52 Decision Maker

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Part 52 Decision Maker (Long Update)

Lavanya's room became Arnav and Khushi's room. It had been crowded with two nurses, Raizadas and Guptas. Obviously, Arnav settled down there with his laptop.

Guptas were shocked knowing the kidnap-try. They ran to RM to see their daughter.

"What happened, Damadji? Who tried to kidnap, Khushi?" Shashi asked panicking.

"The police are investigating, uncle. They will soon find out the criminals" Arnav gave the same answer.

"You could have brought her to our house instead of RM..." Garima said hesitatingly.

"Danger is around her. How could I bring her to GH without knowing its reason? She will be safe with ONLY me and I'm very serious about it" Arnav said firmly.

Garima could not deny it.

"By the way, where is GH?" Arnav asked as if he didn't know it.

Garima was perplexed. She could not believe it was not Arnav who visited GH the other day. She decided to ask him about his visit to GH.

"A man came to GH two days ago... he was looking exactly like you... when I saw you for the first time, I thought it was you" She said hesitatingly.

"Whaaat? A man looked like me?" Arnav asked with a surprise.

Garima nodded yes whereas Shashi controlled his smile, seeing his son-in-law's acting capacity.

"I don't even know where your house is...! And you are saying I visited your house! By the way, who came to your house? Why? What his name is?"

"I don't know who he is...! He asked for Shashiji. I thought he was his friend. I went to prepare coffee for him. When I came with coffee, he was not there but left"

"Be careful, Aunty. Thieves nowadays are very smart. Don't let anyone enter your house." He warned.

Garima smiled awkwardly and Shashi smiled inwardly.

"Did you check whether all the costly things were safe?"

Garima nodded yes.

Guptas' condition was so miserable. They didn't know whether they could stay with Khushi in RM. At the same time, they could not leave Khushi. Shashi and Garima were sitting with sleeping Khushi. Arnav didn't restrict them. After all, they were her parents. They went back to Gupta house only in the night, halfheartedly because Arnav wanted them to take a rest. He ordered Mohan to drop them in GH.

Lavanya didn't know where to sleep. She knew Arnav would not allow her to sleep on the bed with Khushi. Yet, she asked.

"Arnav, shall I sleep with Khushi, arranging pillows in between us?"

"No... what if you put your leg on her in your sleep? I can't take a risk. Go to my room and sleep well"

"What will you do if I sleep in your room? Where will you sleep?"

"I will sleep here..." Arnav said casually.

"Here...? Where?" she asked, teasingly.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the couch.

"Will you be comfortable on the couch?"

"I will manage"

Lavanya sighed and went to Arnav's room.

Arnav looked at the nurses and said,

"Change the saline bottle and go and sleep in the guest room. I will call you when it's over" Arnav said.

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