Chapter 20!

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Yui POV:

'I can try to convince them to lighten up around me. Like all vampires, they need to suck blood so then maybe I can enjoy my time here without being a blood bag. And I was taking a nice hot bath too, why must I be stuck here and listen to his rambles?' Yui pouted in her head while she stood beside Yuma. Yuma grabbed her out of the bathroom for "taking too long" and commanded her to help him with gardening. 'Father and I didn't need to lower ourselves to their level.' "And if I never met him then I would've been..." " Him? Who are you talking about?" Yuma shoved a cherry tomato in her mouth to shut her up. "Don't ask me stupid questions. Just do as your told." "These are delicious!" Yui smiled while looking down at the rest of the plants. She picked another from a stalk before eating it and did it again. "Tch, you self-righteous pig. What makes you think you have the right to not ask for another?" "Eh? Yuma, I am sorry. I just assumed-" "That's the problem with you humans. Assuming the worst out of everybody, but don't worry. We'll have to fix that bad habit of yours." Yuma smirked before teleporting behind her and biting her shoulder. She does manage to get away a bit before getting herself pinned against the greenhouse. Her mouth turned into a euphoric smile as if her plan was working. As her blood was getting sucked, she managed to open her eyes to see a womanly figure leaning on top of the wall. She recognized the figure and gasped loudly in shock before fainting. Yuma stopped and turned around to see the same figure too. She waved before disappearing into a red-violet swirl and then nothing. 'Tch, more problems.' Yuma thought before placing the beloved Eve on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and teleporting back inside. 

"Any sign of the awakening, Yuma?" Ruki asked and closed his book dramatically. Azusa messing with the thorns from the bouquet of roses and Kou was slouching on the couch beside him, bored. "Nah, not a single thing. Tch, this is getting to be a major pain." "What..makes you say that?" Azusa asked while his attention was on the plants and one of Kou's eyes opened up. "Some woman saw me drink from the sow by the greenhouse earlier today." "Mou~ Perhaps little masokitty has a friend, hm?" "Nah, not by the way she was acting. She was acting like she enjoyed the look of pain on her face."  The brothers looked to Ruki for guidance while he drank his tea. "That woman is of no concern for us for now. However, we must all be wary of her intentions, whether she is a friend or foe we cannot lose sight of our goal. No matter what it takes we must become Adam." Ruki solemnly looks inside his empty glass cup before teleporting away. " getting too stressed about ...the plan." Both Yuma and Kou looked at Azusa quickly looking at him in disbelief. "What's wrong Azusa? Having second doubts when we came this far?" "Not doubts. Just a bad feeling is all, isn't that right Melissa?" Azusa spoke to his brothers while tracing the scar on his arm before teleporting to his room. Yuma shrugged before teleporting away as well with Kou.

The next day:

Yui was walking the hallways to her classroom by herself while muttering. "Those imbeciles. They let me come to this damn school and guard me like dogs before leaving me in the dust. Don't they know who I am? What sort of plan could they be starting? Is this some sort of test, to see if I run away? Maybe I can, nobody is here and then I can-" "And here I thought you have grown some manners while you were away, now I see you didn't." Reiji 'appeared' beside yui,(when in reality he was leaning against the wall) startling her. "I-um-I apologize for not contacting you sooner, I was kidnapped by the mukami's and-" "I have no interest in your little sob story nor do I care who you have been with." Reiji glared at her which scared her into taking a step back and running into somebody familiar. "Why did you have to be so cruel to us little b*tch~?" Yui turned around frightened and realized it was Laito standing behind. "Such a shame with all the fun times we had together, you were getting cozy with the half-breeds," Laito said sarcastically while his eyes gleamed with disgust. "I wasn't getting comfortable with-" "So now the wench is lying" Another voice scared Yui only to see kanato eyes glaring at her with anger while his face was mostly covered by Teddy. "I should say that I am surprised would be a lie. After all, Avalynn was the one who told us where you were and what you were doing." Yui eyes widened with shock before a slimmer of anger appeared in her eyes before a mask of distress spilled on her face which did not miss the eyes of the brothers. "Im-am so sorry" yui mumbled 'remorse' flooded through her veins. "My my that is right. Ayato couldn't take too much of what Avalynn and went to his room and not be seen for awhile." "So he cut class once again." "Why yes indeed reiji. What a callous thing to do." Laito and reiji had their little chit-chat while yui stared at kanato in a daze and kanato glared right back. "What? You wanted to say something. Go on say it." The hallway was filled with tension and silence. Yui 'woke up' from her daze before looking around for an escape. "Now now boys. Don't be too hard on the poor girl. After she was kidnapped and nothing she could do~." Another figure said to Avalynn in the flesh. Laito's eyes softened a bit before walking towards her along with kanato. Reiji seemed indifferent but less tense than before. Yui noticed the difference in the actions of the brothers between her and Avalynn. "Ara, you missed that much. You saw me not even a few hours ago." "But darling, your presence fills me with desire and a craving for more~" "Oi Laito, stop hogging her like you always do." Laito and kanato bickering while Avalynn stared between the two, a bit happy. She nodded towards reiji in greeting before reiji gave one back. "Wh-when did you get so comfy with them?" The silence came back in a rush causing a shiver down her spine. "That's none of your concern mortal, go back to those stinking halfbreeds." Kanato angrily stated while tightening his hold on Avalynn's arm. "Now kanato we must be patient with girls like her. The church girls seem to be full of grace and forgiveness but not common sense." Yui stared aghast before muttering "What's that supposed to mean?" Avalynn just stared at her before petting kanato's head to calm him down. "Little bitch was enjoying getting her blood sucked by those vermin hm~." Laito walked around yui like she was prey. Yui stared at the floor before noticing the fact that her little toy wasn't there. "So Ayato didn't come-" she echoed loudly only to notice they all disappeared. As she looked around her she noticed a piece of paper on the floor and approached it. As she read her face turned pale before dropping it to the floor and running away to her class.

As she ran away, a figure teleported into the same hallway caught the paper, and put it in his pocket before looking around in disgust. He teleported away to report his findings.

 He teleported away to report his findings

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You all are gonna love chapter 21. Sorry, it took so long. I was trying to update my Twilight book at the same time but I might be experiencing writer's block lol. But don't worry, the next chapter is going to be quite dramatic if I do say so myself. Keep up them comments and have a blessed day/night. 

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