Chapter 9

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"It is quite shameful of you to act that way in front of us like that. You are practically wagging meat in front of a predator." "I should take that as a compliment huh? Getting your attention seems to be quite the honor here." "...What do you mean by that Gaijin(outsider/alien)?" "Sugar plum, don't be so pouty, you'll get attention after I explain some thangs, K?"

Kanato's jaw shut tight but not in anger more like a shock. The brother's noticed this behavior but didn't comment on it either, except for Laito. "Ne, b*tch-chan you managed to silence kanato. I congratulate you fufu~."

Avalynn ate another piece of onigiri, before replying with food in her mouth. "It's not that hard really. All of you do become quite engrossed in people's attention like it's a must. But honestly, it's not that big a deal. Stange of yall to be hypocritical to others when yall do they same sh*t but hey that's none of my business."

She soon finishes her food before downing her strawberry milk. As she was drinking it, she could tell the vamps were looking at her neck as she was swallowing. "You sound like you've been having your eye on us. You flaunt your body to every one of us and expect something in return. What is it?"

As avalynn finished her drink, she soon walked to the trash can to throw it away but reiji stepped in front of her. "*whistle* you're a little hasty there buttercup, might wanna slow down before ya miss some thangs." She walked around him and threw away the trash before sitting back down on the bench. Reiji went to try to walk but felt slight pressure pushing down on him. Reiji's body froze up and the brothers noticed before tensing up as well. "Now, don't get your little britches in a bunch. We still gotta talk-" "How come we shouldn't kill you after you insulted us?"

She sighed very loudly before cracking her neck side to side a couple of times. The pressure soon formed around all the vamps, and they froze up. "The one thing I hate is being interrupted. Ya should learn quickly before getting on my nerves." Avalynn took a deep breath to calm herself. The pressure was soon lifted and all the vamp's bodies were unfrozen.

The vamps looked at each other wondering what to do but Avalynn chuckled which got their attention. "As I said before, we gotta talk but first of all. One of yall wanna join me, I don't mind who." "You are quite mischievous little b*tch." "It works out in the end though doesn't it?"

Avalynn tapped on the spot on the bench beside her before Shu approaches her and sat down. "See, promised I wouldn't bite." "What do you want?" "There are many thangs I want, money, fame, power, sex, attention. Out of the things I named I want one thing. Wanna take a gander?" "You have enough fame as it is from your actions earlier in the week. Power comes easily to you so you want our attention. I hardly doubt you want our money." "You are correct on one thing, I don't need your money, but would be a bonus, I just wanna some type of companionship with yall~."

Laito chuckled loudly and Kanato squeezed his bear tighter. "Now not all my fun has to be physical. It could sadistic torture of others, hanging out, causing chaos around everything and anything we want." "Why?" "Hm?" "Why now? Why us? You have an ulterior motive involving us so what's the catch?" Shu had the absolute balls to then lay his head down on her lap. Subaru looks in shock at him but then his eye is raised at the girl. "Keep doing your part in your daddy's dearest plan with your little church girl but with everyone else you are mine." Avalynn started to rub shu's hair wanting to feel how soft it was. Shu groans before relaxing more and laying his head more into her thighs.
Kanato looks on in jealousy and Avalynn notices before looking at him. "Wanna join in Bubba? Ya, look like ya need it." Avalynn spread her other arm out for kanato to go to.

Kanato's eyes shined and widened with glee before teleporting into her arm and cuddling into her chest. Shu grumbled feeling kanato invading his personal space however feeling Avalynn's hands running through his hair quickly diminished his discomfort. Reiji wasn't shocked to see his deadbeat brother being comfortable but he felt some envy. Subaru looks confused and said, " So you wanna be a friend of ours?" Avalynn thought about it but nodded. "That's fine with me." "But why? Why would you wanna be close to us?" "Life passes by so quickly for higher-level beings, and I regret not being able to enjoy such pleasures."

Avalynn smiled, almost as if she is upset. Laito notices the slight emotion but chooses not to say anything else. The brothers (except shu and kanato since they are resting) nodded their heads before agreeing to the 'deal'. Avalynn sighed out loud before resting her eyes still with Shu laying on her thighs and Kanato resting on her side.

 Avalynn sighed out loud before resting her eyes still with Shu laying on her thighs and Kanato resting on her side

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