The healer nods "Yes we don't know what kind yet but we have treated him for poisoning, he has been given active charcoal to combat the effects of the poison. He has been put on a saline I.V. to help flush his system and we have him on a monitor. We should have the analysis of the sample you brought us in about an hour. I need you to come in and give him some of your energy, he is still not retaining his energy properly and his body is trying to heal itself without enough energy for it to do so."

He nods and walks with the healer into the room where his husband is lying, unconscious once again. He looks at his precious Wey Ying and tears sting his eyes, he looks at him connected to wires and tubes and it brings back the memory of his abduction and the injuries he has just recently healed from that event. He walks over and takes his hand then pushes his energy into his husband.

His eyes soften as he looks at the unconscious beauty "This will never happen again, I failed you, I am so sorry my love. I always seem to fail to protect you even in our home. I promise I will do everything I can to make sure nothing like this happens ever again. I'm so sorry my Wey Ying." He puts his forehead on his hand as he continues to push his energy into his beloved.

In the waiting room Yang's face is red with anger "How could this happen here? I thought he was supposed to be safe here, that's why you brought him here."

Xichen nods sadly "Yes, he was supposed to be safe here, I promise whoever did this will be found. I love him, he is my didi and I won't rest until I find the one responsible for this. I promise from one big brother to another, they will be found and dealt with harshly."

Yang nods still not happy, the triplets all just look worried and scared for their didi. Yang walks over and comforts them, they all hug and turn to look at the others standing there. They open their arms and Xichen, Sizhui, Cheng and Zhuo, all join them. They all hug and comfort each other as they wait for news of Wey Ying's condition.

An hour or so later Healer Xin walks into the room with Lan Zhan and Wey Ying he sighs "So he was poisoned by Lily of the Valley, it can be easily mistaken with wild garlic so it was probably an honest mistake and added to the soup accidentally. I would still question the kitchen staff to be sure but don't be surprised if it was just an accidental mix up Hanguang Jun."

He nods at the healer but his lips purse in irritation, he is pissed off that his Wey Ying is back in the hospital and he doesn't have anyone to blame for his mate's condition. He continues to push his energy into his love, the only way he feels right now he can take care of them.

"Xichen ge is out in the waiting room will you go and tell him your findings please so that he can go and speak with the kitchen staff?" he asks.

Healer Xin nods and leaves the room to do as Hanguang Jun asks, he is concerned for his patient but luckily he didn't eat too much of the poisonous plant and they caught it quickly before it could do any real damage to him. He goes out into the waiting room and speaks with Zewu Jun before walking back through the double doors and talking to one of the staff. He walks back into the room with Hanguang Jun and Wei Laozu.

"Hanguang Jun I am going to have our sonographer do a scan just to ease my mind that there was no harm to the baby. I don't usually do scans this early but I feel like I need to in this case." Healer Xin explains.

Lan Zhan nods "Whatever you think is best, you are the professional not me, I just want them both to be healthy."

The sonographer walks in with the sonogram machine, plugs it up and gets it ready. She pulls up Wey Ying's hospital gown since he had to be changed and cleaned up after he was brought in. She puts some of the gel on his stomach and gets the wand, placing it on his stomach, she moves it around several times then looks at Healer Xin and grins. She points to the screen and he smiles and looks at the man beside him.

"Congratulations Hanguang Jun it looks like you are having twins." He says beaming.

Lan Zhan freezes for a moment and then looks at the healer "What?"

The woman doing the scan turns the screen to him and points to two separate black spots on the screen. "Here you can see two gestational sacs, there are two babies Hanguang Jun."

She turns the screen backto her and moves the wand around a little more trying to get a better angle andthen she gasps.

Lan Zhan's head snaps to her with concern written on his face "What's wrong?"

She grabs Healer Xin, pulls him over and points to the screen, he also gasps and then smiles wide "Hanguang Jun it looks like your husband is not giving you two but three children, it looks like identical twins in the same gestational sac and then a third baby in a separate gestational sac."

Lan Zhan looks at his husband and a brilliant smile crosses his face. "We are having triplets. Are we really having three babies?"

Healer Xin chuckles "Yes and this would also explain why your husband has not been able to keep his energy stores full, it seems that instead of one baby pulling on his energy there are three. You will have to be diligent in giving him your energy so that all three babies and Wei Laozu stay healthy. This shows that he is also six weeks along not five, this can sometimes happen, the first scan usually gives us a more accurate gestational time frame."

Lan Zhan looks at Wey Ying and his face softens, he leans over and kisses his forehead "Thank you, my love, my miracle, for giving me more than I ever dreamed. Please get well quickly so that we can celebrate our children." He gazes lovingly at the man lying on the bed.

He looks at the healer "What do we do now Lan Xin, do I need to give him energy all day, do we need to set up a schedule, what do we do to keep him and the babies healthy?"

Healer Xin nods in understanding "I believe we can get you both on a schedule, we might need to experiment a bit to get the right schedule for you but I think we can find a way to keep his energy up enough to keep up with the energy demand of the babies."

Lan Zhan smiles shaking his head "Three, I can't believe we are going to have three."

They hear a soft voice whisper "Three what?" a groggy Wey Ying asks.

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