54 Khushi's reply

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Part 54 Khushi's reply

Arvind entered Arnav's room, looking here and there cautiously. Khushi straightened herself seeing him. She guessed why he was there. Yet, she smiled at him normally.

"Don't strain yourself, beta" Arvind said.

He saw Rithvik there with Khushi.

"Rithu, could you ask Ratna ma to bring me a cup of coffee?" He asked.

Rithvik looked at Khushi.

"Go and ask Ratna ma to bring him coffee" Khushi said.

He nodded ok and rushed to the kitchen to convey the message to Ratna.

Arvind sat in front of her. Khushi silently looked at him. She understood he was going to talk about the promise. She was right. As she expected, Arvind said,

"I'm sorry, beta, I got your promise. I don't know you are Khushali..." reading her expression.

Khushi said nothing but was looking at him quietly.

"I was so worried about Arnav's future. How could a father be happy if his son was not ready to get married? I don't know if you would be alive. We all started thinking that you could not be alive. We thought it was not possible to be alive, escaping from the brutal flood. Then, how could we have waited for you? How could we think you would come back? That's why I tried to get him married to Hilma. Yes, I lied that she was Khushali. I had no choice because I knew Arnav would not think of marrying anyone other than Khushali. That's why I lied to him only to get him married. Did I do wrong?" He asked.

Khushi was silent not answering.

"I didn't expect you would be acquainted with Hilma. You connected the dots and found out the truth that she could not be Khushali. It made me nervous. If Chotte had got to know the truth that she was not Khushali, he not only would have gotten angry with me but also would have stopped talking to me. He would have started hating me. That's why I got your promise and stopped you from telling the truth to anyone. Do you think I was wrong?"

"Honestly speaking uncle, I don't think you are right," she said without hesitation.

Arvind was indeed disappointed. He expected her to console him but Khushi being Khushi, said what was right.

"From your point, you might not be wrong but you can't say you are RIGHT because this is not your life but Arnavji's. You have all the rights to make decisions in your life but when it comes to others, you should not decide it even though they are your children"

"You mean, I should let him be single for the whole life?"

"What would have happened if I had come alive after you got him married to Hilma? Do you think Arnavji would have forgiven you?"

Arvind didn't answer. He had no guts to answer.

"Not only that, his anger turned towards Hilma and he would have divorced her for sure. You would have spoilt not only Arnavji's life but also Hilma's life because it's not all about DECISION but about FEELINGS and EMOTIONS. Playing with someone's feelings is the most dangerous thing anyone can do because we don't know how they react. Leave others, don't you know about Arnavji? You knew very well that he was not a puppet to play with. You knew his anger. Yet you dared to take the risk of deciding his life" Khushi's words were so harsh but her voice was so soft.

Arvind gulped down hard.

"I know my decision is wrong. I'm sorry for getting your promise then and I'm here to get one more promise from you"

DEAL OF MY LIFE (BB S2) Completed ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora