Chapter 14

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Each of the Sakamaki brothers soon sensed a couple of troublesome presences in the mansion. All of them were cautious because of the awakening with their one and o. Avalynn was napping when she sensed the presence and smiled to herself. "Fufufu, what's got you smiling choco-chan~." Avalynn opened her eyes, noticing that Laitonnwas above her, disturbing her slumber. "Wow, such an original nickname you came up with Laito." Laito clicked his tongue playfully leaning slightly towards her ear.
"Mou~, I didn't think you had such a label like that, darling." Avalynn stayed silent but still smiled. Laito looks on for a bit, just staring around her face and body. "This seems like the wrong time to point out that a beloved family member is here, huh?" Laito still smiled but could tell it turned fake with his eyes closed. But his hands slowly squeezed my shoulders. Avalynn smirked before trailing my hands against his face. His eyes opened before following my hand's motion.

"So... how much would your mother dearest be mad that I take your attention?" Avalyn asked cheekily. Laito caught my little innuendo and smirked before trialing his hands against my chest, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. She shrugged before kissing his nose. He scrunched his face at the action, which caused me to chuckle. Laito chuckled along, going to my ribs to tickle me. So they had a little tickle contest before we rolled off the bed and laughed loudly at our fun. Avalynn ran her hands through his hair to make it look wild. "What are you thinking in that pretty head of yours?" She just smiled before flopping her body on top of his. "I admit this is not my usual type of fun, Darling~." "Fun can't be sex all the time, laito dear. Sex is merely a lustful distraction towards others, and it dissipates after the deed is done unless your whoredelia then -" laito quickly turned positions and looked down upon her like he was angry.

Laito soon chuckled and then laughed so hard that he rolled off of me. "Well, I never heard anybody call my mother that before," Laito said, sitting up with him recovering from his sudden laugh session. Avalynn just stared at him, giving him her full attention. "But you forgot a.few.extra.steps.~" laito cheekily states, crawling towards her. She just watched him closer and closer before he ended up kissing her. She backed away from the kiss quickly before looking at him confused. "Didn't I just say that we can't have sex all the time, dear?" "You did. But, for your plan to work and make my mother jealous, you have to smell what love-making we did together." Laito says, kissing me again.


As Cordelia was lying on the couch grinning and having a good time with Richter while drinking a glass of blood wine, a figure appeared down below, staring at them condescending. "Well, it does appear that what my uncle tells me is true. You have returned Cordelia." Reiji says, looking at them as if they were pests. Cordelia giggled and sat up with the glass of blood wine in her hand. "It has been a long time, Reiji. There's no need to stare at me so viciously. You look just like my love Karlheinz back in the day." Cordelia sighed slyly and reminisced about her 'love' time with her beloved. Reiji scrunched his eyes before pushing up his glasses and looking towards his uncle Richter.  Cordelia clicked her tongue in annoyance at his attention being elsewhere other than herself and tensed slightly. "Don't be so dull. Come closer and entertain me." Cordelia looked at him and noticed that Reiji teleported near her. 

Cordelia giggled once again before walking towards Reiji with a grin and placing her glass on the desk beside her. She caressed her hand across his face before throwing his glasses on the ground. "What of my uncle? Surely, he has some objections to your provocative ways towards my father while he is placed on the side. But, I guess there wasn't a bond, to begin with a woman like you. " Cordelia just grinned before grabbing Reiji's neck and bringing him closer. "My plan to have Karl accept my love involves Richter, but he doesn't mind, and you have my attention. You have become the man Beatrix wanted you to be, and I relish in it." She says as she kisses Reiji's neck. "So you want my father to accept your so-called love whether he wants to or not?" Reiji questioned before Cordelia silenced him by kissing him. The kiss dragged on a bit before she leaned away. Richter squeezed his arms in jealousy, which got Reiji's attention but wasn't noticeable to Cordelia.

Cordelia grinned once more, leaning to Reiji's face. "You need to learn when to enjoy the moment and silence that mouth of yours~. But, yes my desire to kill him is the greatest proof of my love." Cordelia sighs before sneaking a glance at Richter. Richter was leaning against the wall by the chair Cordelia sat before but had his eyes closed. Cordelia smirked wider before looking at reiji once again. "We have all the time in the world to enjoy our pleasure with each other. Now, Come to me." Reiji stared at her as if he was memorized. Cordelia leaned in thinking he was smitten with her but a chuckle came out of him. Cordelia's grin dropped quickly before looking at him with confusion. "I'll think I'll have to pass. Corrupt women with loose morals are certainly not my type. I'm not the least bit attracted to you." Reiji utters with certainty. Cordelia's face soon drops and then scowls before reigning back her hand.


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