Chapter twenty six

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The royal castle of Thenas
Olive stood a reasonable distance from an archery board, her eyes solely on the red target mark and a bow in her hands, three arrows in her hands ready to make her shot when someone joined her at her training grounds.
"Princess". Bethuel bowed to her. She didn't spare him a glance or reciprocate his greetings until she shot her arrows, every one of them was stuck in the target mark.
"Lord Bethuel". She nodded. Finally facing him.
"Klesh had sent a message from up north". He said seriously. That caught her attention enough for her to lead them towards the palace gazebo so they could talk more on the issue.
"Emelda..." Olive called unto a maid. "Serve us two glasses". The maid nodded knowing the contents of the glasses.
"They had been attacked by a few rogues". He continued, seeing how interested she was into the matter.
"Last I checked, Nathan and my betroth had done well to eradicate them from the surface of Thenas so where are they stemming from?" She was exasperated with all the unfolding events lately.
No one could answer that question. It was as vivid as day that, that psycho brother of hers was with an accomplice and until they were able to fish him out, none of their efforts would yield fruit. Who could he be?
"Princess they are different from the previous ones". He went on to explain Klesh's report from the warriors camp up north.
"How so?"
"They didn't look like normal vampires who had been fed spit grass but he swore they were dead vampires who had been brought back to life by use of dark magic".
Olive listened to every word of his, fury rocking her insides. The situation they were in was exacerbating with every passing day. They had to find whosoever was aiding that son of a bitch. If not, they were surely doomed. She was scared that Gelma would be helpless and might not have the chance to grant salvation to anyone...her sole reason for choosing to come back. Olive clenched her fists, with the newest information, witchcraft was part and parcel of this madness Iblis was organizing. She would begin with the witches and by the time she would be done with them, they would wish they had gone extinct along side the faes.
At the end of a dark corridor, unknown to fellow inhabitants of the royal castle of Thenas , a dark silhouette of a being lurking about the wall. After a few seconds of hovering about, the wall rolled to the side granting him access into the shadowy room. His eyes scanned the dungeon, he finally set his eyes on the captive behind the iron bars. For he was chained with silver, causing his entire body to burn uncontrollably. For silver was the death of vampires but it wasn't enough to kill half vampires, half demons. The being had a cloak on, his hood kept his face hidden. Only his mouth could be visible.
"I almost mistook you for a man". Iblis let out a sinister chuckle that didn't affect the woman the least.
"The power encasing you here is already getting to me". The woman hissed, venom coating her manner of speech.
"It shouldn' are the most powerful witch". He groaned earning a scoff from the witch. "I know he is in search of you...I have played my yours".
"The army you would be in need of is ready...all I  need is the blood of the fae to free you from this imprisonment". She said with a smirk plastered on her face.
"No wonder you are the most powerful of your always cease the moment". He said and laughed out maniacally.
He was now a hundred and one percent sure that his plans would be executed this time around, no one had an inkling of what was coming. No one.

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