Chapter 10

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Yui POV.

That girl managed to get them all under her little spell, except for Ayato-kun. Ayato-kun would never fall for such sinful events from her. Such displays are against the church's teachings and I must cleanse her of this evil doing, it's the devil's work. "Maybe while doing so, I can convince her to take my place and I can escape from this place" mumbling to myself not noticing a certain somebody calling my 'name'.

"Oi Chichinashi, yours truly was calling for you. You're getting a little too arrogant to think I won't suck you dry." Ayato stops up to me and grins with glee. I shivered at the thought, my plan must start soon before I end up being drained. " i-I apologize Ayato-kun, I w-was um...thinking about the new girl! Yeah.." I said nervously hoping ayato took the bait. Ayato's grin was wiped off his face before turning blank.

I was worried so decided to try and snap him out of it. "Uh Ayato-kun, are okay?" and waved my head in front of his face several times but ended up having my hand caught by his hand. "Oh,  seems like you are eager to please yours truly." "Huh? N-no that wasn't" "Yours truly will not hear your squabbles and only accept your screams." He then drags me away and I try to fight back but it's useless.

"Ayato stop that once. We are leaving and home now." "Don't have to tell me twice four eyes but why?" "You'll know soon enough." Ayato then lets me go but I pick up my step not wanting to leave me alone. I have to have that girl's help, she is my ticket out of here. "Hurry up Chichinashi, I still gotta give you your punishment later." I gulped before speeding up more than before. It's not long before we make it outside and I see the rest of the brothers there, but also that girl! She was there talking with Laito and petting Kanato's head like they won't attack her.

What did she do to get them on her side? Ayato seems to notice her as well before tensing his muscles but keeps moving forward. The girl noticed us coming before smirking in our direction and waving with the hand that was petting kanato. He seemed upset by the change in her attention and he tugs on her sleeve like a child. She turns her attention to him before smiling at him and petting him once more. Kanato closes his eyes again and relaxes. Laito looks on still smirking and walks into the Limo.

The girl went in next and kanato rushed after she did and the rest of us went afterward. As the Limo ride went on, Laito has his full attention on the girl and she just keeps petting kanato. Ayato seems tense as he sits right next to her too. I wonder why?
"Ayato-kun, are you okay?"
"Of course I am! Yours Truly doesn't need your concern."
"Now now ayato, bitch-chan seems a little eager for attention. If you're not going to give her some then I can assist."
"Yours truly does not need your..."
A brief dark pressure washed over the car and both of them stop talking. I noticed everybody looking toward the girl but she seems calm so I don't understand. I look at everybody hoping for someone to explain what happened not noticing the girl's face becoming a frown. The guys and I were quiet for the rest of the ride and rushed out of the Limo before the girl and kanato did. The girl then looked up at me and smirked before leaving. I just stared confused and annoyed. My questions should have been answered by now.

Why is the girl here? Is she here for school or something personal? She wouldn't be so blind as to fall for them could she? No, no she must know, she has to know, how she is acting toward kanato and Laito. She must have kanato as a favorite, I don't understand how though since he is a whiny, selfish bloodsucker. Both he and Laito can go with her for all I care after all she wants to act like a sinful creature then she deserves to be with them. But, Ayato is mine, after all, he always comes to me. There is no one else for him but me and he said he loves me and my takoyaki recipe.

Maybe I can convince her to ask Reiji to release some restraint on my stay here at the mansion. Yeah! That'll work since she seems to bare herself to them like a whore. She needs my guidance to be blessed by the lord and enter into heaven when we die. I manage to make it to my room before changing into my pajamas and seeing a note on my dresser.

Yui, there will be a dinner party tonight with a special guest. You will dress properly for this occasion. Do not disappoint or else you will receive punishment.

I shake my head and wonder if the girl is the special guest. She couldn't be that special could she? Is she another bride like I am? Was she sent by the church? I need to help her! She needs my help and I can use that to my advantage.

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