Chapter 22!

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Italics are speaking


"My, My. I didn't this was a group meeting, ya'll should've let me know ahead of time, I could've brought some snacks and gossip~"

"Laito, how long were you gonna watch?" Kanato gritted his teeth but still, hasn't moved his sight off of Yuma. Laito chuckled with a smirk on his face before appearing between the Mukami's and his brothers. "I was simply observing from a distance, Kanato. Getting a little too close for comfort half-blood?" Laito side-eyed Yuma while Yuma clicked his teeth and straightened his back. "You aristocrats and your snobbish ways piss me off." "Like your putrid stench does to us huh?" Subaru yells at him and Yuma glares at him back. "Come now Subaru, calm yourself in front of our little dearest hm~." "Hm, How charming~. Another nickname to add to the list." Avalynn laughed at his pet name for her which irked Yuma, Laito saw his fist squeeze and smirked. "Ah, the half-breed is angry Teddy. Look at him seething over something or someone he can't have, and he never will," Kanato grinned and squeezed the bear tightly. "Why you cheeky-" "Azusa, Kou, Yuma what is the meaning of this?" Another voice joined the rooftop, most eyes followed the voice to see a man with ruffled, short hair colored with black on top and white on the edges. He is wearing some black web chokers on his neck with sharp grey eyes and also three black piercings on his right ear. "Has the livestock tried to escape?" He dramatically closed whatever book he was looking at before looking at his brothers. "No...Ruki..Just sorting...things out" Azusa mumbled looking directly at Kanato causing him to grumble and glare back until Avalynn started rubbing his hair which calmed him down.

"What was needed to sort out, Azusa?" Ruki's stern voice echoed into the night and was interrupted by Avalynn's laugh. "Oh my goodness! This is too much for me." She continued to laugh even holding her stomach in pain. "Oi, it isn't that funny you stupid woman" Subaru blushed heavily and pointed at her like she was insane. Soon enough, Laito and Kanato started to laugh too which further confused Subaru. "Has she lost her mind after all this pressure with everyone here? She finally must have cracked," Yui thought to herself slightly victorious. "Whoo! I haven't laughed like that in ages, but that's beside the point. Ya'll are too uptight about the whole Adam and Eve project." The Mukami's tensed at that and caught Avalynn's eyes. "That's so cute of you to assume ya'll are the ones knowing about that," Avalynn smirked at Ruki and getting frustrated retorted. "So another livestock has some intelligence after all." "Ew, if you are going to try to insult me at least come up with something original." Avalynn's face turned into disgust while Yui gasped dramatically.

"Oh come now, little bitch. We know you like dirty talk~" Laito's grin widened while licking his lip. "Now is not the time to act like that Laito!" "Oh~ when is it a good time little brother?" "Not ever, especially around Lynn and Teddy." "You are being so mean to me Kanato. Lynn darling they are bullying me~." "B-BULLYING!?" As Subaru stared in disbelief and Laito hugged Avalynn tightly as if in agony while Kanato was muttering to Teddy, Yui was looking at them, stunned at them acting this way but when her eyes looked at Avalynn's, it went to jealousy and rage.

The Mukami's watched this all and while some were confused, others were annoyed. "You stupid purebloods are getting on my nerves!" Kou yelled at them which interrupted the brothers. "And that other blood bag with you is-" "Don't even finish that sentence." And appeared against the wall was the Oldest Sakamaki brother Shu. "I'm gonna have to agree with the lazy brat here, you half breed are a waste and nothing but ants under our shoes." The Second oldest Brother appeared beside him, crossing his arms looking annoyed.

"You wretched-" "Enough Kou." Ruki held him back and surveyed the Sakamaki brothers. As both sides were in a tense stare-down and Kou looked directly at Avalynn, who stared back. "You know for an Idol, you sure don't have your emotions in check. That type of reaction in public is not good for your reputation." Avalynn said cheekily with a smirk on her face. Kou gritted his teeth before taking a step back. Yui stepped up and took his hand, looking dead at Avalynn which took him by surprise.

"Hm, since you are going back with them, time to let the other know huh?" Yui tilted her head confused at what she meant. "Yours truly can never let you go pancake" a voice whispers to Yui by wind and the final member of the Sakamaki brothers arrives out from the shadows with no smirk on his face. "Would this be a good time to say I told you so?" She looks at Ayato who looked irritated. "No not at all." Ayato stares dead at Yui who flinches and hides behind Kou.

"What makes you think you can leave so easily, Yui?" She gasped when he said her name for the first time but it didn't have a pleasant tone behind it. "Yours Truly always gets what he wants sooner or later." He said before walking back to the brothers and rubbing Avalynn's hair messing it up. She scrunched her face before trying to fix it and noticed him looking upset up close.
"You'll find someone better, I know you will." That quickly caught his attention and he stared at her shocked. The two didn't get along in the beginning but maybe will find some common ground.

Kou then took the chance to read her with his eye power. As it glowed red and looked at Avalynn, a murky shadow enveloped her, and when he tried to look closer, the shadow turned into a reddish-purple color but was shot off, and then a cold feeling filled him. He couldn't move, couldn't blink, couldn't taste, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but just stand there terrified over something. Avalynn's body suddenly sprouted the colored shadows again, grappling his neck and squeezing. But it wasn't just grappling his neck but his arms, torso, and legs.
'What the hell is this!' He thought trying to break free. 'That was rude of you, Ya know?' Her voice echoed in his mind. 'I'm gonna let ya go know but keep this little experience to yourself or ya know what I don't care. I'm interested to see what you'll do next, toodles.' The shadows let him go quickly and so did the cold feeling around him. His body was able to move before he dropped to his knees and started to breathe heavily with sweat pooling down his face. "Oi kou. What's wrong?" "Kou-kun, what's wrong?" Yuma and Yui asked him but didn't get a response. All he could do was stare at Avalynn in fright and curiosity. As the seconds of silence passed, the bell rang again causing a sigh out of Reiji's mouth. "School is over, let's go back inside and recover the assignments that you all missed." As he began to leave, so did Subaru with a grunt and Ayato followed behind him. "Yours truly doesn't need a follow-up with these average classes" "That's a lie. You are currently failing 3 of them!" " Oh yeah! How would you know Subaru" the two yelled back and forth walking out the door, kanato and Avalynn stared at each other before shrugging and walking after them. The final two, Laito and Shu stood there either looking at the Mukami or 'sleeping'.

"You saw her power, now you not to call her a blood bag half breed" Laito Laughed before walking away. "What. What is she?" Kou mumbled looking at Shu who sat up on the bench. "Someone that Nobody should mess with." Was last said before teleported away. "You got a lot of things to tell us pig." Yui looked up to see both Yuma and Ruki glaring at her. She looked at Kou to get some help but he was still in shock. Azusa was talking to Michelle and Yui just squinted her eyes at him, which caught Yuma's eye. Yuma grabbed her by the back of her clothes before lifting her. She wiggled and squirmed, trying to get herself down or let her go but no use.

"You've earned yourself some punishment livestock," Ruki said while helping Kou up. She gulped before shaking and whimpering causing both Azusa and Yuma to grin. "Eve loves..pain...I' to give you....plenty."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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