Chapter 16

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Ritcher clicked his tongue and said harshly, "Who are you to question us, mortal?" Laito and Kanato chuckled under their breath while reiji just sighed in exasperation. "Hm, common sense seemed lost in 'em, it seems. Are you sure your mother is a threat? Her intelligence seemed to get brushed aside by her arrogance."

"Come now, my darling. Mother has just come back to entertain us all.." Avalynn caught Laito off by cuffing her hand underneath his neck. "Hm, you said that on purpose, didn't you, my little prince?" Laito chuckles and looks defiantly toward Avalynn. " You perverts can continue that later." "Now, little brother, if you wanted to join, you could've said so-" " Not anytime in your life, hentai!" " Oh, so your what your saying is I have a chance with you, hun~." Subaru blushed heavily, which made Shu smirk. Reiji just shook his head in annoyance before an irritating voice cut in. "Shut up! Your insolent blabbering has gone on for long enough. Ritched dispose of them at once." She soon reaches for something in her dress but gasps aloud, looking around for it. 'Impossible! I could swear I placed it on myself to exterminate the little pests.' Avalynn noticed her little search and started to laugh, which caught everybody's attention. "You. What are you laughing about? You are just trying to cover up your fear, right?" Cordelia scowled at her. Avalynn shook her head and covered her mouth to excuse herself. "N-No, that's *chuckles* not it at all. *laughs* It's comical that you don't expect someone to stop your mediocre plan. Your face while looking for the knife, too, it is quite amusing." Cordelia gasps and takes a shaky step back into Richter. "How? Subaru gave the little girl the knife to kill himself with." She yelled furiously, irritated at Avalynn's expression.

Avalynn clapped dramatically as if she was surprised. She soon revealed in her hand was Subaru's knife. Richter's eyes squinted and shone an emotion before going back to a detached state. "I took this knife of his when I was up there with you, along with the strawberries." She smiled and handed Subaru the knife back. Subaru looked shocked but nodded his head in thanks. "That knife could disintegrate them in an instant. Am I correct to assume so?" "Yes. That shows how much I love them. Now dispose of them quickly. I would be more than happy to make you the next head of the family." Cordelia grinned, peering down at the brothers. "And what about her? That woman, what shall we do with her?" Richter asked, which made some brothers tense and slightly crowd towards Avalynn.

"Do whatever you want with her after I have the pleasure of ruining her." She laughs aloud as her master plan would work. "You utter fool," Cordelia gasps while taking a step back. "You are nothing more than damaged goods. Did you think I wanted you? You are the most selfish, manipulative, twisted harlot I have ever regretted meeting." Richter turned towards her, and his face showed disdain. Cordelia trembled as his next words coursed through her like a dagger. "I have no use for you, Cordelia, for I promised something more from an individual who keeps their promises." Ritcher looks slowly down below, and Cordelia follows his gaze toward Avalynn. Avalynn smiled and waved to Cordelia as she screamed in disbelief. "No! How could this be? You were meant for me and to be only mine? You had another besides me? What does she have that I do not? I have kept by my side for years! You were going to have everything you wanted!" She raged and yelled from the top of her lungs. "That's the thing, Cordelia, with your second-rate thought process. He wants something that can and will be given to him through actions instead of just words." Richter nodded his head solemnly before teleporting to Avalynn. She hands him a pouch filled with something before nodding and opening a portal. He walks into the portal and disappears without a trace while Cordelia stands there in disbelief.

"Now that the fun and games are over, my dears~. Why don't yall have a little fun with our dear guest here while Reiji figures out a potion to get the vindictive woman out of the girl?"

The triplet's eyes filled with glee, and all the brother's eyes glowed with either revenge or sadism.

The triplet's eyes filled with glee, and all the brother's eyes glowed with either revenge or sadism

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