26 Breathtaking Truth

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Part 26 Breathtaking Truth

Arnav was driving the car back to RM thinking about Khushi. He was losing his patience in not getting the final report from Rohan. He didn't know when Rohan would submit the exact report about Khushi. How generous she would be to ignore a diamond ring...! She didn't do it to get into their good book, he knew that. He wasn't dumb not to recognize the pretext of people. He had seen many people in his career who did that.

Khushi was a nice girl. Yet. He didn't want to get close to her by HEART because he sensed he forgot his Khushali whenever he was with Khushi. He would get away from her completely if it got confirmed that she was not his Khushali but until that, he had to be with her... to know the truth... to get the confirmation she was not Khushali.


In the meanwhile,


Shashi was searching for something in the table drawer. He got stuck seeing a horoscope of Khushi. He called Garima. She came and her face drained, seeing the horoscope in Shashi's hand.

"What is this Garima?"

"I was supposed to tell about it... but before that you found it"

Shashi understood the purpose of the horoscope.

"I can understand what's there in your mind, Garima"

That was when Khushi entered GH. She stopped hearing Shashi saying,

"How could we do this to Khushi?"

"Why? Why should not we?"

Khushi could not understand what they were talking about.

"Can't we decide? Are not we her parents?"

"Are we?" Shashi asked which made Khushi freeze.

What did that mean? Khushi's heart raced in fear. She hid herself to hear more.

"Tell me Garima... how did you get this FAKE horoscope?"

FAKE horoscope? But why? Khushi was confused.

"I created it assuming," Garima said.

"Assuming means?"

"I chose the GOOD TIME in her birth date and asked the astrologer to write her horoscope according to the time"

"But why? What's necessary?"

"My friend wants her son to marry Khushi. The boy looks handsome. He earns in six digits..."

Cutting her,

"So?" Shashi asked in a rough tone.

"I want Khushi to marry him"

"So, you created a FAKE horoscope of Khushi?"

"Don't you want to get her married?"

"This is not an answer to my question"

"What's your question?"

"This is not done... don't you feel guilty while doing this?"

"Why would I? What's wrong I'm doing?"

"Touch your heart and say, you are not doing wrong? Khushi is not our daughter. We didn't know her birth time but only her date. That too Khushi told us."

"We may not be her biological parents but, we are the ones who raised her. When she stood alone, losing her father in the flood, we were the ones who embraced her as our child..." she choked.

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