Chapter 15

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The tension surrounded both reiji and Cordelia, while Richter has not moved a muscle. "You should know better than to fight when you are outnumbered, Mother." The youngest of the triplets appeared smirking. "Laito..." "I'm quite surprised to see you here. I've figured I see you in hell." Laito smiled sarcastically. "My dear, I apologize for not living up to your expectations." "No don't apologize, this is better than I could have imagined." Laito tilted his head and his smirk turned into a grin.

Cordelia had a smirk on her face until a scent came from him that she knew what he was doing all too well. With his hair slightly disheveled and his shirt along with tie loose, she can figure out what he was doing before he stepped in. "Why that little-" her thought was interrupted when Kanato teleported into the room next. "Come to Mommy, my little songbird. Entertain me like you did when you were younger." Kanato squeezed his arms around Teddy tighter, glaring at Cordelia. "Could it be you mother? I don't understand how or why but it doesn't matter to me anymore." Cordelia gasps at her middle triplet words before putting on her traditional smirk. Laito noticed her actions before giving a little chuckle.

"Shut your mouth, Cordelia." The youngest of the sakamaki siblings, Subaru appeared. Subaru grits his teeth, looking angrily at the pair above them. "Neither of you belong here. Get lost!" Subaru walks toward kanato and Laito but a few feet from them. "You put on the tough guy act so well Subaru, such as shame that your mother suffered such a fate." "Oh, that's right! He couldn't save his mother." Cordelia covered her mouth but laughs which pisses off Subaru. Subaru laughed himself towards both of them before Richter twisted his wrist and pushed him away, avoiding his kick. Subaru landed right in the middle of kanato and Laito rubbed his wrist. Laito and Kanato nodded their head towards Subaru and he nodded back.

"Feel free to challenge me as much as you like. None of you are a match for me." Richter exclaims and reiji walks down the steps calmly. The pair didn't notice a red-violet murky portal appear and a hand grabbed reiji's glasses before quickly retracting back into the portal and then disappearing.

A deep chuckle resonated through the room. "Are you sure about that?" "What was that?" "You are the one putting on a show, uncle." "What are you trying to say, Shu?" The oldest of the sakamaki was revealed to be lying on the sofa by the table downstairs. Shu sat up and groaned not wanting to deal with the two buffoons. "Face it, you are a loser. You are not even worthy enough to lick Karlheinz's boots. You'll never be head of this family." Shu said seriously and enough to aggravate Richter.

"Is this the best entertainment that you can muster up? What a bore!" Cordelia says bored of the dramatics while walking closer to Richter. "You know what the worst part is? You are keeping me from becoming the vibrant that I deserve to be!" Cordelia exclaims. A figure soon materialized on the balcony where the two were beside the counter with the wine and strawberries from before. The figure ate a strawberry or two before sipping a glass of wine.

"Ya know, I have to disagree with that statement there. The vibrant self you speak of is not a good thing for you or anybody else for that matter. No wonder your father married you off so quickly." Cordelia gasped quickly before turning around toward the voice but the figure was gone. Both Cordelia and Richter were looking around (Cordelia was looking frantic) to where the voice was coming from. "You boys! You planned this, didn't you? An assassin perhaps or maybe a cursed spirit of those retched brides but no matter. Richter shall dispose of you, right now-" "woah woah woah, don't get your tits in a twist there whoredelia- well if you had any." The figure soon emerged beside Subaru and laito.

"Well my darling~, you showed up just in time."

"You sure took your time."  

"Hello there Lynn. Teddy and I are glad to see you."

"Hm, troublesome woman. Couldn't miss the spectacle now could you?"

"Awe reiji. I couldn't miss all the fun. Oh! And by the way..." a blob appeared in front of reiji to reveal his discarded glasses from before. Reiji grabbed the pair before sighing and nodding in thanks. A sword was drawn and pointed to Avalynn threatening. Who are you to interfere in a family affair?"

"Oh, that's funny that you think you have the authority to ask who I am?"

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