Chapter forty six;Audacious move

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It was 2pm and Nathan was in a meeting, a private meeting that didn't require her presence. She stayed behind her desk working on a pile of documents. She had to place them on his desk before he returned to his office. After a short time lapse, she prepared the documents and went into his office to leave them there. She didn't bother knocking, no one was in so she hastily moved to the table, her eyes didn't take notice of the occupied swivel chair behind the table. She did fail to notice the presence of another being in the room as she was most focused on placing the documents orderly and sauntering out to take care of some other matters.
She was about retreating from the table when she noticed someone on the swivel chair back facing her, she was terrified but was composed enough not to scream, the blonde hair her eyes spotted did well to make her guess who the intruder was. He swiveled himself to face her, his green eyes glimmering like emeralds. He looked radiant in his casual wear. His blonde hair was let loose and it did give him and ethereal look. He could really be an angel, she thought. But there was another thing...
"How did you get here?" She asked sternly. She wasn't petrified but felt mystified. Her blue eyes starred at him searchingly.
"You left inappropriately last time we met". He gave her a tight smile, intertwining his fingers and bewildering her further.
"Tyler?" She probed for an answer. He was so good at avoiding questions and opening new chapters.
"As you had proposed I am far from human and most importantly not from hell or an orchestra of carnage". He spat, still wearing a perfect cool facade, masking the tumult in his insides. She could feel the storm that was hurling in him.
"I don't know what you speak of". She said, she didn't want to get herself mixed up in this mystical things when she wasn't a supernatural. Were all these seeking her attention because she was now in love with Nathan? The change her life was experiencing began only that night she met him.
"You deny to read the signs shown to you". Tyler went on. "You are opposing your mission, your sole purpose".
"I have no course. Tyler you speak in riddles. None of these concern me the least".
"You think you're a human?" Tyler scoffed. "You're beloved". He nodded at the door. "He knows the whole truth. Perhaps you should ask him what you are".
She hadn't even registered what he had said when the door to the office swung open, she whipped her head to Nathan's direction, her eyes still clouded with befuddlement. She glanced away from his sight to the chair horridly only to find it empty. She instantly swallowed.
"Gelma who was here?" She heard his voice, not a good question because she couldn't provide an answer. She tried hiding the surprise and obfuscation painting her face to a calm and collected one so she could pretend no one was present seconds before he appeared. She hadn't even turned to look at him and that got him pissed. He could get a masculine scent, mixed with cherry, though faint, it gave an angelic vibe. It couldn't be hers, she wasn't any less of an angel but the scent didn't belong to her. Her heart beat was going wild.
Gelma didn't notice Nathan walking up to her until the moment he grappled her upper arm, pulling her towards him. Her blunt eyes were now zeroed to his piercing pitch black eyes, burning with rage.
He was about saying something when Gelma saw his parted lips as a golden opportunity to kiss her way into the warmth of his mouth. He was by far caught off guard with her audacious move that he forgot the words he was about spewing. He kissed her back with more fervor, as he took the reigns from her. He tilted her head backwards so as to deepen the kiss to a greater degree. He savored her whole and sucked her lips till she became breathless. She held onto his firm shoulders in order not to give in into her weakened knees. She leaned in, closing up any gap that existed between them. She was glad the situation had turned out for the better.
Her closeness was assaulting, the fruity taste of her lips were utterly arousing, that he was losing his sanity. His self restraint was snapping and she was the perpetrator, the sole reason why he was losing it.

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