death of Ravaya, my curse. She had begun her witchery long ago". She smiled wryly. "And it was all for Eli".
"Olive..." Dakuna called in an attempt to calm her down and share her pain.
"No...if there is anyone to put an end to this it is I". She said with utmost determination.
"Sybil is too tricking, you can't face her in your lonesome". Dakuna denied. He did care for her. It wasn't save to confront the enemy alone. Besides, Elisha wouldn't want her getting into harms way. Olive was an exceptionally kind person who was ready to go the extra mile for the ones she loved. She would fight and readily sacrifice herself if needed. That was exactly how she felt, to go by herself to free Elisha and annihilate the sly witch.
"Whether or not I live, I would never know true happiness". Olive drawled, her voice laced with anguish and despair. The gentle breeze blowing past them couldn't take away the melancholy coating them. It couldn't carry Olive's pain. The hurt in her heart was excruciating.
"Olive you haven't succumbed to your predicament have you?" Dakuna spoke in a threatening tone.
"I did so long ago". She gave him a lope sided smile that didn't sit well with him.
"If you were cursed by fae magic, it can be undone". Iscah voiced out.
"I am a demon". She rang, her eyes snapped , flickering between different shades of black.
"Fae magic can only make us more powerful or drain the life out of us,  it cannot eradicate a curse. If  Iblis had succeeded in acquiring all of her magic, I would have only been a memory by now".  She recalled what happened eight hundred and fifty six years ago, that night Iblis had caught up with them.
"Sister". Iblis's sinister chuckle escaped his lips. He seemed amused seeing her shielding his prey. "It's quite unfortunate that you are not on my side".
He stepped towards them and they retreated backwards as dread seeped into them, making it difficult to move their limbs.
"I am quite happy, you have given me a reason to kill you". He smirked. "Good things keep happening to me". He laughed out maniacally.
Ravaya and Olive stood their ground, glaring daggers at their common enemy. They least expected his next move. In a blink of an eye, Olive was stabbed to a tree by a silver dagger beneath her clavicle. The trembling figure of Ravaya cowered backwards wanting to disappear. She couldn't hold back the tears, they kept pouring down in volumes.
"Pretty rose". Iblis smiled devilishly at her. "It's quite unfortunate that I don't desire you enough not to kill you". He went on, his eyes sweeping across her figure. "It's so sad that I have to take your life in the process of extracting your powers".
"I would return". She boomed, she had suddenly felt a surge of power. She felt strong just that she couldn't unlock them. She chose to channel her powers to her essence so she could reincarnate.
"Impossible rosy". He smiled at her, silently telling her that he was the victor and was going to get away with all his deeds.
"I would suck the life out of you". She warned, her eyes devoid of emotion.
"I must live up to that day".
He immediately struck her with a dagger. She fell to the forest bed, her breath leaving her. Iblis stood before her, he began the extraction process by sinking his fangs into her neck. He had taken only a mouthful when the acrid scent of smoke hit him. His men had dissipated into smoke, and Olive was now free starring down at him. She came at him in a fierce attack. Luckily, he was quick  enough to dodge to the side. She let her demon surface, turning her into a ferocious attacker who was hell bent on ripping her opponent into pieces. Iblis wasn't surprised with her burst of energy. They were all demons and he had an upper hand due to the little gulp he took from Ravaya's blood.
Because he wanted to abruptly put and end to her attacks, he tried channeling the strange pulse of energy into his demon. He let it come out in black whips, it wrapped around her, throttling her in tight squeeze. She whimpered as she began losing her breath. His hold on her loosened up the moment he side viewed red tendrils emerging out of Ravaya, and frittering away into the darkness. When he realized what was transpiring he let go of Olive and ran towards Ravaya's body but got there late. All of the immense power that was in her had already escaped out of her.
He gnashes his teeth, clenched his fist till they were white in sheer vehemence. He glared back at Olive, as she remained on the ground, trying to even her breathing. He lifted her up from the forest bed using his demonic powers.
"You scoundrel". He spat, his eyes the reflection of a burning furnace. "You..." He angrily flinged her to a tree, hurting her tremendously.
"I would be unable to take your life...but that doesn't mean I can't fulfill my own part of the bargain". He smirked and then said. "Imiero alandis".
That was how that inauspicious night went on. Sybil had made her findings and had discovered two things, the descendant of Oprah La Parge was in existence and held enormous power. She traced her only to find out she was the king's mate. They thought he knew who she was and thought he was keeping her because of that but it turned out that wasn't the case. They did find something interesting, Nathan had become invincible because he was the one who wielded the powers of Oprah La Parge. They planned on taking Ravaya's powers and then kill Nathan according to the fate assigned to Ravaya. Iblis was to be the new king and sole heir to hell's throne but things didn't go as planned.

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