Chapter 11

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As the night went on with the brothers doing their activities, Yui was involuntarily going through the sakamaki brothers' past. Yui was beside a tree peaking in on the purple-haired woman's conversation with a green-haired male. She soon recognized her from earlier encounters in the room she is banned from and her dreams. She gasps out loud which causes the female figure to stare at her.

Time seemed to still as those chilling green eyes stared into Yui's sherbet eyes. Yui's chest then started to hurt slightly so she then crouched in pain before the area around her changed. She then appeared in a garden of flowers. 'These flowers look like the ones at the mansion.' As she walked through the flowers she noticed a small white child looking above towards a tower. In that tower had a white-haired, red-eyed woman who look dully back at the boy before turning away in disdain. The child then tightened his hand around what it looks like a knife. 'Why was that woman locked away?' 'Who was that woman?' 'The brothers must have had a rough time as children.'

Yui blinked for a couple of seconds before noticing the area changing again to a forest-like area. A girl was laying against a tree with a piece of grass in her mouth. She looked as if she was working hard on something but seemed carefree. "This plan is becoming a real hassle. I want it to speed up already. Ugh!" The girl complained out loud before waving her hands around in irritation. Yui then decided the let out a chuckle before covering her mouth in fright.

"Ah! We have a visitor, don't worry I won't bite." "W-w-who are you?" "Little miss interrogator already huh yui?" "How d-do you know who I am?!" "Lower your voice girlie. Ya don't want that woman to notice ya hear do ya?" "H-how do you know about that? I didn't-" "I know girlie. No reason to ask so many questions if nobody is gonna answer without a price." The girl chuckles before yui steps back in utter fear. Pressure-like aura soon develops around yui before yui falls to her knees and grasps the pink jeweled cross necklace. The girl laughs in delight and walks towards yui.

"S-stay back I'm warning you d-demon!" "You know what they say about assuming yui dear?" The girl soon made it in from of yui and yui slowly shakes her head no. "It makes an *ss out of you and me." The girl then tapped on Yui's forehead causing her to pass out. The girl grabs yui before laying her down on the ground beside her. "Oh. Apologies for the cussing, I know you're a saint in the eyes of your lord and savior however it ain't gonna work here." The girl soon sighed before getting up and leaving. But she noticed the wind picked up a bit and Yui's body was gone. "Looks like it's finally going my way huh?" She mumbled to herself walking away from the area.

Yui then woke up in distress after noticing pain in her forehead. She shook her head trying to relieve herself from it and then looks around. "Oi Chichinashi! What are you doing here? I've been calling for you?" "I-I'm sorry Ayato-kun. I don't remember anything." "Eh,  so you don't why you are in the sewers. It's dangerous down here when it floods." "N-no, I don't. Why does my head hurt?" She gasps remembering why her head hurt. 'That girl. Who was she? Why does she know me? She must know about the brother to be there. Did she want to get close to them? If I see her again I must stop her from trying.' "My my you are thing quite hard bitch-chan. I can practically see the smoke from here." Yui and ayato turn around to notice Laito walking towards them. "Tell us is it about me and ayato here ready to have a taste? I'm glad I made it down here in time, let's all enjoy this little moment together." "I am parched after trying to find my meal," Ayato smirks at her and she tries to run away but then stops at the gated door a few feet ahead. 'The more they suck my blood, maybe I can convince them to treat me nicer. I can maybe get all of them to like me too and then..." "Oh, bitch-chan. Have you given up already? You have to make it more fun for us." Laito moves in closer toward her face. Yui tries to stutter out something hoping it would 'stop' them from ayato shoving laito out of the way and taking his first bite of Yui's neck. "That's the taste I remember, give me more." Ayato sucks more before yui moans slightly. Ayato notices something but Laito asked his turn. Ayato nodded before making room for him.

Laito then lowers himself and being up her leg, revealing her thighs from out her night dress. Yui tries to 'shake him off' which causes laito to grab tighter. "Don't bother, you can't get away from me. The more you struggle and fight against me, the more I squeeze and bite hoping for more of that exquisite expression you make little bitch. So hold still so I can give you some of my love~." Laito took his bite and ayato does the same in the same neck area. Yui 'struggles more but relishes the pain from both of them.

Ayato notices that she enjoys this and pulls away. "Damn, I'm bored with this, enjoy her for the time being." Ayato walks away back to the entrance of the sewers. Laito notices that his older brother is acting differently but continues to drink. 'Could it be that blood is not effective? N-no cause laito is still drinking. It should be working! I- I don't understand..." yui soon faints not noticing on the other side of the gated door is a figure staring at them. For they saw the whole exchange and disappeared without a trace.

 For they saw the whole exchange and disappeared without a trace

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