14/The Lake Of Dead

Start from the beginning

"You can climb.... can't you?" She says mystically, as she turn to me with her brow raised.

"Well.... of course!" I tell with fake enthusiasm. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to tell her the truth about why climbing trees aren't really my thing, but wouldn't it seem odd if I jumped right into the water, but didn't emidiately climb the tree? Maybe so.

"Well..." I start as I follow Kopelyn as she begins to go branch by branch up the sturdy tree. "The last time I tried to climb a tree, I was so excited, but not normal excited. I was going crazy, I was so excited. I was so excited to climb the tree that after I reached the tippy top, I was so excited that I slipped and I fell all the way down, I kid you not!"

Kopelyn snorted to herself. Most people do find that story funny, even though it's..... not.

"Okay, idiot." She says swiftly.

Oh, now she thinks she could make fun of me because she's finally comfortable.

"Oh, ha ha. Well, yeah, I was five years old and I drank too much coffee." I said the ha ha part sarcastically.

"And then I broke my rist." I added under my breath.

"Damn. You fell that hard?" Kopelyn laughs.

"Yes." I answered suddenly awkward. What must I say next? Kopelyn is finally intrigued by an extremely uninteresting story that I've told everyone since I was five. I was just now noticing that Kopelyn was actually watching me for every time that I was speaking.

You might be surprised, but most people don't actually look at me when I'm talking.

The two of us began to climb to the very top, where the air became warmer, and so much brighter. I stepped on a shorter tree branch, that emidiately broke when I stepped on it.

"Agh!" I scream shortly when I was in mid air for a moment. Kopelyn catches my wrist. "Hey, don't fall!"

"I didn't."

"You know, if you save me, I got to save you."

I can't believe that I almost fell off a tree again. I knew deep down that this would happen to me.

At the top of the tree, I was so excited that the started to scream "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!! WOO HOO! IMTHEKINGOFTHEWORLD!"

Kopelyn gives me an odd look, and then scavenges around a bit, while I was such in the mood for running and jumping, but it's hard to do that when your at the top of a tree. "Actually, if we keep on walking, we're not too far from the beach and we can write SOS in the sand." Kopelyn was mumbling mostly for only herself to hear really. I was on the other hand smelling the air.

The air, the beautiful wonderful air! The smell of the flowers, the leaves, the smoke...... smoke?

"Leo!" Kopelyn emidiately yells out.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know!" I yell back in instant panic.

The tree was infact burning.

Bright red flames were climbing up the whole side of the tree, and only a matter of time untill it falls over and Kopelyn and I die in the middle of the crackling flames.

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, climb down!" I say urgently.

"No, don't climb down. No- don't go that way!" She was already yapping as I was only trying to look for where to exit.

Now I only knew Kopelyn for a few days, but I know darn well that she's extremely fussy.

I felt the gravity suddenly pulling the tree to the ground. The two of us are guaranteed to be burnt alive right here in the middle of nowhere.

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