14 Cotton Candy

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Part 14 Cotton Candy

Aman and Akash looked at each other getting surprised as Arnav addressed Khushi as a SOFT TOY. Did he DEGRADE her or UPGRADE her? They could not understand.

"Soft Toy and me?" Khushi asked with a weird expression.

"Then who are you? Body Builder or what?" Arnav teased and Khushi dropped her jaw. That made Aman and Akash more surprised.

"When is the Party, Aman sir?" Khushi asked.

Aman looked at Arnav.

"Tomorrow?" Arnav asked.

Aman nodded ok.

"We will discuss it in the office," Aman said and walked downstairs.

Akash nodded ok and followed him. Khushi slowed down her steps and looked at Arnav.

"Arrange the party after two days," Khushi said.

"But why?" Arnav raised his brows.

"I guess you will not come to the office tomorrow because you will catch a cold or will have a fever"

Arnav folded his hands and looked at Khushi shrinking his eyes.

"I will come to the office even if I have a fever. You don't have to bother about me"

"Who is bothering about you? I'm bothered about this office staff. You are usually intolerable... what would be their condition if you catch a cold and become more irritated?"

"However you are going to handle me, then why are you bothering about others? Mind your business"

"No one could save the person who is intentionally putting his head in the lion's mouth..." She said wearily.

"I myself a lion you know"

"Which one, the one that's on the lion dates syrup bottle?" She mocked.

"No, the one who roams all alone in the forest"

"Then why this lion is roaming in this office wearing a coat?"

Arnav got stuck. Composing himself,

"To hunt someone who doesn't know the lion's power," He said pointing at Khushi.

"All the best..." She walked off.

"Don't know who DESIGNED her...!" Arnav huffed.

When Arnav came to his cabin, he saw Akash waiting for him outside his cabin. Arnav entered and Akash followed him. In no time, Arnav sneezed. Akash looked at him and said,

"ASR, shall I bring your case? It's in the car only"

"But why?"

"To change your dress... if you stay in these wet clothes, you will have a fever"

"That's ok..." he removed his coat.

Akash was gazing at him.


Akash nodded his head.

"Go and make the arrangements for the party"

"Are you sure?"

"Are not you?"

"Yup..." Akash rushed to Aman's cabin.

Aman saw him rushing.

"What happened, Akash?"

"ASR is sneezing yet he is not ready to change the wet clothes. Please ask him to change, Aman Sir"

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