Chapter 19!

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"Mistress, I have some information delivered personally delivered from Ceres-sama." The servant spoke with her head bowed to Avalynn. Avalynn Winters was sitting on a Royal blue armchair, multitasking between signing off paperwork and petting a yellow canary. The servant continued "The sacrificial bride has been kidnapped. Yui seems to have a clue of who you are. I shall write again when more is seen."Hmm, I see. Thank you for informing me, Claudia." The servant squinted her eyes at the bird and bowed lowly before rushing out the door and shutting it. Avalynn huffed aloud and stopped petting the bird before holding her head as if she was having a headache.

As she did so, the bird chirped loudly and ruffled its feathers as if wanting attention. Avalynn looked at the bird before chuckling and sitting up before stretching. "The damn servant was withholding information. I guess you're right about her after all, Ceres." The canary stopped chirping before its eyes glowing dark pink and smoke enveloped it till a woman appeared.
(Picture above)

"Of course, my lady. The servant has been selling information to others when she is supposedly taking care of her sickly mother." Avalynn raised her eyebrow before going to her shelf of books. As she grabbed a book and shuffled the pages she huffed loudly annoyed. "To think my trust has been misplaced again. You are dismissed to that beloved lover of yours." Avalynn waved her hand away before Ceres blushing and stammering. "M-mistress! We have barely started to get to know each other. You know? He is quite busy as am I and..." Avalynn laughed while sitting back in her chair with the book and the small stack of paperwork. "It's alright Ceres, I understand. Sometimes to enjoy him and yourself, you need some alone time~." Avalynn's smile turned into a smirk before snapping her fingers. A scroll landed in her hands before she hurriedly wrote something inside while Ceres tried to peek over her shoulder.

Ceres shot up and quickly fixed her posture when Avalynn shot up from her chair. She tossed the scroll and Ceres caught it before trying to unravel it. Avalynn pushes her out the door and closes the door with a smirk still on her face. As she shut the door and walked away, she could hear a squeal before footsteps echoing away quickly. Avalynn chuckled again before sitting back down and sighed. "I really wanna get this done but at the same time what the point? They wait on me anyway."
She slouched off her chair before lying on the floor. "I could visit the boys. But I don't want to be hounded right now ugh." She looked up at the ceiling in thought before hopping up and leaving the room to make food.

As she left the room, the book was left on the desk, opened but not for long. The book closed page by page slowly before shutting loudly with a thud. Not a moment later did the book float back into its previous place in the bookshelf. The cover of the book slowly fits in its place. The title of the book, Aplectrum Hyemal, was in a brown, dull font on a green hardcover and was secured against other books with multiple colors ranging from blood red to bright violet.
The room zoomed out slowly before fading to black.

Honest got to tease, y'all a little bit before we go back to the Canon lol. Hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry it took so long, I hurt my foot at work and hopefully didn't sprain it. Wish me luck!

 Wish me luck!

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