Chapter 2

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Sakamaki Houshold

As the sakamaki siblings sat down at the dining room table waiting for their sacrificial bride. Shu was listening to music, Subaru was looking out the window, Kanato was talking to teddy, laito had his eyes closed and laughed occasionally. Ayato bursts in the door smirking before heading to his seat. A minute later, comes in the bride herself Yui Komori. Yui looks around looking skittish before taking a seat beside ayato. Reiji begins eating and so does the rest of the brothers (except shu of course).

However, yui does not begin to eat rather she looks around the room at the siblings and their lack of talking during the dinner

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However, yui does not begin to eat rather she looks around the room at the siblings and their lack of talking during the dinner. "You haven't eaten very much, Little Bitch. You should eat more or you could become anemic. Would you like my help?" Laito says smirking leaning closer to yui's face. "Laito, it's bad manners to stand up at the dinner while everyone else is eating" reiji says without looking up from his table. "Yes sir. We'll continue this some other time Little Bitch" Laito says to Yui walking back to his seat. Yui just grasps her chest to calm herself down before gasping since seeing Shu standing up from the table. "This is a pain" he says leaving the room without eating any of the food. Reiji just sighs out loud before insulting his older brother and dismisses everyone fom the table. Everyone leaves while yui stands up from the table slowly before pushing in her chair. "Hold on a second, your table manners are deplorable. I suppose I shall discipline you one of these days because of your poor actions. Are we clear?" Reiji says glaring at the poor girl. Yui shakily says yes before leaving in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Laito was playing darts in their game room and Ayato manspreading on the couch before asking what laito wanted. Laito throws his 2nd dart before answering "You missed quite the show at school when you left with Little Bitch." "Eh! Who is it? And why should I care? Ore-sama shouldn't be affiliated with those humans" He says standing up. Laito chuckles before saying "Just the fact we might a little new pawn. This new girl is anything I've seen before. How she acts, wears and she is just.." Laito moans at the thought of her. Ayato makes grunts."If this one of your toys count me out, I'm only interested in pancake and her blood".He leaves before laito says out loud "She wasn't even curious about us when the dolls at our beloved school blocked the entrance and almost got in a fight trying to leave." Ayato stops with the door open before closing it behind him. While, Ayato was heading to Yui's room both Laito and Ayato smirk and mentally think..

Things are gonna be fun...

Yui Komori, the newest sacrificial bride, has been in thought for the past few minutes. The sacrifial bride was walking slowly through the halls while thinking of the new student. "Maybe she can be my friend. Yeah! And then I can get..."."Get what Pancake?" "Ayato!" Yui yelped slightly jumped. Ayato was seen leaning on the wall by her bedroom before heading towards her. Yui starts to walk a couple steps backwards but by then ayato grabbed her arm to drag her towards him. "Now Pancake, it's not right to walk away from Yours Truly. Wasn't it me your thinking about? Maybe you wanted Yours Truly to a have a taste of your blood?"

Yui grunts and actively rejecting to not wanting to get bit again however Ayato doesn't listen and leans into take a bite but someone interrupts them."Oi hysteric, what do think your doing interrupting my meal?" "Neh, Yui do you like Ayato more than me?" Kanato says ignoring Ayato and in response he lets out a 'tch' noise before leaning from her neck look at him angrily. Yui breathes out softly before stuttering out a no. Kanato does like look pleased before he startes to berate both Yui and Ayato for being stupid and inconsiderate. Ayato just looks at him in annoyance while yui tries to calm kanato down. "Since you don't like me much, how about I try that new doll at school today." "Y-you mean the new girl? N-no! She shouldn't be apart of this life yet kana-" "No...who are you tell me no mortal?" Kanato says eerily calm. Ayato releases Yui and Yui decides to walk backwards while trying to explain herself and kanato walks towards her. Ayato says to 'not drain her dry' and teleports away.

Yui stares at where Ayato was, scared and shocked before running away towards her room. Kanato laughs outloud before mumbling to teddy about the new girl hoping to be better than the pesky human.

 Kanato laughs outloud before mumbling to teddy about the new girl hoping to be better than the pesky human

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