32 Doubt

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Part 32 Doubt

"Chotte... I have found her...! Finally, I found our Khushali" Arvind rushed inside happily.

Arnav straightened himself and looked at him with an unbelievable stare whereas Khushi was confused.

"What? What did you say?" Arnav asked.

"I said, I found your Khushali"

Khushi was confused. How did he find HER? When she was there, why didn't he see her face while talking about Khushali? Didn't he know it was her? But, how did he find her? Did Shashi tell him?

"How did you find her?" Arnav asked glancing at Khushi excitedly. He too was curious to hear about Khushi from him.

Ratna and Lavanya came from the kitchen with tea cups.

"Ratna, our Chotte's waiting came to an end. I found our Khushali"

"What are you saying?" Ratna asked, keeping the teacup on the tea table with an unbelievable look.

Arvind looked behind.

"Come in, beta..." he shouted.

They saw a couple entering with a young girl. She headed them with a smile.

"She is our Khushali..." Said Arvind, making Arnav and Khushi shocked.

They looked at the girl unbelievably. Arnav was disappointed as he thought Khushi was his Khushali. Khushi was disappointed because she understood Arvind was lying. She didn't know whether she could tell them the truth. Her mind was struck. She stood gazing at the girl as she felt like she had seen the girl somewhere. But where? She didn't get it.

"They are her parents... I mean they brought her up. He is Kishor Bijlani, she is his wife Ankita Bijlani... and she is..."

"Hi, I'm Hilma aka Khushali," the girl said.

Arnav frowned. Khushi's eyes broadened. HILMA...! She knew this girl. She had heard her name. where? If it was some other time, Khushi would have easily caught the point but now, as her mind was in confusion, it didn't work.

"We named her Hilma because we felt Khushali is an old model name," Kishor laughed as if it was a big joke.

"Did she agree?" came from Ratna who knows about Khushali's nature.

"No... at first, she fought a lot. Then she agreed"


"We promised we would call her Khushali at home. Then only she agreed" Ankita said.

"How did you get her?"

"We found her in Kedarnath. She was crying all alone having no one. So, we took her to our home"

"Didn't she tell you about us?"

"Of course, she did..."

"Then, why didn't you bring her to us?" Ratna asked.

"We were not blessed with kids. So, we thought to keep her with us as our daughter. That's why we didn't bring her to you but she always remembered you. Her every step was in the search of you. Wherever she went she searched you. Finally, we went to Lucknow but you guys shifted to Delhi. That disappointed us. She intentionally participated in the interschool competitions only to find her friend Lavanya" Ankita said.

Khushi's mind sparkled. Now, she got the point. She remembered who the girl was. She met her in an INTER SCHOOL competition. Both their schools were finalists. Hilma's school failed in the final round. She hit her schoolmate for making a mistake that led their school to lose points. She shouted like a maniac, "This is my last year of participation. If our school won the overall trophy, that would be the TWELFTH cup of my life. Because of you, I missed it" she said while hitting the girl. Khushi could still remember the incident.

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