Chapter 10.5

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(This was the dinner scene I meant to add with Avalynn, the Sakamaki brothers along with Yui.)

As the brothers were already sitting and waiting patiently for the bride, Avalynn was eating bread from the basket in front of her without a care in the world. Reiji gives her a side-eyed look before looking away. Subaru just slumped in his chair and laito had his eyes closed smiling to himself. Kanato was mumbling, and becoming grouchy because Yui was late. Shu was 'sleeping' in the chair beside her but his 'music' was playing to his ears.

Avalynn just finished her second bread roll before Ayato barged through the doors like he owned the place. Reiji looks up toward him asking "Where is that Geboku(servant)?" Ayato shrugs before sitting in his seat and loudly scrapes the floor which caused Avalynn to flinch. The brothers noticed but decided not to point it out and then not even 10 seconds later, the beloved bride entered the room.
As yui sat down in her chair, the brothers noticed an extensive amount of perfume coming from her. Kanato coughed loudly before covering his nose and scrunched his face towards her. Laito just chuckled and Ayato didn't respond at all. Avalynn just smiled at her before grabbing her utensils to eat, Subaru soon followed her, tired of waiting for the pesky human.

And soon all the vampires (except Shu) started eating while Yui just looked around skittish-like. She soon looks at Avalynn as if trying to figure her out. Avalynn just continues her meal but Kanato did not like the attention on his bijin (beautiful woman). "Stop looking at her..." "Eh?! I wasn't-" "So you are calling me a liar!?!" Yui flinched so far that she flung her silverware onto the floor. "Kanato! Stop that at once. We are trying to enjoy some peace at this dinner party and you are embarrassing yourself in front of a guest." Kanato freezes before looking at Avalynn and sitting down back in his spot. Yui breathes a heavy breath before fixing up her appearance. "Your silverware is on the floor yui," Avalynn says 'concerned'. Yui eyes widened before going under the table to grab them and noticing something. Shu's leg was touching Avalynn's while Subaru's seat was noticeably closer to her. Yui went to sit up but her head hit the edge of the table and produced a shout. Ayato and Kanato laughed loudly while laito just shook his slightly and looked at her with 'pity'. "Aw does it hurt little bitch? If you come here, I can make it all better." Yui stuttered before Reiji interrupted. "Laito, you know it is rude to act like that while we are eating. Do that in your private time and you yui- yui flinched again- think you can act like an atrocious idiot and make a mockery of yourself in front of a guest?" Yui tries to stutter out an answer with her hand pointing towards her, shu, and Subaru but not making any sense. Reiji sighs loudly before announcing the dinner party and he apologizes for this display. Shu and Subaru stand up but don't leave, while the triplets telephoned out. Yui just sits there before rushing upwards and once again dropping her silverware onto the floor which aggravated reiji more.

Avalynn just shakes her head before thanking reiji for the dinner and letting her know if he needs something. Reiji just nods before focusing heavily on yui, yui shivers before pointing to Avalynn. "B-but s-she was.." Reiji puts his hand up to silence her, she did and pouted before the doors behind Avalynn and the brothers closed.

The brothers looked at each other before teleworking away. Leaving Avalynn by herself. She shrugged before heading to her room. Once she entered her room, she noticed a letter on the dresser by the window. Now, this window was previously closed, but it was wandering openly with the wind blowing in. She closed the window and fixed the blinds before grabbing the letter and reading the contents inside. As she did, her face into a smile before turning into a grin. She laughs to herself and kicks her feet into the air like she won the lottery.

"Finally, I'll soon have my revenge."

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