Chapter 12:

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The next night soon began with Yui snooping around the halls for Ayato. 'I must find him and make him answer my questions! He must know something about my plan to reject me. Well my blood, but anyway! He must think that I'm getting dull. I am not, can not, shall not be dull for I am a child of the church by my father.' Yui then arrives at a pretty blue door and barges in thinking that he is in there. There was a sakamaki triplet, but it wasn't Ayato but Laito.

Laito played the piano like a professional but when yui rushed through the door, it stunned him momentarily. Lait grits his teeth at her blatant disregard but continued playing and smiled half-heartedly. "Who was that pretty lady over by a lake?" "You think you can just barge into any room you want demanding answers like that tch" "Kanato, Ayato what are you doing here?" "Why do you want to know about the woman?" Yui stares at kanato for a bit before looking at Ayato demanding what their mother's name is. The triplets stop and their eyes go blank like they are in a trance. 'Ayato seems frozen in time like he is remembering something, maybe I will-' "Cordelia". Yui gasps loudly before taking a step back, hitting a body behind her. Yui looks up and sees Avalynn smiling down at her. "Ain't you just a peach? Going through every single door, an' making a racket like you own the place." "B-but I.." "Go on now. Try to find what you need somewhere, yeah?" Yui nodded hastily before running out the door. The triplets stared at Avalynn like in 'Thanks'. "what ya doin' here Lynn?"

Laito and Kanato noticed he didn't give her a degrading nickname like he usually does with other girls. "Her constant noise-making *ss woke me up from my nap with Shu." "Shu?" Kanato says tensing up around Teddy. "Do you hate me? Do you wish for my death? Do you..." "Woah, woah pause. What the heck got your panties in a twist sugarplum?" Kanato's jaw dropped after she interrupted and Laito laughed. Ayato was looking back and forth between Avalynn and his brothers then grits his teeth before teleporting. "I suppose that you want some of me to yourself huh sweet pea?" Kanato just nodded shyly grabbing her arm. Avalynn just smiled and looked up toward laito. Laito bowed his head playfully before continuing his session with his piano. Kanato tugged her sleeve before they both walked out of the room and made it to the kitchen. Kanato let go of her sleeve before sitting on a stool beside the counter. "Im gonna assume you want something sweet to eat?" Kanato nodded before looking down at Teddy. Avalynn thought carefully about what to make that would appease Kanato. "I can make this recipe from a dessert I ate long ago. That okay?" Kanato didn't respond so she took it as a yes. 

She looked around to in her ingredients in easy spots. Apples in a fruit basket by the fridge, sugar in a big glass container beside the salt and pepper all labeled (Thanks Reiji :), the brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg on the shelf above the white sugar. Then she grabbed, what she assumed was a nonstick pan, and proceed to turn on the heat. As the pan began to get hotter, then she grabbed the butter, which was in a glass tub, from the fridge and add half a cup of butter to melt. While the butter was melting, she began to peel and cut the apples into wedges, it practically took seconds to do so. Once she was done with that and the butter was melted, she added the apples into the pan, stirring them a little bit to coat them all and placing a lid on top on low heat. Once about 20 minutes have passed, she add all her spices into the pan once again and stirred. Kanato, at this point, was getting antsy wondering what she was making but also impatient since it took so long. The lid was placed back on top and waited a little bit longer, then in 10 minutes the lid was removed a sugary aroma was in the air. Kanato was salivating at the smell but wiped his mouth to not embarrass himself. Avalynn then placed a helping of the apples onto a saucer before serving it to him and herself. 

"Do you have Ice cream?" "Yes, I do." Avalynn nodded before going into the freezer to grab the ice cream, once she found it, she placed a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of his and place the ice cream back. "Dig in. These are called fried apples from what I remember." Avalynn took a bite before sighing in bliss. Kanato poked at it with his spoon and noticed her reaction, then took a scoop to his mouth. Chew, Chew, Chew, Chew, Swallow. He paused as if he was a statue that scarfed down the whole plate and gave the plate to her and shook it around. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN? THIS IS REALLY GOOD! I MUST KNOW! GIVE IT TO ME...please." He mumbled the last bit. Avalynn got up and made him another serving and handed it to him. He scarfed that down as well and burped loudly, he looked down at his stomach like he was amazed at how the stomach worked. Avalynn laughed out loud which did embarrass kanato so he hid his face behind Teddy. "Don't you laugh at me? Do you think this is funny?" "I know that was funny. That's what my mom's recipe does to the people." Kanato stopped his beginning tantrum and questioned her about her mother. Avalynn paused in thought before saying "It's been a long time since I thought about her. My mother was nice enough to others but to me, well that's a different story. My mom made these recipes all the time and tried again and again to perfect them but it just wasn't meant to be. Her frustrations often to the best of her and just drove her to the obsession with being perfect. I tried to do my own to show her that her way wasn't the correct way, but she would throw out the food that wasn't flawless in her eyes, which caused a lot of waste and she would punish me for that as well. She would say I wouldn't amount to a great prodigy like her so I changed my focus to be me for me."

Kanato looked dazed from the sneak bit of her past before mumbling something that made Avalynn wide-eyed. "For what it's worth, that dish was pretty tasty. Make some stuff to eat like those." Kanato teleported away and Avalynn stared down at her plate and scarfed down her plate as well. Avalynn then proceeded to clean the kitchen and her mess before going up into her room and falling asleep.

 Avalynn then proceeded to clean the kitchen and her mess before going up into her room and falling asleep

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