31 Was she the one?

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31 Was she the one?

Arnav's mind didn't get into anything. He was thinking about Khushi and her cheesy talks. That was the first time she spoke to him like that. She fought with him, argued with him but never spoke lovingly with him like how she did that morning. She asked about his presence at home... was she going to come to RM? But why? What would be the reason for her sudden change?

Arnav came out and saw Lavanya having coffee with Ratna. He came and sat with them.

"Hariprakash, bring me coffee," he said.

HP came out of the kitchen and nodded ok. He rushed to the kitchen again.

"What's your program today?" he asked Lavanya.

She stopped sipping the coffee and looked at him and then at Ratna who was also looking at him.

"My program???" Lavanya shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh yeah, you are a changed girl now. Usually, you would not stay at home on Sundays..." He said.

"My dear brother, I'm a changed girl but why are YOU changing now?"

"Me? When did I change?"

"From when did you start caring about my program and all?"

"I just asked. Should not I?"


"By the way, what did you do with the ring you bought for your friend?"

Lavanya and Ratna were again stuck.

"Why? Are you going to give it to your would-be-wife?"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"How did you buy the ring without knowing about her interest? See, you wasted a few lakhs..."

"Chotte, what happened to you? Why are you bothering about the ring?"

"Arnav, I have another plan. However, it will reach Khushi"

"How? Are you going to her house to give it to her?"

"Me, going to her house? No... she denied taking it when I gave it here. Then, how will she accept it if I go to her house? I don't think, it works"


"I will give it to her as her wedding gift"

"Wedding? When is her wedding?" Arnav asked hurriedly, making them jerk.

"Chotte... relax... why are you shocked?"

"No... I mean... she is my PA and I don't know about her wedding... that's why"

"She is not your PA but Aman's"

"From tomorrow, she will be mine"


"Yeah, I decided to relieve Akash as he is getting married"

"YOU decided to relieve him because he is getting married?"

Arnav nodded yes.

"whaWhat happened to you, Chotte? From when did you care about others?"

"Won't I care?"

"Would you?"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Did Khushi agree to be your PA?"

"Why won't she agree?"

"I can't believe this" Ratna raised her brows.

"If you have doubt, call her and ask her"

DEAL OF MY LIFE (BB S2) Completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now